To Deal with a brat

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-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Give thanks to SmartieQueen my beta reader.
On with the story!
To deal with a brat
Percy's P.O.V
After dinner during camp fire I followed Leo to a edge of a cabin, it made me feel like I was buying drugs or something.
I couldn't help but add humor saying, "you got the stuff".
Leo's eyes went wide before letting out a laugh.
"You better hope calypso doesn't hear you, she'll force you to a intervention"
I grinned at him saying "how's Calypso"
He looked away with dreamy eyes before saying, "she kicked my butt this morning when I asked her if I could be a hellhound tamer".
Why does he seem so happy with that?! Love's weird, in a good way I guess.
Leo present me with a small box, "oh you shouldn't have" I said cheekily.
Leo then presently threw it at my face as his face became rapidly red.
I rubbed my forehead before opening the box and seeing the all powerful time stone in a watch.
Noticing my reaction Leo said "you can't lose a watch if it's on your wrist, and you can alway tell time"
I started to chuckle at the irony.
I shook my head, "nothing, forgot to tell you that this is the Time infinity stone"
He smile at the irony before asking "you going alone, 'cause I can alway assist"
I thought for a while, a guy when a magic tool belt who is great at building and has fire powers did sound tempting. I also heard Piper say once that Leo can make tacos from it so food is taken care of, also these days I do need some humor.
I shrugged saying "sure, meet me at the art center after breakfast"
"Wait you going at a quest"
I turn to see Nico and Annabeth.
"Ummm, yeah!"
Nico frowned, he must of felt guilty after the whole Loki killing me thing happened... To bad I'm still strangling him.
Living up to my threat I let out a growl and tackled Nico, but he must've seen it in my eyes so he back away and tried to run into a shadow.
"Hell no" I proclaimed as I went in Leo's tool belt, much to his protest and pulled out a flashlight, shining it at the shadow.
Nico face planted to the floor- I winced a little in sympathy- before I brought up a smirk and said, "I found your weakness hades' son....... A FLASHLIGHT".
Then I.... Well.... Strangled him.
Of course Annabeth came over and judo flipped me, "calm down seaweed brain".
I calmed down and Annabeth said with her arms folded on her chest, "you say sorry to Nico for almost strangling him to death"
I pouted before turning to Nico and saying, "sorry".
Nico nodded and shakily got up, "so this quest" he coughed out.
"Yeah... Wanna come?"
He smiled a bit before saying, "yeah sure, art center after breakfast right?"
I gave a nod and put on the watch, "I need to head to New York right now and grab something that might be useful.
"Wait how are we going" Leo ask.
I smiled and said, "first class jet". Now don't worry, Zeus wouldn't blast me out of the sky, he wouldn't dare due to the universe at stake... Unless he doesn't know.
My friends gaped as I ran away screaming, "MY UNCLE'S A BILLIONAIRE"
Time lapse
I was sitting down with a metal suitcase under my seat.
Waiting for the jet to go is painstakingly boring, Leo was content with watching from a laptop a movie about some guy stuck on Mars growing potatoes. Nico was playing some game with an intense look on his face I leaned over to see what game he was playing...... It was that new game 'the culling', I think it's about people killing each other in some arena.
"Really Nico....... life isn't good enough for you" he jumped up and shushed me before going back and... Talking?
Oh right, he has headphones on and is playing with someone in a team.
"Who's your teammate"
He gave me a annoyed look before saying, "Conner".
I got bored after that conversation and poked Leo, he looked up smiling with a familiar glint in his eyes.
"What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking about how Calypso and I could live in Mars and grow potatoes for a living"
I raised a eyebrow before saying, "and I think she is going to kick your butt again if she hears that"
I got up to look for the adult who was in charge of flying us to Britain.
I saw the woman, she had shield logo on her jacket along with eyes that had a scary flame to them, she also wore her hair in a high ponytail.
"I'm Agent Stone, I'll be escorting you to your.... Quest"
Ohhhh a demigod agent.... Wait what's shield doing in my business!
I voiced out my thought and she rolled her eyes as if it was saying for me to stop being a baby.
She moved me towards a monitor where I saw my uncle there waving.
"So just to make sure you're safe"
"What, I wanted to just give you a bodyguard but then Tasha-"
"I decide it would be best for shield to keep an eye on you" Natasha said as she swung into view with a neutral face.
"When you mean you, you mean Fury" Tony pointed out.
Natasha gave Tony a cold look, "I am still a shield agent".
Tony looked irritated and said, "you like stating stupid facts! well then hear these facts."
Natasha looked at him unamused, I felt slightly worry for him.
And you're still a little bi-"
A hand lunged and muffled Tony's words
"At least watch your language around your nephew Tony".
"Oh come on, he's a big boy" Tony exclaimed.
I took that as a opening and pointed out, "yes I am a big boy meaning I don't need to be monitor 24/7"
They all started to protest but I just shut down the monitor.
I swung the chair I was in and decide to questioned Agent Stone, but she already cut me off by raising her hand.
"Okay twinkletoes (her eyes soften for a moment saying that) first up I'm a daughter of Ares so I'm going to say this once. GET. YOUR. BUTT. IN. A. SEAT. NOW."
I hurried to my seat alerting Nico and Leo that we were about to lift off.
30 minutes later we were in the air, Leo started to move around his chair tapping his foot and Building something with his hand.
Nico just focused on me and said, "so this reality stone is pretty powerful"
"Yep" I said as I looked at my watch that held the time stone.
"And this Jane Foster girl is your only lead"
"Isn't she like.... Thor's girlfriend or something"
I swear Nico was acting like a kid asking annoying questions.
"Isn't Thor you uncle and all"
I jerked towards him saying, "Nico I will seriously start strangling you again if you don't shut up.
Nico decided to listen to my demand and simply went to sleep, lucky him.
Surprisingly enough were landed in Britain 4 hours later
Agent Stone stopped me on the way out saying she wanted to talk.
I stood before her before she said, "I knew your mom....... She was a great woman. We use to be close friends until I joined shield, can't help but notice that you have your mother's light in you eyes"
(A.n- anyone remember Gwen (really name Gwendolyn) Stone from gathering frost?)
I felt unresponsive, in front of me was a friend of my mom, I move on from her dead but there was still that ache in my heart.
"I'll keep in touch with you. Oh and sorry for calling you twinkletoes, that name is reserved for your mom"
I smile and shook her hand before catching up with Nico and Leo.
"So" Leo let out, "good old Bristol in Britain".
"Yeah. Hey do you guys think I should use my British accent just because"
Leo jumped up spin around before saying, "hell ya!"
Nico went straight to the point of the quest saying, "let's get a cab to that university already".
I nodded and we all loaded up on a cab during our ride Nico was going over ways of convincing Jane Foster to help us.
"-or we could say we met Thor, even if we never did, or we can say that we are eager student, or use the mist"
I interrupt saying, "or I can say 'hi am Tony Stark's Nephew, yes the mysterious one that was released in media five days ago, yeah I'm sure I can help you meet Thor again."
Nico gave me a look while Leo said, "let's go with that one, Oh but let me butter her up by saying I am flammable"
"Why would you reveal that!" Nico cry out.
We both gave each other a look before turning to Nico saying in unison
"Because we can"
"URRGG" Nico groaned.
1 hour
As it turned out we found Jane Foster in a park with two other people, sitting on a bench she look up in the sky giving a dreamy expression.
Another girl was taking a selfie with what I assumed is her boyfriend.
Leo was about to go forward when Nico stopped him saying, "no giving her a heart attack"
"Okay okay" said Leo, "I'm just going to Yolo it"
"Me too" I said before dragging Nico with us as we made our way forward towards the other group.
Ironically enough the girl with glasses had her phone playing the song light em up.
Leo gave a pleading look to Nico as if saying silently, 'this is destiny let me lit myself on fire'.
Nico stomped on Leo's foot.
Jane Foster stared at us in a question look.
I decide to talk first, "um Jane Foster right", but I already knew it was her.
She nodded saying "yeah and you are", I cast a glance to the other girl and boy, they were talking to Leo.
I took a quick breath before saying proudly, "Percy Jackson nephew of Tony Stark."
She froze and open her mouth but then she closed it and open it again.
Nico decide take it from there and said, "Ma'am the world could be in danger and we need your help in saving it"
She narrowed her eyes before saying, "how do I not know your lying"
I felt heat by my side and I jumped to the side just in time to see Leo engulfed in flames scream out, "AND LIGHT E'M UP UP UP, LIGHT EM UP UP UP, LIGHT EM UP UP. I'M ON FIRE!!"
The other girl was cheering him on before turning briefly to Jane saying, "this kid wasn't kidding when he said he's flammable"
Let's just say Jane was officially convince and she took us to a lab.
She turned with a excited glint in her eyes saying, "tell me everything".
I let Nico explain the whole demigod thing since she experience some of it, Nico made it clear that they can't tell anyone about this.... Then conveniently mention that he is a son of Hades.
She heard about what really happened to Loki so when I said that I was his son she look at me with sympathy.
I look away careful from her gaze but listen attentively as she explained what happen with the reality stone.
At the end I frowned, Time said that power freed reality from this collector dude and by how it sounds the reality stone acts like a parasite... A powerful one.
But why did it stay in that rock place until Jane touched it, and why didn't reality tear apart Jane.
Time told me how brutal reality is, I brush my watch and tap into my Time powers looking at Jane seeing her memory of her experience.
I heard laughter in my head, I snapped my head toward Jane, that laughter was really.
I frown silently taking Jane's hand examining it, she looked nervous.
The way Time described reality was that she acted like a brat, a spoiled one.
I heard a voice in my head,
"who you calling a brat mortal"
I jump back in shock letting out a startled shout.
"Stay back from her!"
Nico and Leo immediately backed up do did Darcy and Ivan.
Jane stood up uncertain, "W-What's wrong"
I cursed in Greek.
"What's wrong Percy?" Nico questioned sword in his hand, Leo look around for a attack with a hammer in his left hand; his right hand on fire.
"That stupid parasite went back in Jane."
Jane let out a gasp, "what! No way is it going to kill me".
"I don't know let's ask the damn brat" I said in rage, the Reality stone was risking a woman's life just for drama.
As if reality heard me she let red smoke come out of Jane who looked like she was having a panic attack.
The smoke surrounded the room as a laughter was let out.
Leo spoke out "Um.. Miss reality, your sister time send us so if you could just-"
The voice growled at the mention of Time and a body appeared in the smoke.
Her voice sounded like a 12 year old, she even looked like one
"Don't you dare mention that stupid idiot Time!"
"Of course" Nico said trying to reassure the powerful bratty being.
The being just glared at Nico as if saying, 'one more word and you're dead'
I took over saying, "So to break the ice why are you try to kill Jane here".
She smiled in a sickly sweet way before saying, "kill her? Why would I kill her? After I have done so much".
"W-what are you talking about" Jane said, I noticed that she had creep near Nico.
"Oh well.... Let's just say when I first saw you- it had being thousands of years alone with no one- I was quite surprised to see someone filled with so much..... Troubles in life, I decide to help you", reality turn to Nico and smirk.
Nico gasp and grab Jane by the arm staring deep in her eyes.
I knew what he was doing, he was soul searching seeing anything wrong with her-
Nico let out a growl and said, "you tied her lifespan to someone else!"
Nico pointed his sword at Reality, forgetting for a moment that she was all powerful, "who did you tie her lifespan too".
Reality ignored Nico and look at Jane with a hungry smile, "what do you think girl..... Who do you hope I extend your lifespan to meet?".
Jane froze and brought a hand to her mouth -tears of disbelief? Joy? Hint of sadness? Somewhere In her eyes- before she utter one word in a whisper,
Reality face lit up and she smile a smile of excite as Jane was tumbled with so many emotions.
Wait... A idea form in my head as I figure why reality did that, and that reason made me hate her more.
"You were alone for thousands of years. You were bored. You knew that letting Jane live as long as Thor would bring Drama and even more troubles to her life.... You got ... Bored and decide to play God and mess around with 'lowly' mortals life..... And you know what!"
Reality turned her head to the side in curiously before I said,
"You're just one spoiled little girl who acts like a brat"
She let out a screech as her eyes darken and slammed me into the wall with incredible force.
"Wait!? you want to see your sister power again right?" Leo blurted out before she could kill me.
Reality dropped me and stalked Leo snarling as he continue, "and mind, soul, spa-"
"I could care less about them" snapped reality, "we each have strong bonds, Time with spaces. Mind with soul. Finally power with reality"
Leo squeal a bit as Reality corners him to a wall, I cast a glance to the side to see Jane Darcy and Ivan behind Nico who cautious looked at me as if saying, 'do I like.... Attack her or something'.
"We can get you back with you favorite sister Power, didn't she like save you from this collector dude!"
Reality look up thoughtfully, "she was always kind to me. She had the weird slave girl become a bomb of pure power once that idiot slave girl tried to hold Power. Power sought it as the perfect opportunity to free me from my imprisonment."
She back away, "okay get me to my sister Power, but what do you want in return"
I spoke up saying, "you staying far away from Thanos"
Reality turned and hissed at the name before laughing cruelly, "consider that done mortal, Thanos is one being with too much drama" and with that said she said
"Only you may hold me boy any other and I will drain them from reality".
With that finally said she transformed into red stone which I proceed to pick up and put in my pocket.
I looked at the gang before saying, "we may have to explain some things to you Jane"
"Yeah like you can totally marry that Thor dude now" Leo explain.
"LEO!" Nico and I yelled out as Jane look like she was in cloud nine.
A.n- yep another chapter done. Also they have the reality stone back now, what do you think? Did I capture what reality would act like we'll enough? I hope I didn't lost you guys.
also what happens if Percy went back in time before Loki and Sally dated! What do you guys think?
Tell me if your lost or not.
Cooljoanna16 (YEAHHHHH 16) out

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