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  • Dedicated to To Everyone! :)

I always felt weird on first dates. I didn’t know what to wear. I could never decide what to do to my hair, or if I should shave or not. Some men liked the rugged look and others liked smooth faces. The problem was I didn’t know what he liked, besides me, of course. Noah was easy. He liked everything. My cologne, my hair, my stupid t-shirts, and I liked everything about him. Zack and I had some issues. He hated beards. I hated all the glitter he wore. He liked romantic comedies and I liked comedies. With Nick, he hated everything I liked and I had everything he liked. But the point is every relationship is different and I liked that.

First dates were learning experiences. I smoothed water into my hair, slide into my skinny jeans and decided to wear a pink button down. It was the first time I had worn jeans in like two months. I was happy with my cargo shorts and sweats routine I had going on.

“Look what we have here,” Daniel said sliding into my room like a weirdo. “Are you going out? If you are, can I come? We haven’t gone clubbing in forever.”

“I’m having dinner with a guy upstairs,” I replied casually.

“Trans Tina?” Daniel asked. “I knew you were into some freaky stuff, but I didn’t know you were into that.”

“No! No! Not Trans Tina! A guy on the eighth floor! I wasn’t talking about literally above us,” I snorted shaking my head. “I can’t believe you’d think I’d have dinner with Trans Tina, not that she’s not a nice person. But she isn’t exactly my type.”

“There’s an eighth floor?” Daniel mumbled not really paying attention at all to what I was saying.

“Yes,” I said without much thought. “I’m going to be late. I’ll see you later.”

“Eighth floor? Really?” he repeated to his self. They thought I was the slow one. It was obviously Daniel. I smacked aftershave on my face, before I walked out of the apartment door and made my way up to the eighth floor. I stuck my hands in my pocket, after I knocked on his door a few times.

It was safe to say that I was nervous. After a moment or two, the door swung open, and Trip appeared, a smile creeping on his face.

“Come in,” he said ushering me inside. “I hope you like steak.”

“I love steak,” I replied as I sat down on his plush couch. My eyes darted across the homely space. His place was slightly bigger than ours downstairs, and it was definitely more tasteful.

“You look amazing by the way,” Trip called out to me from the kitchen. “Dinner will be ready in a few.”

“Thanks and good, I’ve worked up quite the appetite,” I smirked as I stood up, admiring all the knick knacks he had in his possession. I picked up a distorted figurine that was missing two arms and a leg. I think this is what some would consider art. It’s what I would personally consider creepy.

“That was a gift,” Trip said appearing behind me, his hands falling onto my waist. “Let’s eat.”

I nodded following him into the dining area, where he had prepared a candlelit dinner with wine. The food was good, but the wine was better. I had a few glasses too many after I finished eating, wherein Trip and I ended up on his couch. My lips were glued to his and he had no problem with that. My first day back in the game and I was about to fuck a guy on the first date. It was just like old times.

“Jayson,” Trip smirked as my mouth found its way onto his smooth neck. “Slow down. I’m not going anywhere.”

“We’re not moving into your bedroom?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “I guess I’ll just have to take my shirt off here then.”

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