Chapter 4 - Confessions

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Sasuke's POV :

Sasuke reached for Naruto's face, stroking it slightly and smirking. This was the moment, he was going to express his love for Naruto Uzumaki, his angel.

Oh Naruto, you're so beautiful in and out, I want you to be mine...


Sasuke whispered. He was about to call him again when Kakashi sensei opened the door, ruining the moment and angering Sasuke.


Kakashi's POV :

Kakashi silently walked over to a scowling Sasuke who was currently holding Naruto's hand. Kakashi sighed, he went and pet Naruto's head, gave him a light kiss on the lips, and walked out of the room.

I might as well let Sasuke confess his love first... Maybe my confession in the morning will surpass Sasuke's weak attempt at being romantic... But for now, Sasuke wins for I am his sensei and I must teach him... Not destroy him...

Kakashi went back to his room and layed down. Kakashi never realized how much he loved Naruto until that night, he realized he would probably be losing his world tonight... and that destroyed him. Kakashi silently wept before falling asleep with tears stained on his cheeks and a broken heart.

Sasuke's POV :

Kakashi sensei is... letting me confess?

Sasuke lightly poked Naruto's nose about 3 times before Naruto began to awaken. When he noticed Sasuke he bolted upright immediately, he was confused and excited.

"What are you doing in here dobe?"

Naruto said while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"I... I have to tell you something Naruto."

Sasuke whispered.

Naruto just nodded, waiting for Sasuke to express his thoughts. Sasuke chuckled before beginning his confession.

Damn. Here I go, Naruto you better accept me you gorgeous dobe

"Naruto... I'm in love with you in you entirety... Your beautiful blonde mop of hair that spiked perfectly... Your wide loving face that's just so warm and welcoming... Your huge ocean blue eyes that I can't help get lost in... Your smile that literally makes my heart melt... And those little whiskers of yours that make you so damn unique... Naruto Uzumaki, I'm so in love with you it's crazy! I can't get you out of my head, you are my world and I just can't live with you not knowing how I feel... I'm sorry if this was abrupt and sudden... But Naruto Uzumaki you are the love of my soulmate."

Naruto's POV :


Naruto sat in shock. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything..."

Said a heartbroken Sasuke. He got up and began to leave the room when Naruto said his name in a stern tone.

"Sasuke... I'm in love with you too. Who wouldn't be in love with your raven black hair that frames your pale, flawless face so perfectly? Or you charcoal black eyes that just keep me wishing I was your forever... Or your famous smirk that literally makes it hard for me to breathe... Sasuke, how did I get so lucky having you, my true love, fall in love with me too? You are my world Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto had spoken so softly that every word was just magical to Sasuke.

They both stared at each other with love in their eyes, not knowing what to do.

Kiss me teme

Sasuke climbed into the bed with Naruto and placed their foreheads together. They payed there staring at each other before Sasuke slowly leaned in and kissed Naruto. The kiss was short but passionate, for this was love... Not lust.

That night they both fell asleep entangled in each other... The love they had was so strong it was almost unknown...

Kakashi's POV :

Sasuke is such an idiot. I wonder if he's asleep now?

Kakashi awoke and walked back to Naruto's room when he was 100% sure that Sasuke was asleep. He walked over to Naruto and tapped his shoulder, Naruto sat up, saw Kakashi, and immediately kissed him. Kakashi grinned as they made out... Then just before dawn he silently walked back to his room, smirking like an idiot.

Take that Sasuke, good luck with Naruto, you're going to need it

This was not love at all... This was purely lust... And it was going to destroy everything.

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