To deal with a amnesiac and a introvert

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-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
On with the story
To deal with a amnesiac and a introvert
Percy's P.O.V
Nico stayed behind to help Jane in understanding her extra extended (for about a couple thousand years) life.
Leo and I went back to the good old USA, of course after giving Nico a way back home and extra money.
I still had my metal suitcase with me when Leo gasped.
"Wait! Did you really bring a ironman suitcase with you!!!!"
I jerk back in surprise, "how did you know?"
"I saw the video of Ironman and his suit case when he was fighting this whip dude"
Leo went and seize a laptop saying "so once this jet drops us off, where are we heading?"
"Oh, we're heading to the avenger tower"
Leo's fingers froze above the keyboard.
I brought out the reality stone and said, "hey you can come out"
Ironically enough reality formed into her 12 year old form and sat next to Leo, much to his luck.
"When our we going to get Power" reality huffed, her arms were crossed on her chest.
"Once we get space we will be able to travel to power's location" I said,taken up a magazine in full intend to read it and not listen to reality as she let out a groan of disapproval.
"How are you even going to speak to her, she wouldn't get what you said."
"Whatch mean?" Leo question as he tried to sunk deep in his seat.
She rolled her eyes, "her memory is like a goldfish... After 20 seconds she forgets! She is likeso stupid."
"That's not very nice" Leo imputed.
I thought back to what reality said, how would reach Power if Space can't remember where to go. She can go anywhere but can't remember anything?
Time appear next to me, and just for a second I felt relive, the mature infinity stone was here now- but that feeling made a disappearance when I saw reality's murder fill expression.
"What's that THING doing here" Reality said.
I looked harshly at Reality, "she's your sister, your OLDER sister"
She let out a growl and said, "That freak is no sister to me".
Time look briefly at Reality- who falter in glaring when she saw time's expression not changing- Time then address me saying, "Do not be at unease champion, Reality is one who enjoys strong reactions in emotions' thus making her the one to act strongly in emotion."
Reality had a sneer in her face as she stood up a march to the bathroom.
I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Reality, Time is her older sister but she doesn't have emotions and having a sister who can not love or care for her might cause he to despise Time.
I don't know what overcame me but as I ponder I got up and followed Reality, she rushed past he bathroom and into the serves area where the attendants would of worked in.
She scowled as she went through the the cabinets.
"Ummm listen" I said as she face away from me, "I Know Time can Be a little harsh without knowing but she can be pretty fair"
At that Reality gave out a laugh, it's sound filled with wistfulness and weariness.
But that sound betrayed her anger expression as she turned and glared at me,
"You don't know Time like I do. She believes in duty of survival, she would be a computer in a game, she would brutal go and win knowing everything. She doesn't care about lying or cheating as long as she wins. SHE HAS NO MORALS!"
I gave a hard stare at her and said, "she would never lie?" But I found myself questioning.
reality saw my reaction and said in a surprisingly soft voice, "Reality is meant to be harsh, if I wasn't.... then people would die in stupidity, I'm am like- seriously- the only level-headed person in the universe. Time can't feel emotion..... But I can't tell a lie... I can't hide from the truth... The cold hard truth. That's me, I'm am not a coward... I can't be a coward I am unable to. So trust me when I say that I can't lie but Time can, Trust me when I say I am more trustworthy then all of the other infinity Stones..just-"
She huffed and pushed me away.
She said in a cold voice, "just tell me when we get to the avenger know as Vision, I will extract the mind stone painlessly and bend reality so that he can live on a prototype mind stone."
"Can you really do that"
She raise her eyebrow and said, "we're infinity stones.... We have infinite power in our domains". With that she walked back to the room sitting far away from Time and Leo, looking out of the window with a fierce glare on her face.
I sat down looking out of the window.... Were all infinity stones trapped in a hopeless situation in life. Hear both side make me think for a while, but in brought me to no conclusion on what to do.
Four hours later
I took a quick nap but a shield agent alert the group that we arrived at New York City.
After a hour  Leo and I were in the elevator of the avenger tower heading up to the avenger lab guessing that Tony was up there.
Reality stone was in my pocket and time was in my magical watch.
Leo was still which was rare and staring at the door hoping that it would open soon.
It open and that's when Leo rocked out and squeal as he saw Tony Stark working on something, he hovered around my uncle talking extremely fast that is was like a new language.
Tony raise a eyebrow and cast a glance at me in question.
"I take it the mission went smoothly" Tony concluded.
Leo took a breath before saying, "we may have, not on purpose, made that Jane Foster chick  a lifespan extend to a couple thousand years"
Tony eyes widen a bit before joking, "accidents happen, some happen to be really cool".
"We need to talk to Vision Tony?" I said getting straight to the point.
"Visions at a shield base with the other avengers in training, but if your took that infinity stone would Visions umm... You know.... Shut down?"
"Naw we can bend reality around that" Leo said before looking over some holographic blueprints, which Tony promptly swiped away.
"Okay, so who's the scrawny kid".
"Leo sir, just you biggest fan."
"Ohhhhh" Tony said in understanding before holding a smug look.
"So wanna use you suit to go there, I'll come along" Tony said, focusing on me.
"Sure" I said, Turning to Leo I said "you mind sticking around here"
Love looked around lab, "ahhh.... No,no. It's cool. I'll just slow you down and stuff" he pause looking around the room in excitement, "yep just leave me behind, I'll just be dead weight".
Tony looked slightly worried but I assured him that Leo would not do anything wrong, and I assured Leo that I will in fact kill him if he did something wrong.
10 minutes later I was flying in the sky freaking out, it was such a freaking high drop.
Tony laughed at me saying, "can you go faster then that?"
I stuck out my tongue even though he could not see it then looked down, BIG MISTAKE. I freaked out not because of the height but because I was doing something clearly stupid that would kill me.
I cling on to Tony's leg.
"Hey!" Protested Tony as he tried to balance in the air, truth be told Tony guide me careful flying above me saying he would grab me if I would fail to fly correctly.
1 full hour of hyperventilating in the air later and we made it to the base, I quickly deactivate the suit and hugged the ground vowing to never go up the air again.
Yeah you might say, "hey you flew in the air with blackjack with NO armor before, well you try to wear a heavy suit on top of a building and just say, "don't worry, I'll just walk off the building and this Heavy suit will total fly".
To be honest it did not take very long to find vision as Tony went to explain to shield that he just decide to crash here for no good reason and not because the universe is in danger.
Surprisingly Vision was incredible reasonable and allowed the ever rude Reality to extract the mind stone without killing him, at the end of the process Vision had a new minor power stone on his head.
I pocket the mind stone before pacing myself to go outside and meet Tony again.
Tony was arguing with some shield agent but as I approach the shield agent snapped her head toward me and narrowed her eyes.
"You must be Tony's Nephew"
I gave a nod and shook her hand, "Percy Jackson".
"I know" she said, "I read you files"
She read my...... Ohhhhhh, yeah that's awkward.
She straight even more and brushed off invisible dirt of her uniform before saying, "I am agent Maria, stay away from a terrorist list and I might not have to meet you again" she briskly walked away.
I once again said goodbye to Tony, warning him that he might have to watch over Jane Foster before sprinting across the long lawn and going into the wood.
I don't know why but I felt pretty out of touch from the mythological world, it's been forever since I went in the woods that could be filled with a lot of monsters. But don't worry none are going to attack me, there has been no attacks so far because of the mist fail, monsters along with the gods don't want to be discovered by mortals.
It was extremely quiet and that's when I heard a quiet shy voice that said
I turn to see what I assume was the mind stones form.
She looked like a teen(maybe Irish), she had thick wide glasses that look good in her and pale white skin. One half of her head was orange the other was ice blue but I was tied into one braids tail that mix the two colors together, her eyes were hard to see because she shyly keep on looking away.
But for a second, she made eye contract with me, her eyes were light green and it held high intelligence but she quickly looked away.
"And you are?" She said in a small voice.
"Percy Jackson" I said gently, feeling that if I made a sudden move she would run gracefully away like a deer.
"I know why you here I can see it in your mind"
I was about to answer when I heard a harsh laugh, Mind jump up startled and we both turn to see Reality.
"Hello older sister, been a while where have you been" Reality rudely said as she seem to have a interest at her nails.
Mind looked down and said with a sad voice, "I got captured by Tha- Thanos before the frost giant Loki lost me"
Reality froze before looking at Mind with slight pity, but then she had her face blank with no emotion.
"Well..." I said trying to ease the tension, "Mind do you have a way to Asgard?"
Mind looked thoughtful, she had her head tilted to one side as her mind grew thinking.
"I have the safest way, assuming Reality is able to make a minor convergence"
"Sure" Reality sarcastic smiled, "those worst think that could happen is a collapse realm or two".
"Yeah that might not be worth it" I said agreeing with Reality.
Mind started to talk to Reality in some older time language for some time before Reality said, "okay...... That might work"
Reality cracked her knuckles and grab Mind and Me, she concentrated with her eyes close and the next think I knew I was falling down a gateway between realm right on top of Asgard, I crash into some market stand.
Immediately I was confronted by a angry merchant who stopped and looked at me mouth agape, "Prince Loki?".
I tense, of course I had to forget that I look like my dad a bit.
"Loki I see no Loki young one" Reality said looking dead into the man's eyes.
"Ye-yes I see no Prince Loki." Said the man in a slightly confused voice.
I grab Reality and Mind and we ran off to find the palace (which was easy to find considering that I was on the highest ground makings get it the tallest building to look at.
"Looks beautiful with all this gold" I commented.
Reality ruined the complied by saying, "gold may look nice and treated with respect but it is still weak compared to steel..... Why else does your father keeping calling Thor the golden boy, it's a well hidden insult."
I knew Reality was telling the truth now but I still didn't want to believe that... I mean I saw Thor on tv and the guy was build for a fort.
When we arrived Reality assured us that she conceal us from everyone, we went to look for the vault that held the tesseract  that held the space infinity stone.
I peek at one door and froze, I saw my dad Loki in a room with Thor and some other people.
The people were talking lightly attempting to bring Loki in the conversation but My father merely look at a charm in his head with a sad expressing.
It was my emerald charm, he must of took it as a reminder of me when I was.... Dead.
Guilty I turn away with Mind looking conflicted  at Loki while Reality look at me carefully.
We walk away in silence before Mind whisper "that poor man's mind".
We arrived at the vault and was able to quickly extract Space who took a form of a teen with blue highlights and eyeliner get with pierces but she look super nice, she was also knock out cold so mind tried to stir her.
We had another infinity stone, yet a felt empty thinking back at Loki.
"You need him, stupid" Reality said, "he's your father, he's in pain and you still care so naturally if he's in pain you are in pain".
I ignored her knowing fully well she was telling the truth.
Space woke up with wide eyes, she reminded me of a newborn looking into the world with wonder, she stretch her arms and legs and got up, with wide happy eyes she jump up as if testing the air.
Then she quickly went to me putting her face closely to mines looking into my eyes before smiling a contagious smile.
"Oh hey there! I'm Space what's up!" She back up and spun in circles, "I'm free and can move my legs. This is like the BEST.DAY. EVER!"
I smile at her happiness, "cool I'm Percy Jackson. can you take us back to earth so you can see your sister Time?"
"Sure why not?" She said smiling again before giving me a peace sign and smile.
"Sooooo..." I said, "we going to earth"
Space frown a bit before mumbling, " heard that name before...." She look up thoughtful at me and said, "oh hello there and you are?"
Reality let out a harsh laugh before saying, "you forget Percy? Space is the one that can't remember stuff for a long time"
My shoulder snag, of course space had short term memory, because then it would just be too easy.
"Looks like we're going my way again," reality said.
I let out a groan.
"Don't worry" Mind try to reassure gently, "as long as reality stays focus, the realms wouldn't collapse"
A.n- yep another chapter done. Sorry for the late update, I think my beta reader is a bit busy so I had to try and prove read the chapter myself. Anyway I have a question for you guys.....
Should Percy and Loki meet again
Or should Percy and Loki not meet yet?
Tell me if you like it or not
Cooljoanna16 out

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