Chapter 8 - Sasunaru

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Naruto's POV :

Naruto and Sasuke walked to the bed hand in hand. Their faces were lightly tinted with pink and sweat began to build up on their foreheads. They were extremely nervous for this date.

Sasuke and Naruto had always loved each other deeply, but it had begun as a brotherly love and developed from there. They were emotionally and physically attached, unable to go a day without some sort of interaction. So technically this was not their first date, but it was the first time they had actually confessed their deep love for each other.

My hand is probably so sweaty... Man this is so awkward, he's so fidgety and nervous... It's actually pretty adorable.

When they sat down on the bed, they sat and ate in silence, looking up occasionally to gaze in awe at one another. After eating, they both began to squirm awkwardly as their perverted thoughts took them to uncomfortable places.

Damn. Perverted Kakashi is really messing with my mind! It doesn't help that I'm with Jiraiya a lot either!

Naruto couldn't hold it back anymore, an erection formed and he immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom to hide his "situation".

Sasuke's POV :

Oh my god I can't hold back my boner anymore... I don't know what to do this is so awkward.

Naruto had jumped up and ran, leaving Sasuke confused and uncomfortable.

"Naruto?! What are you doing?!"

Sasuke shouted out.

"Oh you know, taking a piss hahaha..."

Naruto mumbled awkwardly.

"I'll be back soon Sasuke..."

He whispered softly.

When Sasuke heard Naruto whisper his name, a shiver went up his spine and he couldn't contain it anymore and an erection formed.


Sasuke first attempted to fix his "situation" by sticking his hands in his pants and adjusting his member , but nothing was working. He then decided to pull down his dress pants to get a better idea of how bad the problem was. As Sasuke was adjusting, Naruto walked back with his hands in his pants, trying to avoid an awkward pop out. With both of them focused more on what was in their pants than each other, Naruto awkwardly ran into Sasuke landing right on top of him.

What an idiot

Naruto's POV :

They laid on top of each other, staring into each other's eyes, their faces were only inches apart. They both blushed like fools and quickly separated. As soon as they were apart, they quickly gazed at each other's hands which were both fixing a "situation", and then they laughed like fools.

"Teme, you have a boner hahah!"

Laughed Naruto as tears of laughter streamed down his face.

"Dobe! Look who's talking! You're the one with the pop up book in your pants!"

Sasuke shouted while shaking uncontrollably with happiness gleaming in his eyes.

After laughing like maniacs, they both stopped and the mood became very serious, the aura coming off both of them was love and lust.

"I love you, you idiot..."

Sasuke whispered before lunging on top of Naruto.

If he wasn't making out with me right now I would tell him I love him too, I only wish we could spend the rest of our lives together...

Sasuke and Naruto kissed passionately and uncontrollably, they were no longer in control and it was their bodies that took over. Sasuke slowly removed his mouth and tongue from Naruto's and began trailing kisses all along Naruto's neck. Their clothes were slowly being removed piece by piece as Sasuke and Naruto were in a complete euphoria. Finally they were nude, in their true forms in front of each other. Sasuke brought his gaze down to Naruto's mark on his stomach and he brought his face to it and began kissing every inch of it. Naruto giggled like a fool with a constant change in heart rate and breath due to Sasuke's kisses. As things became more heated, they brought the covers over themselves and stayed there the entire night, with only sounds of giggles, rustling sheets, and soft moans coming from the "bed" under the tree.

Sasuke and Naruto were in their own world that no one could take away, this was true love.


At the hospital in Konoha

"Sir before we go we have one more report to go through."

"Okay, what's this patient's name?"

"It's Uzumaki sir, Naruto Uzumaki."

"The teenage boy with the nine tailed fox in him? What's the matter with him? I thought we cured him many years ago?"

"No sir, we tried our best to get rid of it, but it never truly went away..."

"Okay so? What's to go over? Why don't we just use the same treatment as the last time? How long ago was that? It obviously subdued the disease for a period of time so I believe we could just use that method again. Just call up Lady Tsunade to confirm the treatment and we can get started right away."

"No sir, you see... It's much worst this time around... We can't fix him... Naruto Uzumaki is going to die..."

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now