Chapter Four: Noah and I

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“Jayson! Get your ass up!” Noah growled shoving me. “Get up! Get up!”

I groaned, rolling over to my side and pulling the covers over my head. But Noah wouldn’t let up. He continued poking me, shoving me, shaking me, until I grabbed him and pulled him into bed with me.

“No,” I growled gripping his waist. “It’s too early and you’re staying right here with me.”

“Jay! My dad and stepmom are coming here,” Noah huffed as I brushed the hair out of his face. “Get dressed, please.”

“Why?” I grinned tossing him off me, as I rolled out of bed. “I’m sure they can appreciate the male form.”

“I can appreciate it,” Noah winked. “But they might not be too keen on it. Help me make up the bed.”

“I have to shower,” I chuckled quickly walking out of the bedroom, as Noah groaned. He knew how much I hated making up our bed. That bedding he picked out was way too elaborate and had too many pillows that needed to be arranged. It was a complete waste of time. I turned the shower on, hopping it quickly. If it didn’t get dressed soon, Noah might just kill me. If everything wasn’t in order, his dad wouldn’t hesitate to put him in the dorms at Georgetown.  I stepped out of the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around my waist, as Noah brushed his teeth.

“Jayson! Hurry up,” Noah groaned.

“Jeez! Alright! Alright!” I said throwing underwear and clothes on before Noah had a heart attack. I picked up all of my dirty clothes off of the floor, tossing them into the hamper as there was knock at the door.

“I’ll get it,” Noah called out. Of course, he would get it. It was his parents. I brushed my shirt down, as I walked out to greet his stepmom and dad. His stepmother still had her arms around Noah when I walked in. Noah’s dad just stared at me, with no expression on his face. I’m guessing he still didn’t care for me.

“Jayson!” his stepmother Penelope – I think her name was exclaimed. She wrapped me in a bear hug, kissing me on the cheeks.

“Hello again,” I replied. “Mr. Wilson.”

“Jayson,” he acknowledged as Noah sat them down on the couch. I sat beside them awkwardly. I know Mr. Wilson hated my relationship with Noah. It was mainly the age difference that had him upset but the older Noah got, the less extreme it was. I think Noah’s stepmom also had something to do with Mr. Wilson’s toleration of me too. She was obsessed with Noah and I – thought we were the cutest couple she’s ever seen.

“How long are guys in staying in town?” Noah asked.

“Just for the day! I was on business, so I thought I’d stop by and check on you,” Noah’s dad said rubbing his back. “How’s Georgetown?”

“It’s good! I like it a lot,” Noah nodded. “Soccer is amazing too. All the guys are super good. I feel almost mediocre next to them.”

“You’re amazing,” I chimed in. “He’s amazing.”

“I bet he is,” Penelope nodded. “So Jayson – How’s Washington, DC treating you so far?”

“It’s great! I found a job at a local company finally,” I sighed. “I thought I would never find a job here but a friend of mine helped out.”

“That’s wonderful,” Penelope smiled at me. “I’m glad everything has worked out for the two of you here. Right dear? Aren’t you happy for them?”

“Very,” Mr. Wilson mumbled dryly. “Noah – I’d love to come to one of your games. Do you have a copy of your schedule for the season?”

“Yeah,” Noah nodded standing up from the couch. “I’ll be right back.”

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