The Secrets of Our Pasts

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~Liam's POV~

     We entered the house and walked into the living room.  I got us cups of tea and sat down in a chair across from Daisy.  She settled onto the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table.

     "Favorite board game?" I asked her, continuing our game.


    "Favorite soda?"

    "Root beer, definitely."

    I just laughed and took a sip of my tea, burning my tongue.

   "What about animal?"

   She considered for a minute.  "Tiger," she decided.

   "Why a tiger?"

   "Because they're so strong."

   Her answer was simple and honest.  Yet I knew that there was something that she wasn't telling me.  I wanted to get to know her.  But she was blocked up.  Inwardly, I sighed.  Then, I continued my questioning.  "Movie?" I asked her.

    "Um, that's a hard one.  Ah, I guess Pride and Predjudice.  But the one with Colin Firth.  Not Keira Nightley.  She was good, but the five hour version is closer to the book."

    "Favorite book?"

    "North and South."

     "You're a classics girl?" I questioned.

     "No.  I just think there's a beauty to the love in older books.  It's so simple.  The two future lovers hate each other at first and then that's it.  There are a lot of speeches involved, but it's so romantic."

     I laughed at her dreamy expression.  "What dessert would you have for the rest of your life?"

    "Mint chip ice cream.  It does not get any better than that."

    "Favorite childhood memory?"

    She abruptly got up.  Putting her cup in the sink, she said "You know, I'm really tired. I think I'm going to turn in."

     "I'm sorry if I did anything wrong..." I said nervously.  We had been doing so well.

    She came back into the living room and smiled wryly at me. "You didn't do anything wrong." She hugged me gently, and then walked up the stairs.

     I followed her cautiously.  Daisy walked into the guest room and closed the door.  I looked mournfully at the piece of wood.  It was just another thing stuck in the way of Daisy's secrets.  I knew that she needed to let everything go.  I tried to get her to open up, but I found it impossible.  Whenever her family came up in conversation, she shut down.  

     I brushed my teeth thoughtfully.

    "Hey, Liam?" Daisy asked, entering the bathroom.

    "What?" I asked, my mouth full of toothpaste.

    She waited while I spit it out before asking, "Do you have any bubblegum toothpaste?"


   "Bubblegum flavored toothpaste.  Do you have any?"


   "Because it's better than mint."

    "No, I don't have any... Sorry."

     "It's fine."  She said and then left.

     I sighed and went into the kitchen.  Slipping on my shoes, I asked myself why I was going to a drug store in the middle of the night, just to buy Daisy toothpaste.  Without further thought, I grabbed my keys and jumped into my car.

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