To feel annoyed

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-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Go thank my beta reader SmartieQueen
On with the story!
To feel annoyed
Percy's P.O.V
I was in a room filled with avengers- and retired ones.
Apparently Hawkeye couldn't come because he wanted to stick with his family.
Tony is retired but still he liked to name his tower the avengers tower.
James Rhodey is war machine (also I think it's safe to say that he is Tony's sidekick).
Apparently there was this man named Ant-man (is it too late to change the name?), but he did his own thing.
Thor was still in Asgard.
Natasha Romanoff observed me carefully; all of a sudden remembered that black widows were one of the spiders that eat other spiders (I decided to not sit next to her).
Steven Rogers (but everyone called him Steve) was captain America... I really couldn't help but respect the dude, he was about 15 when he took the Super-Serum and he dealt with a lot of things in his life.
Wanda Maximoff give me some scary vibes, yet I strangely felt pity for her. I mean she was a mortal and she was pretty young, far too young to deal with these sorts of things in her life. Then again, I am younger than her.
Vision was floating in midair looking at me with a neutral expressing, maybe he knows that I sort of have to take that infinity stone that is on his forehead? Maybe I can find a way to get the stone without sort of killing him?
Bruce Banner was off who knows where, so no green jolly giant.
Sam Wilson was the guy who was known as falcon, to be honest I really haven't heard much about him.
"So, not to be rude or anything but I kind of want Tony to teach me how to use my own iron suit."
That was the wrong thing to say because Rodney looked at Tony in disbelief, "you're already replacing me!"
"Actually you kind of replaced me", I said, "if anything, I was suppose to get a suit first"
Tony laughed at the response while Steve groaned saying, "please tell me you don't act like Tony".
I stuck my tongue out to show my answer.
Without us all knowing we started to stare at Tony, I guess for Tony to just explain.
Of course I decide to chime in figuring that Tony had already torn himself apart for what he did to my mom so I explained without the whole betray/ demigod/ Loki is my dad stuff.
Surprisingly enough they all after some time accepted that fact, then I felt a tug in my mind.
I thought for a moment that I would get mind control, for a strange reason my charm went missing again, I jumped up in shock and cling to the nearest person.
That said person yelped in surprise, "wha-?"
I narrowed my eyes around the room and zeroed in at Wanda and shouted dramatically "stay out of my mind stalker".
They all looked taken back and I let go of the said person I clinger to, which happen to be Steve.
"How did you know what I was doing"
Oh no... Come one Jackson think!
"Well... My uncle told me about you guys already and your powers... Also I figured you would do that through my awesomeness."
Some people groaned at the stark like remark, Wanda seems satisfy with the answer.
To prove my point that I was Tony's nephew even more so I ask for a tin foil hat from my uncle.
Poor Tony had to hold in the laugh but he soon let it out when I said in a deadpan voice that I needed a tin foil hat.
The avengers all seem satisfied with me, but Steve was slightly worried that I might be put into danger.
They all went their separate ways and I made my way to Tony and he followed me to a secluded room.
I made sure no one was listening to our conversation, before I talked about my dream and my apparent quest.
Tony voiced his concern, I don't really blame him, he would have to wait for me to return... Or not (luckily Tony decide to not talk about the new found information about Loki being mind control).
"Don't worry if I need help I'll tell you. Right now I have to head to camp, I think I know someone who might have the information I need."
Tony let out a deep sigh, "well, remember that we can help, maybe ask vision about the stone more"
"Yeah that would be nice" I admittedly said.
a awkward atmosphere filled the room before Tony just shook his head and said, "Screw it! You better come back alive or I will ground you"
I let out a laugh and then whistle a strong New Yorker whistle.
Tony looked at me with some curiosity, I took out a whistle assuming that Mrs. O'Leary can't hear me and blew in the silent whistle.
"You calling a flying horse?" Tony question, a familiar glint filled his eyes.
"No, just-"
A black blur attack me and I fell on my back, Mrs. O'Leary playful growled at me, but Tony didn't know that.
Seconds later he had his suit on, "no wait!" I protested. He froze when Mrs. O'Leary just rolled on her back and let a tongue out, she now looked playful enough for Tony to tell.
"So can a mortal shadow travel"
"I dunno"
"What happens if you let go"
"You will be lost in a shadow forever"
He looked skeptical at me, "don't let go". In a friendly matter he messed with Mrs. O'Leary's fur on her head and scratch her ear, "you better take care of Percy, he's a pup compared to you"
He let out a smirk before waving and turning to go.
"Guess it's time to go to camp girl"
After two minutes of shadow traveling Mrs. O'Leary jumped out of the shadow and pounced on a random camper,
I rolled off of Mrs. O'Leary back and helped the camper up, who happen to be that Ryan dude... The son of Thanos (the Greek god of death not the Titan)
"Dude watch it!" He looked annoyed I looked around and noticed that I was in front of his cabin, his siblings streamed out of the cabin to see what was going on (there is 9 campers in that cabin all together).
"Sorry, hey do you know where Annabeth is"
"Do you know how big this camp is" Ryan sasses back.
"What?" I still wasn't sure where this was going.
"Do you know how many Annabeths are in this camp".
I huffed a bit, I said I was sorry!
I raced away and started to sprint to my cabin,
"Hey take your dog with you"
I turned my head and said, "thanks for volunteering to watch her"
I laugh a bit, I may have barely known the dude but it still is fun to mess around with people.
I slammed the door to my cabin and wasn't surprised when I saw Time there waiting for me.
"Sup, what's my first move"
"We have to decide which of my sister is the best to look for" Time said.
I walked by my nightstand and sat down, "so fill me in on your sisters and their location"
Time focus on the wall before saying "space is in the tesseract which is right now stuck in Asgard. Mind is being used by a avengers so for now we leave it as it is until there is a way to safely extracted it. Soul prefers staying in solitude places, but Mind is close to her so she would know where Soul is"
"But we can't get them all first?"
"Correct. Power is out of reach on a planet far away, so until we access my sister Space we can not reach her. That leaves us to the youngest, Reality."
"Which is where"
"Reality was obtained by a man called 'the collector', but when Power came near her reach she was able to use another being to become a bomb of pure power freeing Reality. Power and Reality are still close as it seems."
"So reality is lost" I stopped a moment before saying "never thought I would say that".
"There is this women known as Jane Foster, she came in contact with my Sister who is well known for being ruthless, yet my sister did not tear her apart. Question Jane Foster and perhaps find a clue to where Reality is."
I gave a nod and Time came to me and handed me her stone, "guard this with your life, make it never come in contact with Thanos"
With that said she disappeared, I felt slightly nervous, I can't lose this.
I exit out of the cabin and started to look for a metal dragon, it didn't take me long to find it.
Why, you ask, I am looking for Leo's dragon... Well because I need Leo and Leo is always near his pride.
I was standing in front of the lake, Leo was training with his fire powers.
"Hey Leo, I need your help"
Leo nodded and ran over, "let me guess, you need some outrageous thing... Or am I going to meet your uncle yet"
I shrugged my shoulder, should I bring Leo along with me? Or at least one of the seven, maybe Nico (right after I strangle him).
"No, quest, don't know if I am going solo or not yet"
Leo nodes before pulling out a hammer and aimlessly tossing it in the air before catching it.
"Look don't touch," I merely said as I held the time stone, not knowing if Leo needed permission or something.
"It's a infinity stone, I need to keep it contained and close, in a way where I can't lose it."
"Don't know what a infinity stone is, but by the sound it may be competing with my level of awesomeness. Also I have a few ideas, so do I have to be careful in touching it?"
I nodded before Leo made a made shift charm holder.
I put it in and wished him the best.
So this Jane Foster girl is somewhere in Britain.
I thought about how lonely I would feel going alone in this quest. Nope I am soooooo inviting two people to come along.
Rachel seem like a good choice, with the whole her dad's rich and she's a oracle... But she is needed in camp.
Leo seem good as well but he was super busy with the whole industrial upgrades in both camps.
Piper might be able to spare some time... Along with hazel.
But if I bring Hazel do I really want to deal with a cursing horse?
Nico I still want to strangle, but sadly shadow traveling is useful.
Jason, Annabeth, and Frank can no way spare any time.
Who do I chose.... I guess for now it's up to fates.
For now I should rest and pack, the go out to save humanity..... Again, I thought to myself slightly annoyed.
A.n- another chapter done.
Okay so I need to people to come with Percy, it's up to all of your guys to decide.
You each can vote for three people and the top two will be selected
Here is the list below
Anyone else I forgot
Cooljoanna15 out

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