Chapter Eighteen: Change is Good

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“I didn’t think you’d ever be coming back to the apartment,” Mason joked as soon as I walked through the door.

“Ha! Ha! Very funny,” I retorted. “I was only gone for like three days.”

“Try a week,” Mason huffed. “So I can safely assume you and Noah are back together.”

“No we aren’t,” I replied opening up the fridge. “Noah and I are just friends – nothing more.”

“You spend the week at his place and you two didn’t have sex once? I find that hard to believe considering I’ve seen both of you in action,” Mason said.

“Sex would only complicate things,” I groaned. “That’s the last thing I want to do.”

Mason nodded as I walked out down the hall towards my bedroom. Just as I was about to open my door, Zach’s bedroom door flung open. I turned around to see a half-naked guy stumble out of his room. He pulled his shirt over his head quickly, pulling Zack into a kiss. It seems like Zack had a great night too.

“Call me sometime,” the dark haired man mumbled.

“Maybe,” Zack winked, watching him walk out the door. I bit my lip. Not even two weeks after we broke up and he’s already bouncing back into his old ways. I guess old habits die hard.

“Wow, he was hot,” I commented. “Didn’t take you long at all.” Zack glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

“Wait? Were you talking to me?” Zack muttered sarcastically.

“How was he? Was he a top or bottom?” I provoked him further.

“Why don’t you ask Noah? He’s had about every guy in this town,” Zack retorted without a second thought.

I bit my lip. Zack always played dirty. I fell silent shaking my head. I wouldn’t entertain him.

“Nothing to say back,” he continued. “Well, for the sake of your health, I’d get tested. No telling what you might have picked up from Noah.”

“You’re right I should get tested,” I smirked. “I could have gotten anything from my ex. I mean he was a stripper and all. Everyone knows what happens in the back room during the private dances. I know firsthand.”

“As if I hadn’t heard that one before,” Zack snorted. “You’re going to have to do better than that. I mean at least I didn’t sleep with any of my professors for an A.”

“Why do you keep attacking him? Huh? We’re not seeing each other like I said when we broke up,” I argued. “He and I are just friends.”

“You expect me to fucking believe that after you spent the week over there,” Zack argued.  “I’m not stupid.”

“I was helping him babysit! You know just as well as I do that I don’t want to get hurt again,” I said. “I’m not rushing into anything anymore.”

“Whatever you say,” Zack groaned slamming his bedroom door shut behind me. Why didn’t anyone believe that Noah and I were just friends? I’m not stupid. I’d never rush back into anything after what Noah did to me. I care about him. I really do, but it’s still too soon. I don’t fully trust him yet. I sighed thinking about what Zack had said, “At least I didn’t sleep with my professor for an A.” Just the thought of that night when Noah had told me that he had sex with one of his professors made me sick. He and I still never talked about that evening or that professor in general. He had never given me a reason nor exactly explained why they broke up. But did I want to know?

That next week, when I popped up at Noah’s house, I decided that I wanted the truth about everything that had happened between us. That would be the only way for us to move past it.

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