To Feel Determination

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This chapter is dedicated to
from wattpad
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Also, I might take a page or two from Terri Hood (Wattpad). I do not own Percy Jackson or Marvel.
On with the story!
Nico's P.O.V
Why does it always seem that universe is out to get me!
I was able to convince the mysterious man to talk in a more dry place, like a convenient McDonald's place (disclaimer do not own McDonald's).
We took a booth, Right now he was sitting across from me staring at me with his sharp eyes. It felt like he was examining my soul, picking out my deep dark secrets pushing them in the bright light.
In other words, he look like he can fool you Into helping him take over the world.
Nervously I reached to the table to grab some fries, the man lucky did not protest in me buying food.
I really didn't know how to start this bound to be awkward conversation, this was percy's mom, percy should be the one talking about her, not me.
He finally spoke, speaking quietly and slow, "you know, Sally Jackson?"
I nodded, deciding it would be best not to talk for now.
"And her son"
I nodded again.
His eyes once again bore eyes into me "and he wouldn't be by any chance-" he paused thinking for a brief moment. "14 years of age"
I slowly nodded and couldn't help but say "about to be 15" of course I didn't say when.
He turned his head away so I wouldn't see the expression on his face, okay why did I talk to this stranger, he's...well.. Strange.
I got a little impatient and said "okay listen up, I don't know how you know percy's mom but-" he snapped his head and I just realized what I did. I gave a stranger percy's name, and that could be a Huge mistake.
"No! I meant- I-" I was usually good at lying but in front of this guy I couldn't lie!
"Percy." He said letting it roll off his tongue, getting a use of the name. Now he he seemed interested in sally's son. He looked out in the window with a emotion I could not identify.
I tried to calm down, I grabbed my Coke and was about to take a sip when I felt something out of place.
I turned and almost jumped up in surprise, the whole McDonald's place was empty, I slowly looked back to the man who was watching me searching for a reaction.
Without looking I was summon my sword gripping it close when he spoke
"Put your sword down son of hades and you would not get injured."
I only tighten my grip glaring at the man who I suddenly felt his power rise, even pasting my own.
He's still sitting, but now he was crossing his legs and smirking, even though he was still a little wet from the rain.
"How do you know I am a son of hades" I questioned standing.
He merely shrugged stating "you stench of death and aroma of the underworld is as clear as day."
I backed up near a wall, some people would call that stupid but there was a convenient shadow there. I didn't stare at it to make it obvious, but I couldn't fix myself to stare at the man who had eyes like a certain legacy of Poseidon, I miss the frown the man displayed as he got up and notice I wouldn't look at him.
How could I notice, I raced to the shadow escaping.
Third P.O.V
The man let a growl out as the son of hades escaped, but quickly felt a ache of sadness.
He remember falling in the damn void, getting tortured so badly that he would sometimes cry out for his older adopted brother to save him.
After a year he gave up, if his so called home wouldn't be loyal to him, why should he.
He gave in and ask those aliens what they wanted.
They wanted Asgard to burn, but He was still a little loyal.
That's when they started to mentally torture him, they mashed his memories so much That he soon felt so sure that it was his so called brother that tossed him down there to suffer.
All He remember of Asgard is himself in a shadow, and He started to despise Asgard wishing for it to burn.
When they were satisfied that he would serve their master the mad Titan they add the one final threat that allowed him to let them have some control in his mind.
They said that if He fail He would know true pain, they said that they will kill Sally. He failed and was Immediately brought to Asgard prison, He was there for a whole year.
Long story short his so called brother need his help, He helped a little then faked his death, He went to tell the king who then fell into odinsleep, so He also may have pretend to be the king to see the outcome but once He did He went back to Midgard only to find that Sally was killed. Just as they promised, they must of killed her while he was in prison He realized to himself.
Then He was disturbed in the mourning of his wife by a son of hades.
Yes Sally Jackson is his wife... Was his wife.. No still is he stubbornly thought.
But what disturbed him the most is the words that child of the underworld said,
'the only person that visits her is her son'
Her son.
HIS son.
Percy, maybe last names is Jackson. Yes that would make sense Percy jackson son of Sally jackson he reasoned in his mind.
Determination filled his heart as he glared at the shadow that aided in the pale boy's escape.
He will hunt the boy down and force him to tell the location of his son, a small part of him said 'what happens if he really is not his son'. He snarled in disgust at himself at that thought, how could he think such a thing, Sally loved him so much and he loves her still, neither of them would ever even dare cheat.
All he need was time, yes it will be a slow process hunting the son of hades, but he will succeed and he will not fail in protecting the boy who is his son. It felt surreal, he had a son! He open his mouth and said again "Percy jackson" stressing on each syllable as if the name is sacred.
Then he turned around and walked out of the building beginning his hunt for the son of hades.
"There is no way to run or hide son of hades, I will find you."
Meanwhile at the avengers tower
"YEEE AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SOOOOOO COOOOOL" screamed Percy Jackson as he was flying in a tube that pushed him up in air.
Tony was laughing as he watched his nephew, pepper laughed too as she saw her godson do a air flip. Happy was standing by the door smiling too at the contagious laugh.
"So" whispered pepper "I take it he took the news well and forgave you about what you did to Sally?"
Tony's good mood turned sober "yeah about that, I think it's best that I don't tell him about it."
Pepper eyes went wide and she open her mouth, but Tony beat her saying "please pepper think? He might run away, I think it's best if he is never told"
"Your making him live a lie Tony" pepper said trying to convince Tony.
"Your his godmother do you think there's a chance that he would run away if I said it?"
Pepper stayed quiet looking back at the happy boy, she huffed "this isn't over Tony, we have to think of something."
"Of course" Tony said "but for now"
He turned back watching Percy smile and holler in joy, thinking about how good Percy would look in an iron suit, war machines is now a avenger Tony would need a new sidekick.
He smiled imagining the look on percy's face, what a awesome present that would be. Beside percy's birthday is coming up, what harm is there in spoiling him a bit.
Unknown place
"What is this" hissed one of the fates "you brought the frost giant runt here! Take him back or we will give him death"
"If you do that" one of the Norns declared "then we will have the right to do the same with that man with no heart." (Tony stark)
"His fate is still in our hands" growled a fate.
"He will soon be in ours" replied a Norn.
"No he is mine" a voice projected, the Norns and fates looked around.
"Show yourself being" a fate spoke.
"Very well." A woman appeared she had golden hair and eyes, her face held no emotion
She wore a white shirt and black pants.
The Norns and the fates held shock in their face looking at each other before they all spoke at once in unison "he's fate is in your hands oh great one"
(A.n- sorry for the point of view changes but what can I say?)
Camp half blood
At the big house inside stood Chiron and Poseidon both discuss about a particular legacy of the sea.
"He seems to like it with his uncle my lord" the half horse imputed.
"Yes it seems so" the sea God said, "yet I feel something out of place, something big is too come"
Chiron and Poseidon snapped to heads towards the sound only to see Triton.
"Triton what puts you at such questioning state"
Triton scowled "more like angry state, if he dare goes near my nephew"
"My son, tony stark is not a threat to Percy and is trying to make amends, why yes I don't approve of him not telling Percy the truth I'm sure he will tell soon."
"Not him, someone who I have to hunt down" growled triton.
"I'm... I'm not following on what you're trying to say triton." Poseidon stated put a hand on triton's shoulder looking at him with concern. Triton shrugged the hand off and handed a picture to his father, Chiron looked at the picture as well.
The picture was a being dressed like a mortal with black hair and green eyes, the figure was lean and his eyes were calculating.
There was silence then a growing growl that escaped from the back of the sea god throat.
"He dares!"
Chiron paled as he also recognized the alien.
"Not only that, but the mist is starting to fail, of all times! It's incredibly weak in New York, of all the places!"
"Triton go back to Atlantis, I have a meeting to make with this matter in Olympus"
Triton questioned, "and if they don't acted?"
Poseidon froze before whispering in rage
"Then I have a threat to uphold"
"So do I" said the younger god.
With that said the two gods left in a sea of mist leaving Chiron who was still place as he held the photo of a threat that now targets the legacy of the sea.
"May the fate be with Percy"
With that he went to call all the demigods to know of the mist failure and that both camps will be in lockdown.
A.n- can anyone guess who this mysterious powerful women is. Anyone think this chapter was any good? I think I switch the places way too much. Also things are starting to heat up.
Tell me if you like it or not.
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Cooljoanna15 out
Question of the day- in the book Percy Jackson who is the new oracle?

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