Chapter 11 - Save Me

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Sasuke's POV :

Naruto is going to die?! No he can't die he's my true love...

Sasuke stood there staring at a broken down Naruto. Naruto's beautiful azure eyes were filled with thick tears that fell down Naruto's cheeks like heavy rain. Sasuke remained frozen in place, gripping his shirt where his heart was, incapable of understanding what he just heard. Sasuke fell to his knees, and buried his face into his hands.

"Answer me goddammit!"

Sasuke shouted through his hands.

Naruto just gazed at Sasuke with pure sadness.

"Why Sasuke? Was I not good enough for you?"

Naruto said softly, with a quivering lip he began to approach the boy kneeled on the ground.

"I didn't, he forced himself onto me, we didn't even kiss! I love you and only you dobe! How stupid are you?! I'm assuming you don't love me the same way though as you seemed to have kept your upcoming DEATH a secret!"

Sasuke hissed angrily, he threw himself onto an approaching Naruto and brought his face to his.

"Now answer me. What is happening? Are you going to die?"

Sasuke questioned sternly.

Naruto's eyes poured out tears and he began to sob. He pulled himself together and grabbed onto Sasuke's face.

"I'm sick Sasuke. Nobody knows what it is but it's getting worst at an exponential rate, I've been taking pills but Lady Tsunade says she can't fix me with the little time I have left... I only have 6 months.."

Naruto whispered.

Naruto smiled slightly and ran his hands through Sasuke's black hair and wiped Sasuke's tears off his face.

"Please don't cry Sasuke, you'll just make me upset. I'm happy to die knowing I was loved by someone as beautiful as you, if only I could've lived long enough for us to have beautiful little Uchihas,"

Naruto chuckled,

"But our journey has come to an end. That is why I could never answer you when you asked me to be your boyfriend, I won't be around for that long my love. Don't you worry though, I will love you until the day I die and I will bring my love for you with me for eternity. I'll always love you, Sasuke."

Naruto said with a smile and tears streaked on his face.

I'm losing him... I'm losing my lover, my bestfriend, my soulmate.

Naruto's POV :

Sasuke I'm going to miss you so much.

Sasuke just stared at the blonde in shock, he couldn't move. It felt like Sasuke just has his heart ripped from his chest. Naruto reached up and grabbed Sasuke's face and clashed their lips together, kissing him passionately.

"I love you Naruto, I will always love you no matter what. You are always going to be the love of my life."

Sasuke states in between kisses.

Good. He will have a heart of love.

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now