Chapter 10 - Mine ???

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*1 month later*

Naruto's POV :

It had been a month since Kakashi had left. Naruto cried and cried into Sasuke's arms for about a week. He loved having the beautiful pale boy there for him. But now, Naruto understood that Kakashi was under orders from the Hokage, so he set him free.

If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you, then it was always yours, if it doesn't, then it never belonged to you in the first place.

Sadly though, Naruto knew that he could never wait for Kakashi, because Kakashi was never his, he belongs to someone else...


Sasuke's POV :

Sasuke awoke on the couch with his arms wrapped around Naruto's waist and their feet intertwined. Oh how Sasuke loved the blondes warmth that radiated off of him giving an earthly glow.

I could get used to this

Sasuke grumbled and teasingly stuck his hands down Naruto's pants. Right when he grabbed Naruto's member, Naruto jumped right up falling off the couch. A bright pink tinted his sun tanned cheeks as he slowly stood up.


Naruto shouted at Sasuke.

"Oh so that's why you kept moaning Sasuke in your sleep."

Sasuke smirked sheepishly while imitating his moans and air humping.


Naruto mumbled with a crimson read blush covering his face. Naruto walked to the bathroom in shear embarrassment from the situation earlier.

Naruto, you are so hot

Naruto did his usual bathroom routine before popping back 8 pills. All of them just for counteracting his illness that just seemed to be getting worst. At an exponential rate. He dared not let Sasuke know, for it would kill his lover.

Hurry up my Naru

Naruto came out of the bathroom in Sasuke's clothes. A pair of black joggers that hugged his waist perfectly and a white long sleeve top that exposed most of his torso. Though he did change the outfit up a bit by adding a beautiful navy blue kimono and he braided a few strands of his blond silky hair. He was beautiful.

Holy shit

Sasuke stared in awe and growled slightly before lunging into Naruto. They shared a passionate kiss before Naruto pulled away to make a warm bowl of ramen. Sasuke was yet again, left in awe and disappointment due to Naruto leaving him with just that short kiss.

"So Naru, you still haven't answered me on a very important question. Do you remember it? I asked if you would be my boyfriend, you are the only one I love and need in life, so can you at least tell me why you can't or choose not to answer?"

Sasuke said sternly. He approached Naruto and wrapped his hands around his waist, he looked into Naruto's eyes with a smirk on his lips.

"Maybe you should shower first since you still have some...umm..."yogurt" left on your pants. Maybe after your shower I'll answer you."

Naruto winked and pulled away from Sasuke with a look of mischievousness in his eyes.


Sasuke snickered and went to go get changed.

Naruto's POV :

Teme, always asking me out. What a fool. I love him, but I can never date him, I'll just end up destroying him when I die...

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