Chapter 14 - Eternal Love

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Naruto's POV :

Naruto awoke to find Kakashi and Sasuke leaning restlessly against the hospital room wall with a look of sadness plastered on their faces. Both of them had their eyes shut tightly, as if deep in thought, but the only thing Naruto noticed was how beautiful they looked.

How come I was blessed with such beautiful angels to love me?

Naruto smiled softly before finally clearing his throat making the two shinobi jump up in surprise. They both just stared at Naruto as he chuckled lightly and beckoned them to come closer.

"I've missed you so much Kakashi, I hope your mission went well. I didn't mean to take you away from work but I wanted the chance to say goodbye to my once sensei and lover."

Whispered Naruto hoarsely.

"I've missed you too Naruto, I love you and I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Said Kakashi as he smiled softly.

I can die peacefully now...

Sasuke's POV :

All Sasuke could do was sit and watch quietly as he slowly came to terms with the truth.

Naruto was going to die.

A tear slipped down his face softly, he turned and realized that Naruto and Kakashi were staring at him. Sasuke quickly wiped his tear away and smiled, attempting to lighten the mood after being caught crying.

"Naruto, didn't you have something to give us? I saw you writing up a storm earlier this week, I didn't even know you could write kanji!"

Chuckled Sasuke as the blonde laughed.

"Don't make me laugh! You don't want me coughing up a lung!"

Laughed Naruto before reaching behind his pillow and pulling out two letters. One addressed to Sasuke, and the other one addressed to Kakashi.

Kakashi and Sasuke grabbed the letters and quickly began opening them, but just as they were about to pull the letters out Naruto snatched them out of their hands and pouted stubbornly.

He doesn't want us to read the letters he wrote us? What?

Naruto's POV :

"Don't read them until I'm gone. I don't want them affecting how your life is going to pan out, therefore you can only read them 10 years from now."

Naruto stated before re-sealing the letters and handing them back to his past lovers.

"And don't you dare try opening them early because I'll be watching you!"

Naruto said grinning as he laid down and closed his eyes.

"I will love you guys forever, even when I'm gone, our love is eternal..."

Naruto whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Sasuke began to sob softly before saying what he didn't know would be his last words to Naruto.

"Naruto, you are my sun and without you I'm in the dark. Rival, teammate, dobe, friend, lover, soulmate; I'm losing all of them today because someone decided that the world didn't need someone so pure to walk among us in the darkness. You beautiful ball of sunshine, don't you ever forget the raven who loved you so much it almost killed him...I love you..."

Sasuke pecked Naruto on the cheek before sobbing hysterically.

"I love you too Sasuke... Forever and ever..."

I can die. I can die now. I can be at peace.

Naruto smiled softly as the sounds around him faded out, and all that could be heard were the sobs and heart monitor beeping as it no longer detected a pulse.

Naruto was dead.

The love triangle, was finally over.

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now