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~Liam's POV~

     I woke up in the morning by falling off the couch.  I heard the kettle whistling and I walked into the kitchen.  Daisy stood in one of my t-shirts at the stove.  Her hair was tousled, and she was singing.  "This is how to be a heartbreaker, boys they like a little danger...  We'll get them falling for a stranger, a player saying "I l-love you, at least I think I do."  Rule number three..."

     "Hey," I said, awkwardly.

     She stopped singing and turned around.  "Tea?"  She asked.

    "No thanks.  Uh, could you...?  I mean, never mind."

    Taking out a mug, Daisy looked at me and flashed me a grin.  "Are you having second thoughts on last night?"

     "I don't want any romantic entanglements with you," I said.  "This is only for three weeks and I really would prefer it if you didn't try to have... uh..."

     "Sex?"  She asked, giggling.  "Sex, sex, sex, sex...  Tampon, pad, condom...?"

    I cleared my throat uncomfortably.  "Please stop."

    "You're so innocent Liam-from-yesterday."  She took a spoon out and stirred her tea.  I tried to control my fear of them, but couldn't prevent a shudder from escaping.

     "What?" She asked.

     "I don't like spoons."

     A laugh burst from her mouth.  "Seriously?  That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

    "I don't think it's that stupid.  We all have things that other people don't know about.  I'll bet you have things that other people would find ridiculous, but that you think is perfectly normal."

    "You're right," she said.  "In fact, I have one: prostitution."

    I sighed loudly.  "You're so annoying.  Three weeks couldn't come fast enough."

   "You need me, buddy.  I don't need you."

   "Buddy?"  I asked.  "We're not friends."

   "But we are dating."

   She set her cup down, and inched closer to me.  I backed away until I felt myself hit the wall.  She just grinned and pressed her body against mine.  "Breathe," she whispered.

    I let out a nervous breath of air.  Her lips moved towards mine and I turned away.  "Daisy," I said angrily. "Stop it.  I don't want to do this with you."

     She shook her head.  "Of course you do, but you're afraid to try.  What would happen if you actually liked me?  Or, gasp, you forgot about Kelly?"

     "You're a prostitute," I said.  "You don't even care about me."

    She looked hurt, and it was the first time I'd seen her confidence falter.  "You act like I'm not a person. Just because I need to do things for money that you don't consider 'acceptable' doesn't mean that I don't have feelings."

    I looked at her and bit my lip.

    "You know," she laughed.  "That looks incredibly sexy."

    I laughed and shook my head.  Maybe, just maybe, we could be friends.

   "Now," she said seriously.  "I need some clothes for this date tonight.  And, you have the credit card."

   "Am I to assume that I'm paying for everything?" I asked.

   Daisy winked at me.  "Yep.  C'mon hot stuff, let's go."

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