Chapter 1 - A Normal Day

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Kakashi's POV :

Kakashi woke up at 5:00 am (just like every morning) before his 9:00 training with group 7. He got out of bed, got changed, and then walked over to his bathroom mirror where he said

"My name is Kakashi and I am a sensei to Naruto, a young boy I am in love with. Even though I am in love with this boy, he is still my student, so I must stay hidden."

He did this every morning before putting his mouth mask on and leaving to go to training. He was in love with Naruto, and he couldn't do anything about it.

For some reason, he was particularly excited today so he bolted out the door and he ran to get some peace in the forest before arriving late to training.

Sasuke's POV :

His alarm clock went off and Sasuke bolted upright instantly. He groaned and slowly got out of bed.

Another day of avoiding Sakura and awkwardly staring at Naruto for me

He got dressed, ate his breakfast and then he sat in the couch, contemplating when he was going to tell Naruto he loved him.

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell him. He's gonna think I'm a freak and I can't have the person I love hate me...

Sasuke sat on the couch for a few moments longer before realizing what time it was and running out the front door. On his way to the meeting place, he spotted Naruto's apartment and he slowly approached. He looked into the window only to spot a topless Naruto running around in havoc realizing he was going to be late. Sasuke blushed and giggled before running off to meet Sakura as she was always very early.

I've spied on Naruto for weeks now and he still hasn't noticed! What a goof!

Sasuke laughed to himself before seeing Sakura waiting for him.

Naruto POV :

It happened everyday. Naruto would wake up late and run around in havoc trying to make breakfast (which was ramen always), trying not to drink expired milk, and getting changed on time! Naruto always seemed to succeed but would always end up being late. At least Kakashi was always late so Naruto didn't have to worry much.

Recently Naruto had felt like he was being spied on, he would be running around and then feel like someone was staring at him from the window, but every time he looked to see, no one was there.

What creep keeps spying on me? I wonder if it's Kakashi or Sasuke. They've been acting strange ever since the last mission.

Naruto raced out the front door and ran to the meeting spot to greet Sakura and Sasuke.

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