Chapter 5 - Confessions and Kisses

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Kakashi POV :

Kakashi awoke drenched in sweat.

It was just a dream...

Kakashi was relieved to realize that he hadn't ruined Naruto and Sasuke's moment. Kakashi quietly opened his bedroom door and checked in Sasuke and Naruto. They were asleep, entangled in one another.

Oh Sasuke you may think you're winning but just you wait until tomorrow morning!

Kakashi tip toed back into his room and grabbed his favourite novel "Makeout Paradise" and laid in bed until he dozed off.

Naruto's POV :

Naruto awoke at dawn really needing to pee. He withdrew from Sasuke and quickly went to the bathroom. When Naruto realized what had happened the previous night, he felt unsure of himself.

I think I love Sasuke... But I'm not sure... He is absolutely beautiful... But I don't really know him, he's too secretive and for me to love him that needs to change...

Naruto finished peeing and opened the door exiting the bathroom. Right when Naruto opened the door, a topless Kakashi stood in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.


Kakashi's POV :

Kakashi stood in front of Naruto with love and lust in his eyes.

Nows my chance to confess

"Naruto I...I love you..."

Kakashi whispered while blushing like a maniac.

Naruto stood in silence, just staring at his sensei with confusion in his eyes.

"Naruto I love everything about you... I love your -"

"Yea yea I heard this speech last night by Sasuke. How do I know you guys aren't messing with me? First my love Sasuke says this, then my hunk of a sensei Kakashi says this! How am I supposed to believe you two now?! I would've believed it if only one of you had confessed, that's why I believe Sasuke and expressed my feelings as well, but now that you both have 'confessed' I can't trust you!"

Naruto shouted, interrupting Kakashi's well prepared expression of love.

Damn it. How can I prove I love him?

Naruto's POV :

They think I'm a sucker. Wow. If they want to have me, they have to earn me! Believe it!

Naruto stood there, his eyes watering slightly. Sasuke awoke from all the commotion and walked over to a teary eyed Naruto and a upset Kakashi.

"What have you done now sensei?"

Said Sasuke sarcastically.

"He's done nothing. So Sasuke, you love me? So Kakashi you love me too? Wow what a strange coincidence..."

Naruto stated with an odd tone to his voice.

"Naruto, I really love you. Seriously just let me -"

"Shut up Sasuke. I love you Naruto. You are my world... Please just let me make it up to -"

"SHUT UP! If you guys want to prove how much you love me, then I guess we're going to be having a little competition boys."

Naruto said with a cheeky grin on his face.

Here we go, the plan is in motion.

Sasuke's POV :

Wow. Kakashi ruins everything. Last night I actually had my world in my arms, and now Kakashi is making my soulmate second guess himself... And now I'm stuck in this mess.

"So, do you guys agree to a little competition? Or do you not love me enough to battle for me?"

Said Naruto.

Kakashi and Sasuke nodded their heads violently in agreement.

"Okay then, let's start right away shall we? Kakashi and Sasuke, I want you two to kiss right now in front of me."


Kakashi's POV :


Naruto's POV :

Sasuke and Kakashi stared at each other in disgust. Then after some contemplation, they both slowly leaned in and...

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