Chapter 2 - Training

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Naruto's POV :

Naruto arrived just in time.

Sasuke's already here...wait why do I care?

Being his hyperactive self, he immediately shouted

"Hey Sakura! Hey Sasuke!"

And giggled like a fool.

Sasuke's POV :

Sasuke couldn't help but smile at how adorable Naruto was. He started daydreaming and blushing like a maniac. He was speechless so he gave a slight grunt to acknowledge Naruto's presence.

Sakura was currently attached to Sasuke's hip, barely giving him any breathing space.

God she's so annoying! I don't like her at all! I'm in love with Naruto!

While Sasuke was thinking, he immediately realized Naruto was staring at him. He blushed uncontrollably and tried to call Naruto a "dobe" but nothing came out. Sasuke stood there with his mouth wide open...He was speechless.

Naruto's POV :

Naruto noticed Sasuke blushing, but ignored it completely.

Is Sasuke blushing because of Sakura? I wouldn't be surprised...but...why does he like Sakura?

Naruto stared at Sasuke in a total daze. Sasuke looked up and they both began blushing like fools.

Oh my god. Sasuke is beautiful...wait what's happening to me? Why can't I stop staring at Sasuke?!

Naruto looked up again only to see Sasuke looking at him with his mouth open as if he was gonna say something, but he just stood there like a buffoon, no words came out of his cute mouth.

All of a sudden Kakashi came flying in and Naruto suddenly became aware of his surroundings and began to focus.

Sakura's POV :


Kakashi's POV :

Kakashi flew in and before landing began to stare at Naruto's beautiful grin. Since he was staring he almost fell but caught himself last minute in a desperate "don't embarrass myself in front of Naruto" kind of way.

That was a close one. Imagine embarrassing myself in front of the cutie

Naruto ran up to Kakashi and hugged him, he was excited for the day to come! Kakashi immediately blushed but thankfully he always wore his face mask, so unlike Sasuke, Kakashi could blush as he pleased.

"Today we will be working on focusing our chakra to our feet so we can walk on water, let us begin."

Kakashi said to the group. He turned to walk away into a position where he could watch Naruto perfectly, but he noticed something weird. Sasuke had been staring at Naruto and smiling the entire time. Every time Naruto would look up, Sasuke would blush.

Is this what I think it is? Is Sasuke in love with Naruto as well?!

A wave of jealousy spread across Kakashi as he loved Naruto more than anything in the world. He called Sasuke over to have a quick chat.

Sasuke's POV :

Sasuke ran over as Kakashi had called him.

What is going on?

Sasuke then got really nervous. He knew he had been staring at Naruto and smiling the whole time as Kakashi talked, he definitely was not the stealthiest ninja when it came to Naruto.

Did he see me staring? Does he know? It's only been a few weeks though so maybe he thinks I'm just having mood swings... Wait Kakashi has been acting strange too. What is going on?

Kakashi's POV :

"Sasuke... I know you're in love with Naruto. The way you stare at him, the way you smile when he's not looking, or the way you blush when Naruto catches you staring. I know you love that adorable, gorgeous, generous, strong boy... And I know this because...because I love him too..."

Sasuke's POV :


"Well sensei, I guess we'll be fighting for him... Because there is no way I'm sharing the love of my life... So good luck sensei, and may the best man win."

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