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*10 years later*

Kakashi and Sasuke smiled as they watched their 3 year old adopted son run around the living room.

He possessed beautiful blond hair and bright blue eyes just like Naruto, it was almost scary how similar the two looked. In honour of their once true love, they named the boy Naruto. He was just as playful and vibrant as the Uzumaki once was, he honestly was a living embodiment of the late Naruto Uzumaki.

Three years after Naruto's death, Kakashi and Sasuke found new love in each other, and decided to get married and only recently adopted the blonde boy. They loved each other very much, it was funny to them for at one time the only emotion expressed between the two was hate. But now the only emotion they had for each other was a pure and innocent love.

The two males looked at the envelopes sitting in front of them, dated 10 years back from the present day.

"Kakashi, has it been 10 years already?"

Sasuke asked softly.

"I guess so..."

Responded Kakashi solemnly.

They both slowly opened the letters to find the exact same message written on both of them.

It read :

I was pretty sure you guys would get to read this together but I wasn't quite sure so I wrote one for both of you. Anyways, hello boys! Long time no talk! How are you guys? I miss you and love you very much, you guys will forever be my soul mates... Even if you guys are currently married with a child. But on a serious note, if you aren't currently married to each other (which I highly doubt), please please marry each other. You guys have a lot more in common than you think, and to be honest, I'm happy I died. Now don't get mad at me for saying that but, it hurt me watching you guys slowly fall in love with each other. Trust me, I could tell it was happening! Man I'm such a loser and a dumbass sometimes but hey, whatever I had 2 hunks in love with me! Well that's all I had to say, sorry for making you wait 10 years for this shitty letter.

I love you guys, forever and always...


Naruto Uzumaki


P.P.S. The love triangle is over...

Kakashi and Sasuke sat there with tears in their eyes as they finished reading the letter. They hugged each other and held on for what seemed like an eternity, and cried.

"Oh Naruto we love you..."

Sasuke chuckled lightly as tears poured down his face.

Kakashi softly nodded with a slight smile on his face.

"I love you too Otōsan."

Smiled Naruto Hatake - Uchiha.

Sasuke and Kakashi chuckled softly before embracing the blonde boy.

I love you guys, forever and always...

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now