Chapter 9 - Break up ???

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Naruto's POV :

Naruto awoke next to the beautiful Uchiha, wearing nothing more than the blankets from their "bed" from the perfect night prior. Sasuke was laying right behind Naruto, his hands were wrapped tightly around Naruto's waist and his head was in the crook of Naruto's neck. Naruto slowly removed himself from Sasuke's grip, he turned and kissed Sasuke softly, but he received no reply. Naruto frowned and sat up.

"Sasukeeeeee wake upppppp..."

Naruto whined.

Then it happened. Again. Naruto jumped up unable to stop it, he grabbed Sasuke's boxers which were covered with the Uchiha symbol, put them on and quickly rummaged through his suit trying to find his pills. By the time he found them there was no time left, he ran to the nearest bush and spewed blood everywhere. The mark on his stomach began to pour blood, Naruto screamed in agony and shoved his pills down his throat.

It's so much worst...

The pills began to work instantly and the euphoria took place again, but Naruto was okay with that. He cleaned himself up and began to get changed (but he kept the Uchihas boxers on). As Naruto was buttoning up his dress shirt Sasuke began to stir and awoke.

"Teme! You're finally awake!"

Sasuke's POV :

Oh dobe, why are you so crazy

Naruto jumped on top of Sasuke and began kissing him. Sasuke just laid in shock before running his hands through Naruto's hair and kissing him passionately. All of a sudden Naruto jumped off of Sasuke and stood up quickly.


Naruto shouted.

Stupid Kakashi, Naruto is mine.

Sasuke scowled and glared at Naruto.

"Sorry teme, guess this date has to be put on hold."

Naruto said sheepishly and smirked at the angered Uchiha.

Naruto went up to Sasuke, gave him a quick but loving kiss and left Sasuke sitting there in a puddle of anger. Sasuke slowly got up and began cleaning up while Naruto walked to Kakashi's as quickly as possible. While cleaning up, Sasuke began reminiscing about the date and smiled to himself. He truly loved Naruto.


Kakashi's POV :

"Kakashi Hatake, you are to travel to the sand village and remain there for 3 years, you are to train the ninjas and lead them on a brighter path."

Those words just played in Kakashi's head over and over again.

How am I supposed to be with my Naru when I have to be in the sand village in less than 3 hours?

Kakashi's new mission destroyed him. He was so in love with Naruto but he could not disregard the mission given to him by the Hokage. Of course Naruto was late to their date that was supposed to happen in less than 2 minutes.

Naru please hurry, I need to say goodbye

Kakashi sat there for 45 minutes waiting for Naruto, but he never showed. Kakashi began to hyperventilate and removed his face mask and cried. This was not how he wanted it to be, he wanted to stay here, win Naruto over, and live happily ever after with the love of his life. Kakashi had already lost his first love when he killed Rin. He had loved her but he could never hurt or disrespect Obito, and when she jumped in front of his chidori, he was destroyed. Now he had to "kill" his relationship with Naruto as well.

Damn it

Kakashi pulled himself together and wrote a quick note to Naruto explaining everything and packed his bags. Right when he was about to leave, a sweaty yet well dressed Naruto appeared before him.

"Kakashi I'm so sorry! I'm here for our date... I was just -"

Naruto sputtered before a depressed Kakashi interrupted him.

Kakashi walked up to Naruto, stroked his perfectly spiked blond hair, gazed into his huge ocean blue eyes, pulled down his face mask and kissed him. Kakashi held tightly to Naruto while kissing him passionately, a tear slid down Kakashi's face and landed on Naruto's cheek. They slowly released from each other's grasp and stared at each other in awe of one another's beauty.

"Goodbye Naruto."

Kakashi uttered before disappearing right before Naruto's eyes.

Naruto's POV :

What just happened... why did he say goodbye? Does he know I'm sick?

Naruto just stood there, unsure of what to do now. He turned and saw the note that Kakashi had left for him.

My sweet Naru,

I have been sent on a mission for 3 years, I'm sorry to say that Sasuke must have you. I love you so much, it's too much for me to even comprehend but I can not disregard orders from the Hokage. I wish I could ask for you to wait for me, but I love you too much to have you wait alone for me. Just listen to me when I say Anata dake wo aishite imasu.

Love always,

Kakashi Hatake

Naruto looked up from the note with tears in his eyes.

It's over...The love triangle is over.


A/N :

The story is not over! I repeat, the story is not over! I was just having a bit of trouble coming up with Kakanaru ideas so I sort of cut him out for now, but don't worry! Kakashi will still be in the story so Kakashi lovers do not be alarmed! Anyways the story will be a bit more Sasunaru based from now on, and we may meet some new characters so stay tuned!

Anata dake wo aishite imasu - essentially means 'I love only you'

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Ali - San

Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now