Chapter Eleven: The Truth

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It was the ultimate betrayal. Mason was fucking Brutus and I was Julius Caesar. He was the fucking Cain to my Abel. He had stabbed me in the back. How could he just sneak behind my back like that? Who knows how long they had been together or even if he fucked him? God, if Mason fucked Noah, I could never – I could never forgive him. Sure I over reacted just a tad bit, but to kiss my ex-boyfriend after everything that I had told Mason that had gone down between the two of us was unacceptable.

It just plain sucked.

I couldn’t even think about Noah without my blood pressure rising. Was this some sort of cry for fucking help? If it was, then it was the shittiest plea I had ever seen. He had sunk low even for him.

That was like me deciding that I was going to hook up with Liam. Zack was right. He had been right all along. Noah was just a selfish child, who didn’t know what the fuck he wanted. I was stupid to even have considered taking him back. It was definitely over now and I had no doubts in my mind about that.

Noah and I were never getting back together. I was fed up with his bullshit. Hell, I don’t even want to be friends with him.

I couldn’t stop replaying the kiss in my head, as I sat inside of my bedroom, staring at the wall. I’d do anything to get it out of my head, but there it was like it was glued to the back of my eyelids.

“You have some nerve coming here,” I heard Zack’s voice echo through the halls. “You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass myself. You know how Jayson feels about Noah.”

I chewed on my lower lip as I pressed my ear against my bedroom door, listening in on the conversation. Mason definitely had some balls showing up here not even three hours after I punched him.

“It’s not what it looked like!” I heard Mason argue. “I need to talk to Jayson. Trust me – I would never do that with Noah. Jayson knows that. There’s a story, believe me. Jayson is my best friend. I would never even consider fucking Noah.”

“Mason,” Zack sighed. “I don’t even think Jayson wants to even talk to you. He’s pretty upset. You just need to give him some space.”

“But he needs to know,” Mason retorted. “I don’t want him thinking I’m some backstabbing friend. Jayson! Please! Can we talk like civilized people? You know I don’t like Noah. I’m not interested in him! I’m not into younger guys! When have I ever dated anyone younger than me? Jayson! Please! If our friendship means anything to you, you’d listen!”

I groaned, sliding a shirt over my head. I took a deep breath, before I walked out into the hallway, nodding for Zack to let him in. I just hoped Mason had a damn good explanation or else he’d be getting another black eye to match the one he already had. Mason sighed sitting down on the couch across from me, his eyes focused on mine.

“Go,” I mumbled, folding my arms across my chest. “I’m listening, Mason.”

“Um – So, Noah called me earlier today,” Mason began. “He said he was depressed and he couldn’t stop thinking about you and all of that jazz. I felt really bad for him. I mean I never heard him this upset before, and you know Noah is like a little brother to me. I care about him, because I know you care a lot about him. So, I told him that everything was going to be ok and I might have suggested us to go out to party, but I just thought it’d make him feel better. I wasn’t trying to get him to hook up with random guys and drink or anything like that. I just thought he’d come with me and be my wingman and we’d dance and have a good time. Hell, I even invited Daniel to come, but he didn’t want to. So, I told Daniel not to tell you because I knew you’d be mad that I took him out to the club.”

I glanced at Daniel. “Did he ask you to go to the club with him and Noah?”

“Of course he did,” Daniel smirked. “It’s not a party without me.”

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