To Feel Fed Up

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To Feel Fed up
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
On with the story
Sally's P.O.V
Ahhh, life of a demigod. So peaceful, so calm.
Hahaha not.
I was going to start the day dragging my best friend Amara to the beach, much to her displeasure.
Going down the hill I turn my head up just in time to see a boy crash against a tree, and judging from the angle it seem that he fell from the sky.
Being the concerning being I am, I ask if the boy was okay, instead of answering he just look straight at me as if he saw a ghost and said, "Mom?".
Frowning before saying that he must of hit his head hard I glance at Amara.
"What is your name little one" Amara said in a calm tone.
He blink once, then twice before say... "Ummm... P-Percy".
She offer a kind smile before saying, "Percy what".
He glance at me before saying in an uncertain tone, "Jackson. Percy Jackson".
I Offered  a fun smile exclaiming, "Jackson! That's my last name too!".
He seem more nervous at that statement.
Some unknown tension starts to build up, I look at Amara helplessly.
Amara gesture Percy to follow; Percy follow in a daze like state, every once and awhile looking around expecting some type of attack.
Once we past the border he seem to have shaken off the uneasiness and said, "I have to see Chiron".
I notice his camp necklace, so shrugging I reply saying, "he's at the archery field".
The boy took off in a sprint, "Hey" I said slightly annoyed.
I caught up to him just as he found Chiron.
"Dude not cool, don't run off like that kid. Which cabin do you belong to"
I didn't expect an answer but Percy must've been tired, he said "Cabin three."
Before turning to talk to Chiron who notice the boy.
Just like that the boy stop abruptly as if he been hit by a high speed train, my mind numb for a bit..... Cabin three......wait... I LIVE IN CABIN THREE!!!
Chiron face harden as he saw the boy, or more precisely his arm which had a weird tattoo.
Percy seem to notice that and raise his hand in a surround manner, "I AM A GREEK, PEACE".
By then everyone was staring at the confusing half blood.
Percy'S P.O.V
My life suck's, I Know I said that already but up to this point I felt pretty fed up.
Chiron look ready to shoot me and my mom (Who look way to young to be call that), thought I was weird.
Using my Blessing from Time I found a way to fix the timeline. I have to find that weird hunter dude get the stone back then start up a paradox branch in the timeline (so pretty much reset it).
So if I was going to find the man fast then I had to cut to the chase and hopefully no one will call me crazy.
Taking a deep breath I turn to Chiron
"My name is Percy Jackson and I am from the future and right now- or then- the universe is in utter peril. My mom is Sally Jackson and my dad is name Loki, and yes THAT Loki. Some dude has some all powerful Time infinity Stone which I was suppose to protect but fail. Right now the guy is out there in this particular branch and he is trying to kill my mom so I never exist. I'm here because I am Time's champion and because he is trying to kill my mom."
As I tried to catch my breath Chiron look like he was having a minor heart attack and my mom was gaping, Amara was also gaping but she hide it behind her hand.
After catching my breath I look around and admittedly said, "That kind of felt good to get off my chest".
My mom grab me and sized me up, "I'm going to give a guess right now and say you look more like Right?"
I nod.
She shrugged before saying "Well at least you have my nose".
I think that's when I lost it, I mean my mom was next to me (Couple years older than me) but in the present time she was dead, I let out a hysterical laugh.
That's when Chiron took a arrow and shot someone behind me a couple yards away.
We all turn to see the hunter dude get hit by the arrow in the leg.
Too bad he had some pretty sick armor, I charge but he decided to shoot at me so i roll behind one of the targets. Other campers got the memo that this guy needs to die so the one with bows start to try and shoot him.
"So how do we take back the Stone"
I turn to see me mom beside me, determine to charge battle.
My eyes harden, "You have to stay safe if you get hurt then that might have some serious aftereffects.
I turn around just in time to see one of the camper actual shoot at where the Time infinity stone was.
In horror I watch as I saw the Timeline literally explode I saw webs of time spreading around camp, the campers avoid the webs seeing that it carried potential danger. Each web had a timeline, some shown important events that happen in the past.... Or future.
In one I actual saw Zeus fight Kronos for the first time!
But the terrifying part was that Time stop, there was no past or future, only the present.
(A.N- Anyone following me?)
I saw the hunter enter one web, with the blessing I got from time I was still able to follow him.
But before I could I turn to my, living, mother. Still alive.
Her eyes soften, "Hey, everything is going to be okay".
I must've look miserable because she soon engulf me in a hug, a couple of tears escape my eyes.
Raspy I whispered, "I missed you so much Mom."
She stiffen and understood why I had a hard time leaving.
She pull me apart to get a really look at me, she look uncertain.
"I don't know if I am a good Mother but just looking at you.... I want you to know I am already proud of you." 
She gave me the bright smile that I always missed.
Turning from my mother I jump towards one of the time webs, I was met with a pull dragging me close to where the hunter is.
"Brother wait up"
"Only if you hurry up"
Laughter escape the two young brothers as they raced down the stairs to the field.
The oldest look around the mortal age of 17 while the other look of the age of 15.
The blond brother was soon tackled by his younger brother.
"Loki! Get off!"
The dark haired boy got off and helped his brother up.
"I did hurry up brother, did I not?"
The day was golden until a loud sound broken to the happy atmosphere.
"What was that" Loki questioned
"I do not know Loki, stay close behind me."
Careful the two brothers went around the corridor and meet with the sight of a web.
Between each web seem to be different times in the timeline happening, but Thor and Loki did not know. They did not also know that a pair of mad eyes observed them from the shadow.
"I think we should call the guards" Loki exclaimed nervously.
Loki turned around ready to briskly walk away, never seeing the short blade sailing towards him quietly.
Thor, from the corner of his eye, saw the glint of the steel and with the talent that only a warrior possessed pull his brother away and caught the blade.
Following the blade path back to the hunter Thor let out a snarl and called his hammer.
"Loki run!"
"What? no!"
The Hunter quickly took out his gun and shot Thor, who was thrown back by the blast but not killed due to his species tough skin.
Loki in his distress reach for his hidden weapon, sadly not fast enough as he also gotten blasted.
In a state of blurry daze Loki looked up to see the sent assassin lifting his weapon for the final blow.
What save Loki was a boy around his age bursting through the web screaming bloody murder at the attacker.
Percy Jackson landed on the back of the hunter, effectively having the gun slide away the the knife clatter to the ground.
Scoping up the knife Percy stood up ready to counter any attack the Hunter could do.
Instead that Hunter went for his gun a couple feet away.
"Hades No! You ain't touching that gun, Hun!"
Percy ran full speed towards the Hunter Brantley sending him flying in the air... And right back in the web.
Percy let out a string of curses, glancing back to make sure His dad was okay.
"Ummmm, you didn't see anything..... Right?!"
Loki glance at Thor who started to stir then back at the boy who saved his life.
"And who do I owe my thanks for saving my life"
Your own son Percy thought in his mind.
"Maybe it's best if you just don't go near the web Loki, okay? Go help your brother back to a safe place."
Loki nodded and help his daze brother back.
As Percy watch them leave he whispered, "also your a frost giant of a king and you have a really crazy life but hey, who cares it's not as if you would remember this ever happening."
Turning Percy enter the web again.
Percy's P.O.V
I landed in Central Park crashing into a jogger who just push me and grumbled.
Ahhh, New York.
Looking around I search for my mother, after four minutes I saw her with dad. They were talking.
(Anyone remember the first book gathering frost)
"Do you know how long you will be gone" my mom questioned
"Years at the very most" Loki answered "but I will come back, and when I do I promise to never leave you."
He kissed my mom and they hugged, my mom whisper something in my dad's ear. It must of been funny because he let out a laugh and said
"until next time."
In a split second I made a decision to stop my dad from leaving.
Getting up from behind a bush I yelled out, "Sally Jackson and Loki please step up to the bush and pick up your kid".
Dad and mom abruptly look my way as I jogged over.
"Okay this is weird" I said glancing at my mom's womb where I should be, much to their knowledge.
Dad put my mother well behind him and glared at me, "speak half blood or I will cut off your tongue".
"Loki!" Mother chilled.
"Someone is trying to kill you" I said abruptly, "both of you, right now. I don't know where he is but he is some type of alien"
My mother look at me deeply, but before she could offer a reply dad said, "and why.. Pray tell.... should we trust you?"
"Because... I am from the future and if I'm correct, which I am pretty sure, Sally Jackson right get now is carrying her son without even knowing"
Gasping my mom look devastated while my father eyes harden.
He grab me by my shirt and presented a blade under my neck, "be careful of how you speak right now. If you really are from the future then you could also be evil".
Looking calmly in his eyes I firmly said, "but I'm not.... Dad".
His eyes widen, which kind of made me laugh, and he staggered back. My mom look at me with bright eyes filled with disbelieve, one hand over her mouth the other now resting on her womb.
"Listen I don't have much time but" that's when I got shot. Pain flared up my arm as I crash on my knees gritting my teeth in pain
I.Hate. Guns.
Without hesitation my father send a blast of magic at the attacker who hid among the bushes and trees. My mom grasped my arm gently and offer me some godly food which I gladly taken.
"This is the person send to kill us?" Loki said raising a eyebrow.
"Yeah he is really hard to fight and-"
Loki disappeared only to reappear with the Hunter who struggle in his grip, knocking him out Loki proceeded to dump him on the ground.
"SERIOUSLY THAT'S IT" I shouted in angry.
"What now" my mother said, "I mean how did we raise you, does this timeline get change?"
I picked up the container that had the time stone before saying , "no this is a paradox, in other words the second I leave everything will reset and play out as it normally did. Which is dad leaving us."
"But wait" Loki protested, "I can't just leave-"
I turn and roughly said, "you have to, you have no choice and even if you don't want to... It's too late you already did it. When I leave you will forget everything that happen."
Crestfallen my dad and mother looked.
"Okay" Mom said approaching me carefully, "what about a goodbye hug".
I shrugged and offered a small smile, "yeah that's okay".
She gently hugged me, I felt her hand running through my hair before backing up and getting a good look at me.
"At least you have my nose"
Laughing I agreed.
My dad gave me a pretty awkward hug but when he got a good look at my he said to mom
"Well Sally, you can thank me for our son having the looks of a god"
Backing up I took the stone out and focus on fixing the timeline. It didn't take to long.
With one final look of my family and a heavy heart I went back to my own present. With the help of space I appeared at camp exhausted.
Closing my eyes I crashed in my bed to sleep, hopefully for a lifetime.
As I drifted off I purposely ignored the tears trailing down my face.
A.N- yeah sorry. It's been a long time but I had a lot of school work (and SAT).
The next chapter is the last chapter with one more finally twist that I know all of you will love. I don't know when I will update, but I know I will update.
Tell me if you like it or not.
Cooljoanna16 out


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