Chapter Two: Memories

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A few months earlier

“Noah, how was your first day of soccer practice?” I asked wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Tiring – My body is so sore from practice,” he sighed dramatically. “Don’t press on me too hard.”

“College practices are nothing like high school huh,” I teased kissing him on the nape of his neck. I didn’t care that he was sweaty either. He was my baby and I was so glad to see him, after the day I had.

“I need to shower,” Noah said moving from my grip quickly, but not before giving me a flirtatious wink. “Are you coming?”

“I would but I’m cooking dinner for the two of us,” I replied. “Don’t want our first place together to burn down.”

“True,” Noah winked as he pulled his clothes off. I rolled my eyes, as he tossed his shirt at me, slowly unbuttoning his pants. He was teasing me. He continued, kicking his pants off, so he was left in his boxer briefs. I bit my lip as he slid his underwear off slowly, turning around so I could see his bare ass.

“I hate you,” I growled as I walked into the kitchen.

“You love me,” he called out before slamming the bathroom door shut.

Here I was trying to be a good boyfriend and cook dinner for the two of us and he was teasing me with his athletic body. I wasn’t that good of a cook but I had a ton of time to learn – I hadn’t exactly found a job yet so, I had some time on my hand when I wasn’t looking. I had to start fast because I only had enough money on me to pay the next two months of rent. But I wouldn’t worry about that just yet – I had some time.

I checked the ziti in the oven quickly as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I glanced at the caller ID to see it was Mason.

“What’s up Mason?” I asked answering it quickly.

“Just calling to see how you’re doing,” he said. “How’s Washington?”

“It’s great! Noah and I are doing fine,” I replied as I heard Noah sing loudly in the shower.

“What’s that sound?” he chuckled.

“Noah’s in the shower,” I said rolling my eyes. “How’s Daniel? I hope he’s not too broken up over my departure. He’s crying in his sleep, huh?”

“No,” Mason snorted. “He forgets that you’re gone. It’s pretty sad. He’ll start calling your name out and I’ll remind him that you’re gone. Then, he goes and smokes weed.”

“That’s nice,” I huffed. “Tell Daniel that marijuana has fried his brain, ok?”

“I will,” he laughed. “Well – I won’t keep you from Noah. Talk to you later.”

“Yeah,” I replied hanging up. I shoved my phone into my pocket, and pulled the ziti out from the oven, placing it on the stove. I could hear Noah giggling behind me. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, as water dripped from his hair.

“What’s so funny?”  I asked.

“You,” he began. “Mr. Betty Crocker over here.”

“I slaved over this meal,” I snorted. “So get dressed, so we can eat. I don’t want your parents thinking that I’m starving you.”

“Ok,” Noah said disappearing into our bedroom. He was laughing at my cooking. God, I felt like an old married couple with him sometimes. I had never been in a relationship this long. It was nice though. His parents were hesitant to let him stay with me but they were happy someone had a close eye on him. Well, Noah’s mother was glad – his father on the other hand didn’t care for me. He thinks I corrupted him. Hell, I couldn’t be as half as bad as these college kids.

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