To Feel Overwhelming

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This chapter is dedicated to
Smurphy7337 (From wattpad)

-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Also, I might take a page or two from Terri Hood (Wattpad). I do not own Percy Jackson or Marvel.
On with the story!
Percy's P.O.V
Dreams never seem to make sense to me.
I was at camp, but it looks like it's been mashed with a winter wonderland. Beautiful blankets of snow covered the place, snowflakes still falling. Icicles were hanging off of cabins and ice was covering some of the ground. It was breathtaking. I may not like Mother Nature (and she may not like me back), but this was a delicate landscape of beauty.
I walked on the snow, failing to see that it left no tracks, and trod across the landscape. I noticed that the snow was not falling at all. It seem to be frozen in time.
Also, there seemed to be no one at camp. I pondered whether I should sing 'let it go' out loud.
I decided against it...for now.
A flash of yellow came from right inside the Big House. Its door was wide open. I walked in, soon engulfed with the yellow light. I felt someone watching me from right behind me. I snapped in that direction.
No one? Maybe my senses were just getting worked up from the cold. I turned, only to be jump scared by a woman. I froze as she looked closely at me, taking me in. Then she looked me in the eye. Her eyes were golden and held no emotion, none at all. She had golden hair. She opened her mouth and said in a voice that also held no emotion, "you will do for now."
Then she disappeared. But what scared me the most was that there was a mirror across the wall, and instead of reflecting me, I saw a monster with blue skin and red eyes.
That's when I realized...I was that monster.
I woke up with a jolt, groaning I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember what had happened before I went to sleep. Then I remembered going to the tower. I was shown to a guest room. I remember falling down on the pillow and immediately sleeping.
Getting up, I took a change of clothes before walking out of the room.
"Where's the kitchen?" I mumbled.
"The kitchen is located seven floors above you, Percy," A Irish girl said from inside the walls.
I jumped, a little startled. I mean, come on, what is it, 'Jumpscare Percy Day?'
"Ummm, thanks. But where are you?" I questioned.
"I am a A.I made by Tony Stark. My name Is F.R.I.D.A.Y. I am the backup A.I when Jarvis breaks down. My job is to assist Tony Stark, and he told me to also assist you if you need it."
"Okay, so what does Friday stand for?" I said, musing for a while.
The A.I replied, "Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth."
"Oh, so how much in youth?" I asked. "15 years, 16?"
"Two months," Friday stated
I shook my head in amazement before heading to the elevator and going up to the kitchen. It was filed with the basics of ingredients, but judging by the amount of covers that never been opened, this kitchen hasn't been used that much. But that didn't really bother me, 8 minutes later I was making pancakes and looking for blue food dye.
I was also trying not to get overwhelmed with the fact that I was living in the Avengers Tower.
Tony Stark's P.O.V
Okay, confession time. I didn't sleep at all last night, I was too scared that I might dream of betraying my half sister.
So I had been working in my lab, doing projects I didn't finish because I got bored.
Right now my nephew is in the tower sleeping. My sister's only son, and my only family left alive, and he doesn't even know.
"Sir, it seems Percy is in the kitchen, perhaps you would like to join him?" Friday decided to suggest.
I decided to listen to her, as I was near the kitchen. I smelled pancakes, my little sister Sally used to make them. Of course my brain then immediately latched onto a memory that I tried to hide deep in my mind, one the showed the nasty side of me. (A.n- for goodness sakes if you don't get this then read the prequel gathering frost)
It was my birthday, and I was determined to keep Sally away from me.
I had the normal call from Howard.
Then I went down at 11:00 because I knew she would not be there, that's when her teacher gets here and teachers her.
Taking some cereal, I started to eat. Then I noticed a plate of blue pancakes that was clearly made for me.
She thinks some pancakes are going to fix this? She never told me she was my half-sister!
I trashed it, plate and all.
I felt so...overwhelmed.
I blinked and realized that I had moved forward, to see Percy looking for something in one of the cabinets.
Percy must of heard me come in. He stopped and turned to see me just staring at him. My eyes must have held guilt and regret in them.
"Ummm, hi. You want some pancakes?"
I nodded and sat down, getting another good look at Percy. Pepper talked a earfull with me yesterday after I had given her a very long explanation of how Sally is my sister.
She demanded that I explained everything about what happened to Percy, including me betraying his mother. But due to the fact that he might hate me, I decided to leave out that part. Maybe once he warms up to me, I'll tell him...maybe.
After breakfast I slowly explained to Percy about how I'm his uncle and that Sally was my half sister. I told him some memories of me and Sally, happy memories. I couldn't help but smile while talking about them. For years no one seemed to remember or know about Sally Jackson. Now here's her son!
By the end Percy was looking at me with uncertainty. "My mom never mentioned you. Why did she leave?"
I swallowed. Should I tell him? I realized that he was still waiting for an answer, so I said, "She just left one day and never came back. Everyone seemed to forget about her, as if she didn't exist."
His eyes widened. ", I thought for a minute you had something to do with her running away."
Great. I'm digging my own grave, I thought.
I tried to reword it. "I don't know about tha-"
"No, seriously, it's not your fault. My grandpa...Mom's dad, he has a lot of enemies. Maybe he just took her to protect her. Don't feel so bad, you seemed to have a good relationship with my mom. What could you have done to make her run away?" Percy asked, letting a laugh of relief.
Okay, the ship has sunk, I repeat, the ship has sunk. But wait, maybe that's a good thing.
"Yeah, I guess she wouldn't want me to tear myself apart," I respond.
There was a comfortable silence then a sweet idea hit me. "Wanna check out my suits?" I imputed.
Percy smiled in response.
Percy's P.O.V
Okay, this is soooo cool.
I got a close up look of Ironman suits, all of them were so cool.
"I thought you retired from being an Avenger, uncle." What? I might as well get use to calling him that.
"Yeah, I'm like a honorary avenger. Also these top three floor are dedicated to them so they can come and crash here anytime."
I felt a little bit more overwhelmed, I could meet more Avengers. A part of me screamed to get out and not get caught, then it stopped when it saw all the cool weapons.
"Do I get a room near these floors?"
I kneeled in front of one Iron suit that seemed to be incomplete.
Tony looked back at me in surprise. "What? No way! That can be dangerous! Your room is getting remodeled ten floors below the Avengers level."
"So...are there any Avengers here now?" I said nonchalantly, looking around.
He smiled."Captain America fan?" He saw my surprised face and quickly said, "Friday get everything you can get about our new resident."
Holograms popped up with facts and pictures all revolving around me, he even had a picture of me when I was little, dressed up like Captain America.
"Anyway, they rarely visit, too busy trying to keep the peace."
1 was a little disappointed, but then I got excited, because my uncle is Iron Man!
Mom was a huge fan of Iron Man...
I felt the usual cloud of grief come over me. It didn't help that photos of my childhood with her surrounded me.
Tony must have noticed my change in behavior. He swiped the pictures away and I felt his hand at my shoulder.
"I miss her...a lot," I mumbled out.
"I miss her too, but she wouldn't want us to wallow in grief. We have to move on."
"But-I- I just can't."
"Do it for her."
I couldn't look him in the eyes so instead I watch the sky outside, dark clouds gathering.
Slowly, my vision got stained with tears.
(A.n- okay so this next part I got the idea from terri hood (wattpad) in her fanfic frost blood. So giving the credit for inspiration)
Third P.O.V
In all honesty today was annoying for the son of Hades, the way the sun shined in camp...younger campers scrambling and rambling...
(Nico is single in this fan fiction)
The love goddess' children sat by some pillars running their mouths, jabbering, chattering, and gossiping.
Nico was faintly aware that some children of Hermes occupied the high place above the pillars. They were perched there, waiting to douse him with some unknown liquid. He also saw some guards stationed to watch over the new campers. Which seem to come in abundance, all going in different directions frolicking, shuffling, marching, staggering, sprinting, and whizzing around. They all were in order and harmony, which started to give the pale boy a headache. He preferred a dark quiet place, so without a warning he strutted to a shadow soon getting enveloped by it.
(Is it just me or do I use a lot of words in third person)
New York the rain.
Of course, Nico scolded himself. Just because it's sunny in camp doesn't mean it would be outside.
Nico scoured the place to find it empty. Then again, it was now pouring hard, so who would be here? Nico started to relish the peace, but was ruined when he shuddered due to the cold of the rain.
He kept walking and soon realized that he made it to one particular grave.
Sally Jackson.
As he neared to the grave he noticed a figure in the pouring rain down on his knees.
The figure, not hearing Nico and at the time mourning, traced his fingers along the gravestone.
The son of Hades locked on the image of his close friend Percy. Nico knew Percy was greatly affected by his mother's death...but couldn't he buy a damn umbrella?
The mourner then proceeded in picking a blue flower. "You always did like the color blue."
Nico shut his mouth. That was not Percy. His mind raced. who else would know Sally? Would a mortal know her well enough to be at her grave?
Nico pondered a bit, the man could not be dangerous for the son of the Underworld. He decide to take a slow approach. The man seem to be in anguish.
Nico strolled forward before saying, "You know, only one person visits that grave-" He stopped a safe ten feet away from the man, who's back still faced him before continuing, "And I've never seen you here before."
There was a brief silence. Nothing but the rain pouring down made a noise. Nico noticed a puddle forming around the man's knees.
"It is my first time paying my respect to her," the man replied simply.
Nico looked up at the sky, only to get splatters of rain pour down on his face. Yeah, should have done a rain check, Nico thought to himself.
"From what I heard she was the greatest woman ever." Nico wasn't lying, every time he heard Percy describe her it warmed his cold heart. Especially because Sally had taken him in. Without Percy knowing, he would come to her apartment to rest. During his usually short stays she would be extremely kind to him.
He snapped back to reality when the man spoke. "A queen among women."
For a moment, Nico thought the man had also said something along the lines of 'she was my queen.' He decided that it was a mistake with all the sounds nature had been making.
He decided to just ask the ask the man what was on his mind, so he could let him grieve in peace.
"Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but the only person that visits her is her son, and-"
Whatever Nico was going to say faded when he saw the man tense.
The man snapped up and turned around, looking at the boy. He quickly came toward Nico.
Nico was startled and almost brandished his sword to scare the intimidating man. He really couldn't see the man well in the rain.
The only feature he did see was bright green eyes focused on him, and that failed to put him at ease as the man open his mouth, saying, "Her.....son?!"
A.n- cliffhanger yeah! Also please check out from wattpad terri hood story frost blood, I did rephrase a scene from her fanfic. Also give thanks to my beta reader FandomsForeva from fanfic. Yeah I really don't have more to say.
Question of the day: in the movie ant man who was the avenger (or avenger in training) that tried to turn in ant man (but failed).
Tell me if you like it or not
Cooljoanna15 out

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