The Interview

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~Liam's POV~

     "You have some explaining to do," Harry said.

     "What about?" I asked, still smiling.

     "Who was that beautiful girl?"

     "That's Daisy.  And don't even think about it."

     "Wow," he whistled. "She's fit.  Very, very, fit."

     "Harry," I warned.

     He laughed at me, and grinned.  "Don't worry, Liam. She's yours.  I just think she's attractive, alright?"

     "Fine," I smiled, thinking about her.  No, I didn't like her like that, but it was nice that she came to say goodbye.  I put in earphones, and moved my seat back.  Hopefully I could get some sleep before landing in Dublin.

      "Liam, wake up!" Louis cried.

      "What?" I asked, groggily.

      "We're here," Zayn put in.

       "Oh, great." I took my headphones out and sat up.  After landing, I turned on my phone and called my mom.

       "Hello?" She asked, obviously busy.

      "Hey mum, it's me."

      "Liam!  Oh, honey, how are you?  Where are you?  How are the boys?  Do you have a girlfriend?  Is there anything wrong?  Can I help you at all?  Did you..."

     "Mum!" I said, cutting off her questioning.  Knowing where this was going, I said, "We just landed in Dublin.  I'm fine, the boys are...  Well, they're crazy as usual." They were, in fact, running around shrieking like banshees.   "I don't have a girlfriend, no you can't help me because I'm fine, and I'm just calling to say hello."

      She began to ask a question, but I cut her off, saying: "And no, I didn't get a girl pregnant."

     "I'm glad you're okay," she said quietly.  "I miss you, Liam.  Are you coming home soon?  Who was that girl you were hugging at the airport?"

      The paps got a picture of that?  Crap.  "I'll try to come home after this week.  We're in Ireland for a charity event, and then we go home.  The girl's name is Daisy. She's a friend."

       "Well come home when you can.  And bring Daisy along with the others.  They're all welcome here."

        "Will do.  I have to go, mum, but I'll call you tomorrow?"

        "Sure.  Goodbye, Liam.  Love you."

       "I love you too."

       I hung up, and pulled the strap of my duffel bag higher onto my shoulder.  This was going to be a long day...


       In the hotel room that night, I randomly flipped through the channels on tv.  I stopped at one with a game on, and turned the volume on mute.

       My phone rang with an unknown number, and I picked it up.  "Hello?" I asked.

      "Do you have a scrabble board?" The person asked without introduction.

      "Who is this?" I asked.

      "And how could you not have mint chocolate chip ice cream?"

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