Chapter 12 - Come Home

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*4 months later*

Naruto's POV :

Naruto awoke in his white room, in his white bed, the smell of chemicals wafting around the room. He brought his gaze down to his left arm and observed the IV drip plunged in his arm, Naruto chuckled softly.

Like this will help

Naruto observed the room, noting the lack of Sasuke's presence. He frowned slightly and slowly began to get out of his bed.

Where is that teme?

As soon as Naruto was placed into the hospital, Sasuke had always been there right when Naruto awoke. He took care of him whenever he was around, showering him with compliments and love to make his last few weeks enjoyable. Sasuke wanted Naruto to feel loved.

Naruto slowly got off his bed and began to hobble towards the door. Before he got to the door, a frantic Sasuke rushed into the room.

"Sorry Naruto! I was out training, I lost track of time but I'm here now!"

Sasuke said with a smile on his face.

Naruto observed Sasuke carefully before slowly walking back to his bed. He didn't say a word to Sasuke as he repositioned himself comfortably. He plunged the IV drip back into his arm and sighed to himself.

My condition is torturing Sasuke emotionally and physically. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks

Naruto stared at Sasuke intensely, his mind deep in thought. Sasuke was wearing his typical training attire, but the way it hung off his body, it looked strange. It looked loose, as if Sasuke had not been eating. His skin was also pale, typically Sasuke is pale but this was too pale. Sasuke also had dark bags underneath his eyes which drew Naruto's attention to Sasuke's beautiful onyx eyes. They looked the same, except they lacked any emotion, Sasuke's eyes looked lifeless, full of sadness and lost hope.

Naruto's eyes slowly filled with tears before one softly dripped down Naruto's cheek.


Sasuke's POV :

What the?! Why is Naruto crying?


Sasuke said with concern.

"Naruto are you alright? Do I need to get a nurse?"

Sasuke didn't know what to do. He just stood there and stared at the once radiant boy he called his lover. Naruto was still beautiful, but he lacked the happiness that he once possessed. He was just a shell of his former self, he was so skinny it made Sasuke sick to think about. His once spiky, bright blond hair was now dull and limp, always drenched with sweat. He was constantly covered in blood and tears, barely anybody wanted to help him for his condition was too depressing for many. The only thing that remained the same was his beautiful blue eyes. They still held happiness even though his condition was terrible.

Naruto wiped his tear and smiled softly.

"Sasuke my love, don't worry I'm fine. Would you mind giving me a piece of paper? I have to write a letter to someone very dear to me, I would like to inform them about my condition. As well, I would like us to have one last talk together before I die. Does that sound alright with you?"

Naruto said softly with a twinkle in his eye.

"What the? Naruto, you actually sounded intelligent!"

Sasuke joked.

"Shut up teme, just bring me the paper before I pummel you into oblivion! I may be sick but I still fight like a champ!"

Naruto laughed while collecting the pen and paper from Sasuke.

Naruto's POV :

I'm going to miss this. I'm going to miss us. I'm going to miss you Sasuke.

Before beginning to write, Naruto beckoned Sasuke to come closer. He softly grazed his hand against the Uchiha's pale face and gave him an innocent kiss.

"Thank you for everything Sasuke."

Naruto said sincerely before bringing his attention to the letter he needed to write.

Sasuke gave Naruto a genuine smile before retreating to a chair next to Naruto's bed. He sat down and watched as Naruto began to write.

When Naruto finished writing, he sat there and stared at his final statement, questioning if he should change it. He re read it in his mind over and over again.

Please come home.

It's my dying wish that I see you before I die, I have something very important to tell you and Sasuke, so if you can I would like to have you here when I die...

Please come home.

When Naruto finally decided he was okay with his message, he called for a nurse to deliver it to the hokage so that it could be sent off.

Now I just wait

Naruto felt at peace knowing that his letter had been sent and he smiled to himself.


Night had fallen across the village and Sasuke yawned deeply before realizing he should be getting home. Before Sasuke could leave Naruto grabbed his wrist and smiled sheepishly.

"Sasuke, can you spend the night here? I don't want to be alone..."

Sasuke smirked and carefully laid down beside Naruto in the hospital bed. Naruto turned to face Sasuke and gave him a quick kiss before closing his eyes and snuggling his face into the Uchiha's chest.

"I love you Sasuke."

Mumbled Naruto sleepily.

"And I love you Naruto."

Said Sasuke before the two of them drifted off into a deep, comfortable slumber.


In the sand village

Kakashi's POV :

"Kakashi, it seems you have received a letter from the hidden leaf village."

"Give it here."

Yawned Kakashi, slightly annoyed at the shinobi for waking him up.

It's probably just more instructions from the hokage

Kakashi grabbed the letter and stared in shock at the letter's writer. He re read the name over and over, making sure he was not imagining before coming to the conclusion that it really was from him.

"It's from Naruto..."

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