Chapter 3 - Dinner at Kakashi's

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Kakashi's POV :

Sasuke walked away very calmly after challenging his sensei for Naruto. Kakashi realized that if he truly loved Naruto, he would need to confess his love for him, and it would have to happen soon!

I need to let Naruto know I love him so he doesn't acknowledge Sasuke before me... I'll invite him over for dinner tonight... That'll be perfect!

Kakashi smirked at his brilliant idea.

I win Sasuke... Good luck winning over Naruto now teme

Kakashi then began to stare at a shirtless Naruto who was attempting to walk on water for the hundredth time. Kakashi giggled then gazed in awe when Naruto turned around and flashed him a grin. Kakashi stood there unable to remove his gaze from Naruto when a shuriken flew right by his face. He flew backwards and spotted Sasuke laughing like an idiot on the water. Kakashi glared at him and Sasuke smirked and winked then went back to flirting and teasing Naruto. Kakashi filled with jealousy and sat down under a tree with a glum look on his face.

Sasuke's POV :

Haha that's what you get sensei for staring at my Naruto.

Sasuke smirked again and then went over to Naruto trying to flirt. He couldn't help but also stare at Naruto's shirtless chest but controlled himself and ran over.

"Hey loser, you're looking good - Oh when I say that I mean like you're technique - not you - not that your ugly - hehe..."

Sasuke said awkwardly

So much for flirting. I can't even talk to him without getting flustered...damn

Naruto didn't really seem to notice. He just smiled at Sasuke and continued to train.

He's so cute when he's determined. I wish he was mine...

Naruto's POV :

Did Sasuke just compliment how I look? Oh my... Why does this make me so happy? What's going on? Do I like Sasuke?

Naruto trained with Sasuke until the sunset. Kakashi called them in from the water to have a chat about their next mission. After explaining the next mission, Kakashi called Naruto over in privacy.

Why does Kakashi sensei look so nervous? What a weirdo haha.

"So Naruto, what are your plans tonight?"

Said Kakashi shyly

"You know the usual, going home and eating some ramen!"

Naruto giggled.

"Well how would you like to come over for dinner tonight? It'll be my treat?"

Sasuke turned and glared at the sensei. He slowly walked over to intervene.

"That sounds awesome! Sure Kakashi sensei -"

"Ooo dinner at Kakashi sensei'a sounds awesome! Thanks for the invite sensei!"

Interrupted a grinning Sasuke.

Kakashi sensei inviting me over for dinner? That's just plain weird, but then Sasuke intervening? Wow. There seems to be some kind of hot blood between these two. I wonder... what's this all about?

Kakashi's POV :

Ugh that teme! Guess the three of us are eating at my house tonight... My plan is ruined now! Thanks a lot Sasuke!

Sasuke and Kakashi walked silently to Kakashi's house as Naruto danced around like a buffoon.

What a hyperactive ninja...

When they arrived food had been prepared by Kakashi who had been expecting this to happen. They all washed up and ate very quickly trying to avoid any awkward conversations.

Kakashi and Sasuke glared at each other the whole time, trying to decide what they should do.

What if I let Naruto spend the night? Then I can tell him in the morning! Perfect!

"Hey Naruto, I know you live very far away from here, why don't you spend the night?"

Kakashi asked insistently.

"Sure sensei! Sounds fun!"

Answered Naruto.

Perfect, I can't wait!

Sasuke's POV :

Smart thinking Kakashi sensei, but you won't get rid of me that easily.

"I'm actually feeling kinda tired...I might as well stay the night too. We should call it a night."

Grinned Sasuke.


Shouted Naruto excitedly.

"Actually Naruto, I think we should go to bed, how about we have a day off tomorrow? Then we can hang out? Sounds good?"

Kakashi sensei sighed. He really wanted alone time with Naruto.

"Okay Kakashi sensei! You got it!"

Naruto exclaimed.

They all got ready for bed, each of them in separate rooms.

Damn, I wish I shared a room with Naruto, then I could confess my love for him. When I do tell him I hope he doesn't reject me...I need his love, he's my soulmate.

Kakashi's POV :

I should've never done this. Next time I'll think of something a little smarter. Damn it Sasuke! You teme! You ruin everything!

Kakashi sighed and rolled around in his bed for hours until realizing he HAD to go tell Naruto he loved him. He walked slowly and quietly through the hall to the room Naruto was in. He slowly opened the door and turned to look at Naruto.


Love Triangle - Naruto x Sasuke x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now