To Feel a Calling

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This chapter is dedicated to
Sameen Hadiya
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Also, I might take a page or two from Terri Hood (Wattpad). I do not own Percy Jackson or Marvel.
On with the story!
Percy's P.O.V
Two days of nothing, absolutely nothing! It's driving me crazy, and on top of all of this camp is still in lockdown.
I soon found myself thinking back to my uncle, I felt a little guilt at my rash actions.
But yet I felt that maybe it's for the best, I can always visit.
I went to the portal that lead to new Rome (after waiting 1 hour due to the fact it was heavily guard so it takes a While to get in) and was just wandering about in the breathtaking city.
I found this cool stone shop and I found this smooth emerald stone, I was wondering what the point of this shop was when a person my age made her way towards me.
"Hi i'm Sameen Hadiya daughter of Terminus, may I help you?"
"Umm, I don't know" I looked around seeing all types of stones in shapes and colors, "what's the point of this store?"
She smiled, She had a ponytail, her hair was brown and she looked pretty normal, "these stone hold natural spells of magic and healing, that emerald stone helps the person who owns and uses it."
"So you know stones?" I said trying to see why someone would still be interested by these.
She shrugged and smiled sheepishly "my dad is kind of made out of stone".
I decide to be polite and said "so tell me all you know about this stone" I held up the emerald stone.
She had a gleam in her eye and she smiled before saying
"Emerald is a stone that is used in crystal work to bring forth manifestation. This manifestation can be in the form of prosperity and abundance."
I blinked, so it's a good luck charm, because I could totally buy a crate full.
she continued "Emerald is a stone that is used for intuitive awareness, meditation, and spirituality.  As a stone which can increase spiritual awareness, it can help realize Divine love. For meditation, it is excellent to use with rhythmic breathing. Emerald is also used to remove barriers to spiritual growth and thus raise consciousness. Emerald can increase psychic and intuitive awareness, particularly in the area of clairvoyance. It is said to "grant all knowledge of past, present and future""
"Can you use it in battle or everyday life?" I questioned
She nodded, "okay give me a example"

"Emerald is considered a strong stone of protection. In particular said to protect travelers and protect all from magicians, as well as protect from harmful spirits. Emerald is also used in exorcism of the possessed."
Considering the fact that I was possessed by a harmful spirit once (along with jason) I already wanted to buy it.
but she bustled on saying "Emerald is used in business spells to increase sales as well as to improve the public image of the company."
I gaped, "wait it actually helps sales!"
"It also helps mentally"
I gave my trademark smile and said "why do I have a feeling you are going to talk again?"
She smirked and said " It's said that stone that brings balance within relationships, as well as friendship. In the event of heartbreak, emerald is used to heal the heartbreak and put one back on the path to love."
All of a sudden she looked serious and said "As a stone of serenity, emerald is said to be helpful for healing abuse issues and trauma.  It also dispels negativity and brings patience with those - including one's self- who struggle with issues stemming from past pains. Though emerald is also a stone for memory of all kinds, it can take the abuse or trauma memories and help put them in perspective as past events that need not affect today's life. It is also used in crystal healing to ease guilt and soothe emotions, and to bring hope, forgiveness, and compassion."
It help trauma, I wonder if it could help my trauma that I gained in Tartarus.
Her face was normal again as she chirped "Emerald is a stone of inspiration. It is said to help increase expression and communication. Emerald also brings and enhances faith and harmony, promoting truthfulness and honesty. In these ways it is used to increase cooperation in groups.Emerald brings and enhances harmony, joy, memory, and faith. It also benefits  intellect, communication, decision making, and promotes truthfulness and honesty, seeing past the superficial."
"Anything else" I said hoping that was it"
She smirked "yep, the one you're holding is 15% off."
The she looked at me curiously, "you're studying magic right Because this stone can also cure lot like, headaches, heart issues, insomnia, muscle problems, nervous system ailments, antidote to poison, epilepsy, joints, nervous system, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, muscular system, soothe eyes, cataracts, infectious illness, rheumatism, diabetes, malignant conditions, lower body temperature, insomnia, immune system, stop unwanted nocturnal emissions, ease paranoia, schizophrenia, and severe mental illness"
"What....? I mean what do you mean. How can you tell if I can do magic?"
She rolled her eyes and said "I have a selenite stone I can tell"
"Well I really don't know how to do magic?" I said it and it really didn't bother me, I mean I can swing a sword, right?"
"Well it's always good to know some magic that can help heal, my older sister can teach you if you want"
I couldn't help but agree with her on that statement, knowing how to heal can be really important.
I agreed to come back some time and talk to her sister about that matter, I bought the emerald and she bagged it before giving it to me.
I left and headed out of the city and after some walking ended up in front of the barracks, 15 minutes late I walked out with normal Roman armor, I start to make small talk with my fellow comrades of the fifth cohort. In the end I went to the fields of Mars sitting on some rubble, I open my bag to get my emerald chain. I secured my emerald chain and hid it under the Armor I wore then I noticed escaping what should be a empty bag was yellow glow. I looked in the bag and saw another locket but it was a completely different style, in the middle held some yellow gemstone that was encased with glass, maybe it was that get one free when you buy this deal.
I put it in my pocket and looked past the fields, it was pretty calm.
It should be lunch right now, but I already ate breakfast and also I wasn't really that hungry.
Off in the distance I saw a rider ride towards me, I payed the rider no mind and focus on the clouds.
Before I knew it the horse stopped a couple feet and Hazel dropped to her feet and jogged towards me.
She sat by my side and smiled, "hello percy, how are you".
I shifted my body so that I would face her, "aren't you suppose to do some training, or help Frank?"
"Finishing training and Frank promised a date so I want to give him time to get ready and surprise me"
All of a sudden I felt a desperate need to do something, anything, just so I wasn't left with my thoughts alone.
"Hazel, can you help me find something to do? Can I help one of the seven?"
Everyone of the seven had some major assignment.
Jason and Piper were going back and forth between the camps making temples and clearing any minor matter. Annabeth and Leo (Calypso made sure they ate and sleep)was busy upgrading both camps and leading the industrial moment (which was long overdue). Finally Frank and Hazel were both helping in smoothing the edges of the bond with the Greeks and Romans( the Amazon nation and hunters do their own thing).
I wanted to help, do something useful.
"Well Jason has been struggling to attend major diplomat meeting, and Frank sometimes need help with keeping peace throughout the meetings."
I smiled and said "I'll take it, I'll talk to Renya about it"
I got up and dusted myself off, Hazel got up as well.
She looked at her watch and said "I better get ready, you need a ride?"
"Naw" I proclaimed assuring her I could walk myself back, just as she left I yell out "Hazel"
She turned the horse as I said "do you think you can find me a teacher in the art of magic, nothing too big?"
She smiled and nodded before letting the horse sprint away.
A shower and a change of clothes later I dived to my bed in the barracks and started to doze off. 
I should've bought a stone that ward off dreams.
I was dreaming of nothing at first, you know just total darkness. Then a glow of yellow that filled a side of this void and encased me.
It didn't really make me feel warm, the light was just neutral, like it was just there just because it can.
Then I saw a women, the same one I seen in my other dream.
"Percy Jackson."
Oh no, weird stalker lady wants to talk to me.
"I have chosen you as my champion, I have chosen you for my quest."
Quest, oh hail no!
"Yeah, I don't like to do quest anymore so please find someone else."
She still showed no emotion and her voice tone did not change at all, she was like a rock in really life (cause I'm pretty sure rocks have no personality).
"This quest is to protect the universe from destruction."
She didn't sound like she cared, I mean I felt my heart drop in worry while she just looked indifferent.
"Who are you" I asked.
She looked at me and said "you did not agreed on this quest." She said it like it was a fact. Then she said in her starting to be annoying neutral voice "you may be considered worthy for the quest but now it seems that you are not yet ready, do not fear I can wait. For now I will leave you alone but I will come back and I will come back until you are ready."
Okay just Because I'm not fully human does not mean you can take me on a quest against my own will, I can still apply in human rights! Well, I think.
I was just about to insult her when I felt myself starting to wake up.
Wet. That was the first thing I felt as a huge tongue lick me again.
"Mrs. O'Leary! You know that this doesn't wash off!"
I jumped off and raced for a towel wiping off the liquid from my unfortunate bath.
I don't know how but Mrs. O'Leary was able to shrink her size but she was still towering huge, she looked at me with intelligent eyes trying to tell me something.
I looked outside to see it was about near dinner, my stomach growled. This boy needs some food.
I changed into a hoodie that said lost boys, some jeans, and red sneakers, I was going to head out when Mrs.O'Leary nudged my leg and whimper, then she raised her head (which made her tower over me). I learned over the years that Mrs.O'Leary Is incredibly smart, "you want to show me something girl?".
Mrs.O'Leary barked and jumped up, as soon as I got on top of her she grew some more in height and raced to a shadow.
I felt the rush of cold, but the cold never bothered me anyway.
(A.n- yeah for the next part I got the sole inspiration from this amazing author name Terri Hood (Wattpad) so check her fanfic frost blood out)
Two minutes later Mrs. O'Leary jumped out of the shadow, I immediately took in my surrounding. A regular New York City alleyway. I notice Mrs.O'Leary panting, due to the long distance I guess.
I looked around the dark alley way, guess I already missed dinner in New York I thought glumly.
Near the sewer cover mist or smoke seem to drift about the alley making it look like a scene from a horror movie, normal New York City sounds played out, such as car, horns blaring and occasion cop car noise.
I turned to see at the end of the ally a silhouette. I barely had time to blink as it lunged with the persons sword drawn. I fought for a while and soon recognized the sword the owner had, I quickly disarmed the person, the son of hades sword clatter to the ground.
"Getting slower Perce"
I smirked "oh and whose sword is on the ground"
"Touché" Nico proclaimed as he shrugged and bend down to retrieve his sword, but when he got up Mrs. O'Leary licked the back of his head. One moment Mrs. O'Leary was a fierce hellhound, the next a black Clifford. (Yeah I made that joke)
"Hey girl" mummer Nico, "maybe you should go back to camp"
Mrs. O'Leray barked before shadow traveling back to camp.
I looked at Nico, we weren't suppose to be in New York due to the mist fail, believe it or not monster activity also took a dive. It's like the monsters don't want to be discover... they Must of watched monster hunters.
"Nico you know we're not suppose to-"
"Yeah I know!" He barked suddenly, he was twisting the Skeleton ring on his finger looking extremely nervous, maybe his dad send him for me?
"Is this your dad these time?"
He looked at me in the eye and said "nah it's all me this time, I want you to meet someone."
I heard footsteps coming behind me, I turned to see who it is. But as I turned I failed to see Nico race to the nearest shadow leaving me alone.
The man was extremely tall, I barely reached his shoulder (but that's because I'm 14, well almost 15)
He had hair up to his neck half way, and emerald green eyes, reminding me of my  new emerald charm I was wearing now. He stared at me with suspicion, as if I was some type of trick. I started to get annoyed at the silence, I mean come one I missed dinner for this!
"And you are" I questioned when it was clear that the man would not talk first.
"Tell me who you are first" he said, no wait he demanded. I got impatient and glared at him as I said "Percy Jackson, now answer my question."
Let me tell you that I did not see it coming when I was all of a sudden embrace by two strong arms, a man was hugging me, someone I had no clue was.
He started to ramble quietly and ran his hand through my hair.
"Percy" the man whispered in relief and even horror, "thank the Norns I found you."
The man soon pulled away but kept his hands on my shoulder looking at me up and down.
I shook of the man's hands off and took a half a step back, I looked into his green eyes and saw so many emotion sadness, anger, happiness, excitement, shock, joy. I started to wonder if the man was insane.
I took two more steps back and cast a glance to notice Nico gone, he left me with this nut!
"Um, yeah you got the wrong person, I don't think we ever meet." I said using hand motion to gesture him to stay put and to not go near me.
He smiled and took two steps forward, oh come on I just gestured him to stay put!
"You are Percy Jackson son of Sally Jackson, no?"
I felt a little angry that he mentioned my mother and slightly curious.
"How do you know my mother?"
He smiled again before saying "she is the woman I remain marry to even if we are separated by death and life."
My heart missed a beat.
my mind went blank Okay I'm call slow but I could immediately understand who this man was, I found myself gaping at him with wide eyes in disbelieve.
He let out a laugh as he saw my gaping face
"You shouldn't gap son, it's unbecoming".
My world was spinning around, he called me son.
Then before I Percy Jackson could explain what I did next, turned around and ran.
His words echoing and taunting in my head.
A.n- another chapter done. Hope you all enjoyed, I want to publish this chapter before my keystone testing so here you go, AN EARLY UPDATE. And don't worry if you think this story will start to get boring, no I have a huge twist coming up (MAHAHAHAHA).
Tell me if you like it or not
Comment(can I have like 8 reviews, they really make my day)
Cooljoanna15 out
Question of the day- name me the seven chosen in Percy Jackson

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