Chapter 7 - First Dates and Drugs

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Naruto's POV :

Sasuke and Kakashi stared at Naruto with an expression of frustration and confusion. They couldn't help but wonder who Naruto was in love with, they glanced at each other questioningly.

"Hey guys! Don't worry's one of you!"

Naruto said with a trace of sadness.

I wish I could tell them I'm ill... But I love them too much, I could never hurt them... And my illness would destroy them.

Sasuke's POV :


Sasuke shouted angrily.

What if he doesn't love me? What if he's in love with Kakashi... I can't deal with this pressure.

Sasuke ran his hands through his dark hair, he could barely breathe. Just thinking that Naruto did not love him destroyed him. He paced back and forth trying to calm himself down, tears welled up in his onyx eyes.

"But Naruto... I - I love you..."

Sasuke whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks. Sasuke stared at his feet, unable to move anymore after the tears poured out, he felt ashamed to want Naruto all to himself, but he couldn't live without the boy.

Kakashi's POV :

Is Sasuke crying? Oh my god, Sasuke thinks Naruto loves me... Man I sure hope so.

"Sasuke... Please don't cry, maybe one of you will change my mind, don't ever lose hope because things can always change. Plus you don't even know who I'm in love with... Please stop crying, you're destroying me."

Naruto said softly, locking his ocean blue eyes on the tears rolling down Sasuke's cheeks. Naruto embraced Sasuke and gave him a light peck on the forehead before backing away.

"Naruto, tonight training will be cancelled... I believe Sasuke here would like to take you on a date, is that so Sasuke?"

Kakashi asked gingerly.

"Of course! I would love too! I was just about to ask you out on a date my naru, does 7:00 work for you?"

Sasuke said eagerly as he wiped his face from any remaining tears and forced a small smile.

"Yes of course teme, see you then!"

Naruto said grinning.

You're lucky I'm your sensei Sasuke or else I wouldn't have let you have the first date dobe

After the date was arranged, they all awkwardly hugged and went their separate ways, Naruto left to prepare for his date, Sasuke went to prepare as well, and poor Kakashi remained at home, reading a novel called "Makeout Paradise" which he has already read 4 times.


Naruto's POV :

When Naruto arrived at home, he immediately ran to his medicine cabinet. The whole time he was at Kakashi's he was struggling with his illness. He grabbed his 5 pills and popped two of them back before hacking up blood into the sink.

Its getting worst...

Naruto groaned and popped back the rest of his pills. Typically five minutes after he took his pills, he would feel fantastic, like he was in euphoria. So Naruto went to his messy room, laid down, and let the euphoria sink in. He stayed on his bed for about an hour before getting up and preparing his outfit for the date to come. He rummaged through his closet until he found the perfect outfit, a navy blue suit with an orange tie. Naruto put the suit on and looked in the mirror, he felt amazing.

Oh Sasuke, you better look amazing 'cause I've never put this much effort in for anyone.

Sasuke's POV :

When Sasuke arrived at home he immediately planned a beautiful date and ordered everything that was required to make it perfect. Sasuke then needed something to wear that would impress the knucklehead, he searched and searched until he found the perfect outfit. He put on a black suit with the Uchiha symbol plastered on the back with a nice tie Naruto had given him. The tie was very abnormal so to say, it had foxes all over it, but Sasuke knew it would make Naruto happy. Sasuke looked himself over in the mirror and chuckled to himself.

Naruto you fool, you're even making me wear the strangest things, you're so lucky I love you.

After Sasuke fixed his hair and adjusted his outfit, he left the house and went to the date location to prepare. Once everything was prepared, Sasuke strolled to Naruto's house and arrived exactly at 7:00. He knocked and a beautiful sight appeared before his eyes.

Oh my god he's gorgeous

There stood a glowing Naruto. He was beautiful, his blue eyes gleamed ever so brightly with love and a hint of lust. His grin grew so wide at the sight of Sasuke and he couldn't help but blush like a fool. Sasuke just stared in awe at the beauty of this boy.

Naruto's POV :

After shooting Sasuke a wide grin, Naruto slowly examined Sasuke. Sasuke was perfect. His dark hair was neatly placed as if it had been worked on for hours, his dark onyx eyes were filled with love and excitement and his lips were parted into a small smirk. Sasuke was an angel.

He's absolutely perfect. I love him.

Without saying a word, they both walked hand in hand to Sasuke's date. When they arrived, Naruto dropped Sasuke's hand and gazed in amazement at this date Sasuke had set up.

Holy shit, he's amazing. First he wore the tie I got him, now he's setting up a date that he would hate but I would love? He's in love with me...

They stood in front of a huge tree that was covered in beautiful white lights. Multiple blankets were set up with pillows surrounding them, Naruto was unsure if it was a picnic place or a bed. Next to the 'bed' stood a telescope and a huge table that contained all the ramen that Naruto loved, of course Sasuke also had a bowl of tomatoes on the side, as ramen was not his favourite. The set up was absolutely breath taking and Naruto couldn't help but just stand there and stare.

"So teme, are we going to get this date started or what?"

Sasuke said sheepishly.

Naruto nodded slightly, but before he could walk over to the set up, Sasuke grabbed his waist and spun him around face to face. He pulled him close and kiss him passionately, pulling him closer and closer as the kiss got more intense. He then broke away and grinned while whispering

"Let the date begin..."

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