Chapter Fifteen: Out of My Life

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“Oh god, Jayson,” Zack moaned wiping the sweat from his forehead. “That was amazing.”

I brushed my lips against the side of his neck, but he stopped me. “No more of that,” he sighed. “I don’t think I can go another round even if I wanted to. I’m exhausted.”

“Already?” I smirked deviously latching my lips onto his. Zack’s swung himself on top of me, pressing his body against mine as we made out on top of his bed. There was nothing like good sex to clear the air between us. My hands gripped his ass, as he grinded on me, his mouth finding its way to my ear lobe.

“I thought you were exhausted,” I retorted as he nibbled, kissed and licked on my ear.

“I was,” he winked his eyes flickering to mine, then to the clock. As soon as his eyes hit the time, he jumped off of me quickly, rushing to pull his pants on.

“Zack,” I groaned as he fumbled to button his pants. “Where are you going?”

“I’m supposed to be at work right now,” he said quickly.

“I thought you were quitting,” I asked watching as he slid a shirt over his head. Zack glanced at me, shaking his head.

“Can’t,” he huffed. “I need the money.”

“Ok,” I said rolling out of his bed to grab my clothes from off the floor. I slid my boxers on, gripping my clothes in hand, as I walked out of his bedroom. It seemed like Zack had a ton of gigs now a days. Maybe this was my punishment for Noah. I had promised Zack that I wouldn’t be Noah’s friend anymore. There were no more movies, dinners or babysitting anymore – nothing.  Noah and I were just exes all over again.

I felt bad that things had to end up like this, but I had no other choice. I could only have one of them in my life. 

“Jayson, someone’s knocking at the door,” Daniel shouted. “Could you get it?”

“Why can’t you?” I hollered back.

“Because I’m doing something,” Daniel mumbled as I trudged to the front door angrily. I opened the door to see Noah. Well that was unexpected. He was the last person I thought I’d ever see.

“Noah? What are you doing here?” I said in complete shock.

“What am I doing here? Well, let me see,” Noah said pulling his cell phone out. “I’ve called you about thirty times and you haven’t responded to any of them. You’ve been ignoring me, Jayson. What’s going on?”

“Didn’t Penelope tell you?” I asked in confusion. I had told Penelope to break things off with Noah for me. But I guess she hadn’t told him. Great. This was awkward.

“Penelope didn’t tell me anything,” Noah said shaking his head. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah,” I said opening the door to let him inside. I had a feeling Noah and I were about to have a long conversation. I shut the door behind him, contemplating how I would break this to him. There was no easy way to say this. Maybe I should just rip the bandage off quickly.

Noah plopped down on the couch, playing with his hands. He had an idea what was about to happen.

“Well,” he asked his blue eyes focused on me.

“Look Noah,” I began. “There’s no easy way to say this, but you and I can’t hang out anymore. It’s just not a good idea.”

“Is this about Zack?” Noah muttered glancing at the ground.

“That’s not important,” I replied. “Noah, I have a boyfriend and I don’t want to lead you on in anyway. That wouldn’t be right. I like Zack a lot and I don’t want to screw this up.”

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