Chapter 13 - Bittersweet

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Kakashi's POV :

It was three long days journeying back from the sand village for the poor shinobi. The fear of losing Naruto was too great for Kakashi to even ponder the idea of remaining on his mission. As soon as he had received the letter he left immediately without a second thought, only worried for his past lover.

Please be okay Naruto...

As soon as Kakashi entered the village, he ran as quickly as he could to the Konoha hospital with the thought of death on his mind. He just couldn't lose another loved one without saying goodbye, it just wasn't an option.

Sasuke's POV :

Three days. It had only been three days since Naruto sent that letter. It had been three days since Naruto was able to write, sit up, and laugh. The only thing he was capable of was talking and smiling, but only for extended periods of time. If Naruto attempted to walk or talk for too long, he would immediately began to spew blood. His room was a mess, the white walls and sheets were never the pure white they once were. Even when clean the idea of the blood was still splattered all over them.

My poor Naruto

Sasuke sat in the chair next to Naruto's bed. He had not left the room since three days ago, he was not ready to let Naruto go. They rarely talked due to his condition, but they only needed to share a glance to express their feelings and communicate to one another. It was a special type of love...but a hopeless one.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, okay? I'll be right back I swear. If you need me just call out or press the button for the nurse. I'll be right over there."

Naruto nodded as Sasuke tried to fill Naruto's mind with ease.

Naruto's POV:

Yes I am ill, that does not mean I don't know how hospitals work. I understand where the bathroom is, Sasuke is such a drama queen.

Naruto watched Sasuke go to the bathroom and chuckled to himself. Sasuke was an overprotective hot mess and Naruto couldn't help but laugh at him.

Where is he?

He sighed softly and slowly began to close his eyes to rest before he began to feel something dripping down his face. It was soft at first but then it began to burn like lava up his throat. The sensation was a familiar one as he screeched reaching for the button that was just out of his grasp. He furiously attempted to wipe it away as he didn't want to accept that the illness had won. It had taken over. And now it was ruining him, he didn't even want to look at the liquid that seeped from his mouth, he struggled to breathe but he didn't want to accept it.

He didn't want to accept that it was blood.

I can't do this anymore

Kakashi's POV :

Room 4B

Kakashi ran through the halls searching for him, just as he was about to enter he saw three nurses walk out with blood stained sheets and blood stained garments. As he entered the room he saw a frantic Sasuke sitting there on the phone, his eyes were bloodshot with tear streaks that stained his face.

"...yea, it was much worst this time Sakura. He's not going to be around for much longer yea know... He keeps asking about you and I have to keep lying... I don't care how beautiful Ino's hair is in the sunlight-"

Kakashi turned his attention to the blond who was currently dead asleep on the freshly clean bed. Naruto's appearance frightened Kakashi as it was almost the opposite of Naruto's once radiant self. He slowly walked over as tears began to well in his eyes.

Oh Naruto, how could this happen to you?

Sasuke's POV :

I went to the bathroom for two minutes and this happens. I hate myself.

Sasuke walked over to Kakashi after a somewhat angry conversation with Sakura. They both just stood there and stared at their lover, no words were needed to express the utter despair they both felt. It was heart-wrenching for the two of them, it was almost unbelievable.

But the fact of the matter is, Naruto's death is inevitable.

"He has just over 24 hours..."

Whispered Sasuke quietly.

"Of course, at least we are here to say goodbye."

Sasuke nodded softly.

The air was thick with sadness, it was almost suffocating. Until Kakashi began to chuckle slightly and Sasuke turned with a look of astonishment.

Who could be laughing while someone they love is dying right in front of them?!

Kakashi turned his head slightly to stare into the Raven's eyes, he smiled before uttering a simple sentence that made Sasuke smile.

"Who knew that loving Naruto would be oh so bittersweet?"

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