Chapter Ten: A Day to Remember

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Zack and I were on a date. I never thought I could date after Noah, but here I was at a fancy Italian restaurant, eating pasta and small talking with Zack. The only thing or should I say person on my mind was Noah. I couldn’t help but think about him, even though things between us were rocky. I know it would be completely stupid of me to take him back especially after everything he did, but I was in love with him. I couldn’t just stop being in love with him. It was going to take some time.

I pushed my pasta aside on my plate, as Zack went on about his friends, his job and joked about how attractive our waiter is. I felt terrible inside for thinking about Noah while I was on a date with Zack. It was like I was leading Zack on. That was something I didn’t want to do.

I mean sure Zack is a nice guy. He’s been with me through all of my Noah shit and has had my back about everything, but maybe we were just meant to be friends. I don't know. I just didn't want to get hurt again. 

“Jayson,” Zack said tracing his foot across mine. “Are you listening to me?”

“Sorry I dazed out for a moment,” I apologized. “What were you saying?”

“Nothing,” he said shaking his head. “Forget it. You have something on your mind and you’re distracted, what it is? Tell me.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said shaking my head. “You and I are on a date. I don’t want to ruin it with my problems.”

“It’s Noah, isn’t it?” Zack said rolling his eyes almost automatically. “It’s fine, Jayson to be thinking about your ex, when you’re on a date with someone else.”

“Zack,” I began. “It’s just we were together for so long. My feelings won’t just go away overnight, you know."

“I know, Jayson, god I know,” Zack sighed. “It’s just I really want this to work out. Embarrassingly enough, I’ve never had a real boyfriend before.”

“Never?” I said a little shocked. I mean Zack is a really attractive guy. I would have never guessed.

“Yeah,” he said his face flushing a little. “I mean when you’re a stripper, you don’t really meet the nicest guys and most guys I meet are only interested in fucking.”

“Oh,” I nodded as he continued.

“This is actually the first real date I’ve been on since high school,” Zack admitted.

“God you really are a whore,” I teased as he kicked me underneath the table. No wonder Zack had been so desperate to go on a date. He never had a real boyfriend before. Now I felt like shit, because I had been completely dazed out for the entirety of our date. I wasn’t really the best date I could have been.

“Jayson, I’ve never told anyone that before, so you better not go around blabbing your mouth, ok?” Zack scoffed. “It’s fucking embarrassing.”

“Zack, I won’t tell a soul,” I said grabbing his hand. “Your secret is safe with me. And I mean if it makes you feel better, my first boyfriend was my soccer coach in high school when I was fifteen. He was thirty at the time.”

“Well that trumps my story,” Zack chuckled. “You started young. I mean I didn’t start stripping until I was eighteen. So, how old were you when you lost your virginity?”

“Sixteen,” I replied casually. “You?”

“Seventeen,” Zack said rolling his eyes. “And you call me the whore.”

“Shut up,” I huffed rolling my eyes as I paid for our dinner. Zack patted me on the back as he followed me out of the restaurant. He turned towards me, kissing me on the lips, softly. I grinned as he slid his hand into mine, squeezing it tightly.

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