To deal with the wise

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To deal with the wise
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
On with the story
Percy's P.O.V
Is it wrong to hate Reality's way if traveling and the fact that she acts cold?
Is it wrong to dislike Mind for being so quiet that I sometimes had to look around to see if I lost her or not?
Is it wrong to get tired of Time and that fact that she can be super dull.
Is is wrong to be exhausted with Space's constant chit chat.
Is it wrong to be scare of how Power and Soul would act like when I reach then?
Because right now I am sitting in my cabin surround by the all powerful beings as they caused chaos in my cabin.
"That's it, I'm done. Reality? Space? Come on you two let's get Soul and Power and get this over with."
Reality smiled brightly as Space turn to me with a excite smile.
"Wow this is so cool, we get to see Power and Soul!!! Who are they again?"
"Your sisters." Time state with her legs folded on top of a bed, but she had a hinted smile.
Wait. A SMILE!!!!???
"OH MY GOSH! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH TIME" I said as I pointed at her.
She roll her eyes slightly! there see! She is showing emotion.
"Percy Jackson" She stated.
"Among are sisters there are bonds. My bond is with space, her affection in my presence is slowly affecting me. She is lending me emotion, the very thing I lack, though it is done in a slow process."
"How come Space isn't changing" I question, I mean if space can have some memory that would make my life a whole lot easier.
Time shrugged, "it could be that I am older so I would gain emotion fast or...."
"Or what"
Time raise a eyebrow at Space who was tapping the jars filled with glowing stones on the windowsill, "she may have forgotten how".
I banged my head against a wall.
Thor  P.O.V /third P.O.V(a,n- yep it's time to see how Loki is)
Sitting in the yard of the arena where scattering around the place where pairs of fighter practicing Thor was pondering on what was too be done.
Just as he was deep in thought Sif came towards Thor offering a spar.
Thor merely shook his head frowning, by then The warrior three had made their way there.
"Why so sad lad?" Volstagg exclaimed.
"You ask me" Fandral says "If you're still sad about Loki you really shouldn't, everyone saw him in the market place"
Startled, Thor  turn to Fandral in disbelieve, Loki in a market place in the open.
Even if Loki was better why would he want to go to a public place, Loki favored solitary over company. Unless Loki feels unsafe and seeks out company.
"Are you certain you saw Loki at the market place"
Fandral, suddenly, look uneasy before admittedly saying that he only heard about it but never saw Loki himself.
Thor got up, up to this point is would be unwise to let go of every small sign Loki would show or do..... Up to this point Thor believe that everything Loki did had double meaning.
It would be unwise to ignore Loki.
So Thor got up and went out to look for Loki, he headed to the library expecting to find Loki.
But then quickly remember how grant the palace library, groaning Thor started to walk around the tall and elegant bookcases filled with old and new books alike.
Thor turn to see Loki leaning against a bookcase giving a amused look.
"How did you know I was here"
"You groan of boredom was heard through the place".
Shaking his head Thor said "of course. But brother I must ask what you were looking for in the market place".
Loki frowned, "market place?" He walk by Thor and into an opening to where tables and chairs were scattered around. Loki sat by a large windowsill that had enough room for Loki to Perch and lean back against a cushion to look at the marvelous view of Asgard.
"I assure you I was here this whole time..... Thinking." Loki said as his face became crestfallen.
"Loki there were several eyewitness that you were there. Do you think Thanos send one of his minions here to ruin your name?"
"What's left to be ruin" Loki mourn, "but I suppose you're right, but it could be a misunderstanding."
Loki's P.O.V
Wearing cloaks to hid ourselves, much to Thor disapproval claiming it would be easier if we reveal that we were princes, We were at the market place.
I stood at the end of a fruit stand trying to look interest at the fruit when I felt an odd pressure against my head.
I made my way to a partial spot which seems to be a gap of magic, did someone teleport here? Interest enticing me I look around to see a merchant selling his goods from a cart.
I made my way up to him and question him saying if there were any strange events recent here.
The merchant look nervous and rub his hands before saying in a hush tone
"Other than seeing Prince Loki?".
I had to hold back my amusement, if only he knew who was under the cloak.
"Yes, I heard some rumors and I was wondering" I pick up some piece of metal from his cart examining it "if there is someone here to confirm it".
The man said "at first I thought it was Prince Loki, he was a splitting image.. Unless if you count the eyes, and the fact that he had shorter hair and was younger."
I frown, a child, I felt a pang of sadness at the mention of a child. Percy was a lively soul in life until I was forced to kill him.
I was snap back into thought as the merchant continue saying, "the strangest part was that he was wearing the weirdest of clothing, he was accompanied by two girls. One had strange style of glasses(yes Asgard had glasses but it was usually for the elderly not the young.) and two different hair colors. Then there was a redhead with..... Well I don't remember her eye color but I believe she is some type of witch, she had me almost forget about this until the next day!"
I was filled with confusing, but thank the man giving him a tip for information.
Making my way to Thor I pass the test information over.
Thor look thoughtful and was about to say something, but he stop and look at me, "Brother, are you alright? Are you sure you want to continue, I understand if you want to do something else"
I shook my head, the last thing I need was to be alone.
Thor then took lead as I followed but we were soon stop by a messenger boy,
"Ummm are you Prince Thor?".
"yes little one"
"Heimdall said I would find you here. He told me to tell you to go to the bridge, he wishes to bring you news about someone called Lady Jane".
Thor pale before saying, "anything bad?"
"I do not know Sir- I mean Prince".
Thor starts to walk away quickly, I caught up seeing Thor distress face. I have to admit that even though I don't really like The mortal, she did had the guts to slap me in the face for the name of New York.
Thor stop and look apologetic and swung his hammer around looking slightly up before saying, "I apologize brother I must go to Heimdall as fast as I can".
With that said Thor flew away with his hammer.
Everyone around look at me and realized that it was me Loki.
You see the nobles always hated me, but the people they love me (it's the other way around for Thor but the people really couldn't say anything).  It was because of me that there were no poor people in Asgard, I believe around 800 years ago Odin trust me to remake the system to prevent a civil war from brewing.
I was brought back to reality when some of the people came forward to talk and ask if I was alright. The children carried happy smiles, while others carried sympathy. The ones that I could identify as parents gave me a look fill with empathy.
They heard about what happen to my son, which even though I know they meant well, it still fill me with rage at how the news was spread through gossip.
I huff and made my way towards the bridge wondering on how to get back at Thor.
I check to see if Percy's charm was still with me and was relieved that it was still safely resting in my pocket.
As I near the bifrost  I heard Thor and Heimdall talking.
"But did this.... Shadow injure her Heimdall?"
"I do not know, I could not identify this shadow but it has left her company Prince."
"What is this all about" I said after casting a glare at Thor for ditching me.
Thor spoke saying, "Jane could be in danger again, Heimdall could not see her again for a while because a shadow fell over her (A.N- one word for you.... Nico). Heimdall I must see her to see how she is."
"I will assist as well" I said, but inside my reason was to find Percy's body in the ocean (though I was fairly certain that Poseidon retrieve my son's body), I was going to give my son proper burial. Then I was going to march to Hades and demand to see my son and wife.
I know, reckless but I didn't care.
A hand grip my shoulder, shaking me out of though. It was Thor.
"Ready brother?"
I gave a nod, guessing that during my musing Thor must of convince Heimdall.
It wasn't long before we made our way to the front of a house (fun fact about this land.... They have my accent!).
Thor knock and one of Jane's mortal company.. Was it Darcy or something?
Her eyes look slightly bulged when she saw me and she let out a breath
"Hey it you again, sorry you look a lot like Percy. Then again he is your son... Do all your children look like you?"
I did a double take along with Thor before growling angrily at Darcy, I was about to smith her where she stand when I realize.... How does Darcy know of my son?
Did she know him?
Instead of smithing her I merely grab her shoulder, look her in the eye and said, "WHAT!?"
Her eyes widen and she look helplessly behind her.
"Really Darcy, you couldn't keep ONE secret!"
"What!? Wait why are you even surprise?"
Jane pull Darcy away and smile brightly at Thor as if remembering something fantastic.
Darcy just roll her eyes and said, "come on, even I can tell Percy needs his dad" she turn to me and said, "Percy was brought back to life and he is hunting these infinity stones to stop this purple Titan and I'm pretty sure he is going to need your help. I heard from that Italian boy that Percy was heading to New York".
My mind was processing the information.
Then Darcy open her mouth and said, "also Jane now can live for as long as you guys".
I think both Thor and my face were laughable up to that point.
"Oh this is so going on snapchat".
Percy's P.O.V
Still banging my head against a wall.
Reality look no better,
"Are you kidding me right now!?" Reality demand at space, "you Forgot!"
"Are you still even surprise?" I question as I made a thunk against the wall with my head.
Time approach Space and said, "I could try and forcibly give her some memory"
"YES!" Reality and I both shouted.
"What would the side effect be?" Mind question.
"Just go and ignore what Mind just said Time" I plead.
Time did as I propose and concentrate towards Space lifting her hand ready to cast something when all Of a sudden Space spring up and said, "I remember".
"OH COME ON, REALLY! NOW SHE REMEMBERS!" I shout out. Yeah, yeah, I know I was acting pretty dramatic.
It wasn't long before we end up in the realm of Helheim.
"Wait why are we here?" I question out loud.
Reality roll her eyes before saying, "because Soul is here"
"Of course" I said sarcastically  "the land of the dead is the perfect place for the Soul infinity stone that represents life, silly me!"
Reality look ready to pulverize me, just when I was about to run a loud call echo across the dead valley.
"WHO GOES THERE" the voice came out
in a raspy voice as if the user did not drink in a while, yet I fail to see how it was said extremely loud.
"ummm, it is I Percy... Umm" I wonder to myself if I should use my mother's surname or lokison?
"Did you forget your last name too?" Space said to me.
Before I could answer a piercing voice broke through, as a gust of wind started to form skeletons together, "PERCY NO NAME, YOU ARE CHARGED FOR TRESPASSING".
I did not know what was worse getting arrested again or being know as Percy no name.
Now I could of totally take on about 60 skeletons but this was like 200 of them, to be honest that was a little flattering for them to send that many soldier to me a no name.
space gasp before saying "oh I think soul is playing hide and seek like last time" she pause to scratching her head, "or was it tag?"
"Space" a gently voice sweep through.
A body form in front of Space, it was a 18 year old with gray wind swept hair, but strangely it did not make her look old (a.n- a picture above in wattpad if you want to see how she looks).
She had orange vibrate eyes as she seem to stare straight into my soul.
"Well" she said dryly, "it seems we have much to catch up on".
She wave us over to follow her towards a dark grand castle.
We were led to a room that was fill with a dim lit ligt. The fireplace seem pretty pitiful.
Decorating the room was huge cozy chairs, soul rested in one and gesture us all to sit as well.
"You came in concern for Thanos, I imagine you have questions, you may ask and I will answer to the very best."
I took a liking for Soul, she was pretty nice, too bad she didn't like to fight and all.
"Okay, How about I get more information on Thanos", I ask nicely.
Soul frown and said, "Thanos soul was once sane, but that was a long time ago"
I lean forward sensing a story as she continue saying, "he live in this plant of the Titans once, a different specie of Titans, and was actually pretty smart. He found the way never die. She pause and look at me waiting for any question I had, which I did had.
"So he can live forever".
"No, he just can not die. There is a differences. Once his species died out he took desperate measures to meet the embrace of death, he took horrible ways of death in hope that he would stay dead. It fail, you see when you die your soul is release and eventual reused"
"Yes. Even in the underworld eventually we just reset the souls that are in hell or at the place to where you did neither good nor bad. But instead of one day getting your old memories back, they are gone forever. I suspect that half of the result happen to the Titan to the point that...."
"His soul is  literally twisted and mess up" I finish in conclusion.
She nodded.
"Thanos is the result of a soul being slow destroy, meaning this is a evil spirit that was create and manifesting into a soul."
"Wait? So Thanos is also posses."
"Oh no!" Assure Soul, "this is Thanos, but his soul is corrupted and impure."
"So how do we fix this?"
Soul shook her head and said, "the best that can be done is to extract his soul, take it apart and purify it, but due to the fact that he can not die... This process seems highly unlikely".
"So how can we defeat him?"
"We can't" Soul said gravely, "we must trust the galaxy's guardians"
"What?" I said confuse.
She offered a smile before saying, "come now, give me a half an hour and we will leave to retrieve Power. The most we can do is prevent Thanos from gaining our Stones."
???? P.O.V
Strapping my hunting knives and putting my guns in its rightful holder.
They call me the Hunter, I work for Thanos and only the strongest.
In my spaceships I was heading to the planet that was 'safeguarding and protecting' the Power infinity Stone. Those officers of the law and rulers must be pretty stupid, their police forces had been destroyed by the executor! what makes them think they are able to defend such a powerful artifacts!
But I really shouldn't complain, it just makes my job all the more easier. You see, the Power stone is also bait. Apparently those dusty old artifacts has a guardian, how The Mad Titan obtain that information is beyond me but my mission is clear.
Obtain all Infinity Stones and this guardian and bring it all to Thanos.
Excited for a hunt I looked ahead to my destination and glance at a box of equipment to deal with the Infinity stones.
It's been awhile since I had fun chasing down my victim, smiling evil I let loose a chuckle.
Yes, this will be fun.
A.N- Another chapter done. Sorry for a late update. I had a slight writer's block but I got my bearings back in order. Hope you enjoy and I was thinking, just forming a idea, and want you feedback on this decision. I want to add some time travel to the story, nothing major.
Percy meeting his mom as a half blood, or his dad as a kid, or when his parents were JUST friends (that would be awkward), or when they started to just date. Should I do it? Idk, that's why I am asking your feedback on this.
Tell me if you like it or not.
Cooljoanna16 out

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