Chapter Six: A Night Out

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“Jayson, I’m sorry,” Mason said patting me on the back. “I – I didn’t know. So he’s sleeping with one of his professors? Isn’t that like against the law or something?”

“Probably,” I sighed. “I’m over it though. I – I’m done with Noah. I mean he’s right. I’m a deadbeat. Why would he want to be with me anyways? I don’t have shit going for me.”

“Jayson! Stop!” Mason sighed. “You’re not a deadbeat. Don’t say that. You’re a good guy. Noah knows that. He’s just confused. He’s young and when you’re young you make mistakes.”

“I know,” I replied. “But I really liked Noah and this hurts. I’ve never been so hurt before. The only other time I felt like this was when I broke it off with Aidan.”

“Oh the rapist?” Mason muttered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I had been young and stupid with Aidan. He was the first guy I had ever been in love with. I’m sure even Mason could understand that. I sighed as I fell onto my bed. I never would have thought Noah could hurt so much. I mean I always thought I’d be the one hurting him.

Mason left taking my silence as a hint. He was about to close the door behind him, when Zack walked in to my room.

“Jayson – You want to come out with me and a few friends,” Zack asked. “We’re going to a club not too far from here. It should be fun – my treat.”

“Your treat?” I asked sitting up from my bed. Now that was something I always liked to hear.

“Yes,” Zack grinned. “So get your sexy ass up, shower ‘cause you smell like shit and be dressed and ready in twenty minutes.”

Before I could agree, Zack walked out of the room. I guess I could go out. I never turned down free drinks. I mean if Zack insisted I would be drinking. So, I showered, got dressed and Zack and I went out to meet his friends. Hopefully the guy in the cowboy hat wouldn’t be there. I didn’t like the way he was looking at me at the club earlier or the fact that he wanted to ride me like a bull.

“Are all your friends strippers?” I asked just as we walked down the street towards the club. Zack laughed.

“Majority,” he grinned. “Why? Want me to hook you up with one of them.  I’d do it but I’d be super jealous of course.”

“I bet,” I huffed rolling my eyes as I followed Zack to the front of the line. Zack whispered something in the bouncer’s ear to get us through. He took my hand pulling me into the club with him. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had gone clubbing. It had been a while. I sighed as I caught sight of all the half-naked men dancing around me. The techno music, the drag queens, the winks – I had just walked in and someone had already grabbed my ass.

“There they are,” Zack shouted pointing towards the other side of the club. I nodded as he rushed over towards the group of men. I awkwardly stood behind him, as he greeted them.

“Who’s the hottie?” a guy said his eyes flickering across my body.

“This is my roommate, Jayson,” Zack grinned introducing me to the boys. “Jayson – this is Philip, Victor, Neil and Lee.”

You could tell that they were all strippers – just by the way they were dressed. The tight clothes, jeans, glitter and their build – It was pretty obvious. Neil gave me a wink. He definitely was interested in me and he actually was my type. Medium build, green eyes, dark hair – He was the kind of guy I used to pick up before I started dating Noah. If I wasn’t so broken up over everything, I might have shown more interest.

“I’m going to buy you that drink,” Zack whispered in my ear. “You look like you need it.”

Thank god for Zack. I nodded as he disappeared towards the bar. I stood there awkwardly, as Zack’s friends conversed with one another. I hated being the odd one out.

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