Chapter Fourteen: Friends Again

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So, Noah and I were friends again. He and I were slowly starting to feel comfortable with one another. The only problem was that I hadn’t told Zack. The only reason I didn’t tell Zack was because I knew he wouldn’t like it at all. Zack was convinced that Noah was trying to get back with me. Sure, Noah still has feeling for me, but those feelings just won’t go away overnight. I was Noah’s first love. I can’t change the way he feels about me. So, for now, I decided it would be best that I didn’t tell Zack about us . . . yet. I just wanted to be there for Noah, since he and Liam had that falling out. I didn’t want Noah relapsing into his state of depression again.

“Where are you sneaking off too?” Mason asked just as my hand gripped the knob of the front door. I sighed, turning around slowly to face him.

“Out,” I shrugged casually.

“Where?” Mason asked again. “I mean you’re barely home now a days. One can’t help but think that someone is doing something that they shouldn’t be doing.”

“You’re right,” I nodded. “Mason, I’ve been going to the gym. I didn’t want you guys to know because – “

“Cut the bullshit, Jayson! I talk to Liam’s mom every day! She told me that Liam told her that Noah told him that you two are friends again,” Mason said folding his arms across his chest. “What do you have to say to that?”

“I say – Fine! Fine! Ok, I’ve been hanging out with Noah but I’m just worried about him ok?” I explained. “He was doing fine then he had that thing with Liam and I was just worried he’d be all depressed again. Is that so wrong?”

“No! What’s wrong is you sneaking around and not telling Zack!” Mason rasped. “You know he’s not going to be too thrilled with the idea.”

“That’s why I haven’t told him,” I sighed running my fingers through my hair. “It’s complicated. But I will. I promise you that I will tell him.”

“Ok,” Mason nodded. “If you don’t, I will. And all I have to say is don’t lead Zack on, if you decide you want to start screwing Noah again.”

“There’s no screwing going on, Mason,” I huffed. “Noah and I are just friends.”

“Huh! Ha! I’ve heard that before,” Mason said rolling his eyes as I walked out of the front door. I slammed the door behind me. Mason was right. I couldn’t hide this from Zack. It was wrong. I guess I’d have to tell him some time. I mean it’s not like Noah and I are doing anything. Our friendship is completely platonic. I haven’t even as much as hugged him.

When I got to Noah’s house that afternoon, Rose opened the door.

“Oh it’s you,” she huffed her hands on her hips. She was pretty sassy for a six year old.

“Yeah, where’s Noah?” I asked.

“His room,” Rose nodded as she skipped back into the living room. I closed the door behind me, walking towards Noah’s bedroom. He was blasting music loudly. I knocked a few times, calling his name a before I opened his door. I chuckled, glancing inside Noah’s room to see him in his boxers, singing into a brush. He could be such a dope.

I hit the power button on the radio quickly.

“What the -?” he said turning around to meet my glance. “God! Jayson! How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough,” I chuckled. “Nice superman boxers by the way.”

“Stop! Oh god! This is so embarrassing,” Noah groaned rushing into his bathroom and shutting the door. I laughed a loud as he slid out of the bathroom fully dressed, running his fingers through his hair. He rolled his eyes at me, as I continued to laugh.

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