Chapter 6 - The Truth

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Sasuke's POV :

What the hell is wrong with Naruto?! I can't believe him, if we're in love with him, why would we kiss each other? Wait...

Just as Sasuke's lips were about to meet Kakashi's...uhh...face mask, Sasuke had a realization and dodged Kakashi's puckered up face mask.

"This is a trick. The idiot wanted to see if we would actually kiss each other proving that we don't actually love him, but we do...or at least I do."

Snickered Sasuke with a smirk etched into his face.

"Naruto, is this true?"

Said Kakashi questioningly.

Naruto started laughing so hard his face became a bright red. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to breathe.

Naruto is so adorable...his smile just melts my heart holy...

"You guys are crazy, first I can't believe you would've actually kissed each other! Second, I can't believe you actually thought I would make a competition! HAHAHA!"

Screamed Naruto while gasping for air.

Dobe. Hopefully my dobe eventually...

Kakashi's POV :

This kid is insane. What is even going on right now...

Kakashi and Sasuke just stood there astonished at Naruto's behaviour. The two confused boys couldn't help but stare at Naruto though while waiting for him to calm down. Their mouths remained wide open, with drool slowly dripping out. When Naruto finally calmed down, they were still in awe over the beauty of this boy, but when Naruto cleared his throat they immediately got out of their trance.

Shit. I just drooled all over my face mask...that's disgusting, but watching Naruto made it all worth it

"Guys...seriously though, I would never do a competition with a winner who 'claims me'. The only way to find out if there really is a connection, is through a date... Multiple dates in fact."

Oh Naruto, I'll take you on as many dates you desire you hyperactive idiot

Sasuke's POV :

So he wants to go on dates eh? I'm prepared for that

Sasuke and Kakashi smiled at Naruto's thinking. Obviously they would take him on dates, why wouldn't they want to hang out with the love of their life?

"Obviously we would take you out on dates teme."

Chuckled Sasuke with a look of love in his dark onyx eyes.

"Yea, honestly naru, we love you so much... Did you think we only want to chill and fuck? 'Cause that's not what we want - I want at all. I love you for you, not for your body."

Kakashi uttered sweetly.

Naruto's face turned a light pink at their words. He smiled to himself and then looked at his feet, in fear of them making fun of him.

Sasuke lifted Naruto's chin and and pulled his face in, kissing him quickly but passionately. He pulled away and left Naruto frustrated as he wanted more. Kakashi stood there with a wave of jealousy that overtook him and he grabbed Naruto's face and kissed him as well, just a tad bit rougher due to his frustration. Kakashi pulled away grinning at Sasuke, pleased with his response to Sasuke's kiss. Naruto just chuckled at their competitiveness, but then he became very serious and looked at them with a look of love but sternness that made the two uncomfortable.

Kakashi is so annoying oh my god! Naruto is supposed to be mine ahh! That look in Naruto's eye makes me nervous though...there's something wrong

Naruto's POV :

"So I should also be honest with you guys... I have something to tell you..."

Naruto whispered seriously

Should I tell them? Or will it affect their behaviour towards me...I need their love...but I can't break them... I can't let them experience loss like I have.

Kakashi and Sasuke nodded waiting for whatever Naruto had to say. They both looked at each other nervously, unprepared for what Naruto was about to say.

"Guys...if I'm being completely honest..."

Guys...if I'm being totally honest...

"I'm already in love with someone..."

I'm sick... I'm dying...

A/N :

Hey sorry for the short and shitty chapter :( I've been having a bit of writers block... I'll try my best to keep this story interesting but I wouldn't mind suggestions!

BTW - this story is probably going to get mature really soon so I suggest if you are of a younger audience to be careful for the next few chapters!

Don't forget to comment and vote :)


Ali - San

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now