Chapter Nine: Noah and Zack

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“Jayson,” I heard a knock echo at my bedroom door. I glanced up from the TV screen, as Zack appeared at the door. He closed the door behind him, sliding next to me in my bed. I’m certain Mason had told him what I had happened. I hadn’t left my room since I had that talk with Noah earlier. I couldn’t stop thinking about him or get his face out of my mind. I felt terrible. I felt worse than when he told me he had slept with his professor.

The space between us was much needed but why did it feel so wrong?

“How did the talk with Noah go?” he asked cutting straight to the point. I shook my head, as Zack wrapped his arms around me.

“It was terrible,” I sighed. “So much has happened since I left Washington. He got suspended from the soccer team and from school because of his relationship with that teacher. His dad is mad at him and he wants me back. He swears up and down that he loves me.”

“Of course he does,” Zack sighed. “He’s young, Jayson, face it. He doesn’t know what he wants. You were his first boyfriend – his first love. He’s always going to have a soft spot in his heart for you.”

I gave Zack a look. “Do you have a soft spot for your first boyfriend and or the first guy you ever have sex with?”

“Do you?” Zack retorted. He had me there. I rolled my eyes at the mere thought of Aidan. He was a part of my past that I didn’t want to remember. I mean sure a part of me way down deep in the crevices of my heart cared a smidge about him, but the rest of me was glad he and I ended.

“I mean I feel worse than when we broke up – It’s like we broke up all over again,” I sighed running my fingers through my hair. “I just hope he’s ok. I don’t want him to do anything stupid.”

“He’ll be fine,” Zack nodded. “Please tell me you haven’t been sitting here brooding about it all evening.”

I sighed, not really wanting to admit that that had been exactly what I’ve been doing. Zack kissed me on the forehead, pulling me up from my bed.

“Come on, Jayson,” he smiled. “Let’s do something to get your mind off everything. Neil and the gang invited me out to the club tonight.”

“I’m tired, Zack,” I groaned as he pulled my arm. “I think I’m just going to go to bed. We can do something tomorrow I promise. Have fun with Neil and the rest of them.”

“Ok,” Zack nodded. “Good night.  And for the record, I will not be bringing home any guys tonight.  I’m going to prove to you that I’m serious about this relationship thing, Jayson. I know you’re not ready yet to jump into something new, but I can wait for you.”

I smiled at Zack as he walked out of my room. He was insistent on this relationship thing. I was glad he could wait, because the way Noah and I ended, I think it was going to be a while before I got into another relationship. I don’t think I’d be able to handle another broken heart.

Exactly a week after Noah and I’s conversation, I came home to find him sitting on my couch talking to Mason. I, at least, thought he wouldn’t come around for a month or two. But there he was laughing and joking with Mason and Daniel, like he lived here again. I bit my lip, as I shut the door behind me. Mason’s eyes shifted to mine.

“Jayson! You’re home,” Mason grinned.

“Yeah,” I said shoving my hands deep into my pockets. Zack rested his hand on my shoulder, glancing over at Noah. I could tell he wasn’t exactly thrilled with Noah’s presence either.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I heard him mumble underneath his breath. I rolled my eyes at Zack as he walked down the hall. Noah forced a smile at me, before he glanced down at the ground. Mason shot me a look, punching Daniel in the arm.

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