Getting There

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~Liam's POV~

    I had packed the few clothes that I would need in my visit to my mum's house.  Daisy could be heard from down the hall singing a song I didn't recognize.  She had agreed to meeting my mum yesterday, but when she actually had to go through with it... Well let's just say it wasn't pretty.

-Earlier today-

     "Liam!" Daisy yelled, hyperventilating.  "I can't meet your mom.  She's going to hate me.  And you have two sisters?  How am I going to deal with that?  I can't do this...  Oh god, just tell her I died or something.  What about a heart attack?  Would that be believable?"

     "Daisy," I grinned.  "You're not going to die or get a heart attack.  My mum is a wonderful lady.  I love her, and she knows that we're just friends.  Therefore, she won't judge you as much as she might, had we said that we were dating.  Just be yourself."

     "But what if I'm not good enough for her standards?"

     "Don't worry.  You're going to be great.  I promise."

    She calmed down slightly and then went back to panicking.  "What if she judges me?  What if she somehow knows that I used to be a prostitute?  Oh god... What am I going to wear?"

     I just laughed.

    "You're not being helpful!" She yelled at me.

    "Daisy," I said, "You don't have to be so worried.  My family will love you, okay?  You're one of my best friends.  I don't know how or when it happened, but I trust you.  You're going to love it in Wolverhampton.  And I'm pretty sure you're going to like my family."

     "I know I will," she responded, somewhat normal now.

     I took this as a good sign and left her alone to pack.

-Back to present-

    I smiled at the memory.  I wasn't sure why Daisy was so worried about what my family would think.  She could charm anyone in a matter of minutes, and I knew that mum wouldn't be any exception.  I think that my family needed this... To see that there was a shred of normalcy in the life that I lived.  I knew that everything changed when I became famous, and I forget that my family has to go through with it too.  It'd be good for them to realize that not everything changed.

     "Liam?" Daisy called.


    "Can you come here?"

    "Sure.  One sec."

     I threw a pair of pants onto my bed and then made my way to her room.  "What's up?" I asked.

     "Which dress is better?" She asked me, holding up two.  One was white lace and the other was a light blue sundress.

    I considered them both.  The white was pretty, but the blue would be more appropriate for the activities I had planned.

      "I think that the light blue one would be better."

      "That's what I hoped you would say."

     "When will you be ready?" I asked her.  We'd be driving up there, so the sooner we left the more time we'd have at my house.  I thought we'd stay until the end of the week, about three more days.  I hadn't thought about Kelly in a few days... practically a miracle.   I didn't want to think about her now... or ever again.  Drew had lied when he said that she still loved me.  He must've... right?

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