Chapter Five: The Break-Up

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“Noah,” I called out as I heard the door to the apartment slam shut. “Is that you?”

“Yeah,” he called back after a few moments. I smirked as I rolled out of bed, and into the hallway. I wrapped my arms around Noah’s waist, kissing him on the nape of his neck.

“Where have you been?” I huffed as Noah turned towards me.

“Studying with some friends,” Noah grinned. “I’m pooped."

“Studying huh?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him. “You smell like vodka.”

“I studied then we had a few shots,” Noah said casually. “Hey! I deserved it. Look at this paper – I got an A- on it. This professor has been on my ass for nearly the entire semester and he finally gave me the credit I deserve.”

“Congrats,” I smiled kissing him on the lips. “Perhaps we should celebrate - preferably in several different positions?”

“As much as I would love to,” Noah said shuffling through his closet. “I promised a few friends that I would go out and party with them. That’s why I came back to the apartment to drop off my backpack and get changed.”

“Oh,” I nodded. “Well, have fun.”

“Babe,” Noah said kissing me on the neck. “Don’t do that. You know I hate leaving you here by yourself.”

“Noah! It’s fine,” I replied. “I want you to have fun. You’re a college student. Remember I told you not to feel bad about going out and having fun.”

“Thanks Jayson,” Noah said rushing into his closet.

I smiled as Noah got ready. I let Noah do whatever he wants. He’s an adult and needed to make adult decisions. So I didn’t mind if he drank a little – I mean every college student does that or if he experiments a little with drugs. He’s in college and that’s a time of discovery. I didn’t want to hold him back from any of those experiences that he would have if I wasn’t there.

I only stepped in when Noah was being reckless.

“Noah – you’re drunk,” I said one night that he came back hammered. His friend, Jessie dropped him off at our place with the help of another girl named Vanessa.

“I told him not to drink so much,” Jessie sighed. “I’m sorry Jay.”

“It’s fine,” I said leaning against the doorway of the apartment. “Thanks for bringing him home.”

“It’s no problem,” Jessie said.

I sighed as I walked into the bedroom and looked at Noah passed out on my bed. With Noah there was always a fine line between being a boyfriend and being a parent in his eyes. So, I always treaded carefully when I was upset with him.

“Noah – you were passed out,” I huffed. “What if you weren’t with your friends? Huh? What if someone had found you and taken advantage of you?”

“But I was with Jessie,” Noah growled. “I didn’t eat that much yesterday. That’s why. I’m fine Jay.”

“Noah! I’m fine with you drinking. I know I can’t stop you. But at least be smart about it. Don’t be like all these other stupid college kids, ok? You’re smarter than that.”

“Jay! I know,” he huffed grabbing his bag. “I have to go to class.”

“Noah – you don’t have class for another hour,” I called out as he stuck his feet into his shoes.

“I have to meet with a professor,” Noah huffed, walking out of the apartment. He slammed the door shut behind him without another word.


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