To Feel Conflicted

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This chapter is dedicated to


(From wattpad)

-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
On with the story!
Percy's P.O.V
I called Tony and had a long chat with him, before I decided to tell Loki that Tony is my uncle. My dad is still not taking it well. But for my dad's sake (mostly) I said I would not mention the fact that my dad tried to kill Tony when I called.
Tony was relieved to be forgiven, but I told him that I had found my dad and would spend sometime with him. After I convinced Tony that I would visit him(and pepper) later, He told me that he was going to Asgard for some get together. I wished him luck, before hanging up the phone.
Back on Asgard
Thor's P.O.V
Soon there will be a grand event taking place on Asgard. The nobles are bustling along with their heads held high from all the respect they had (or thought they had).
Leaders from all realms were coming to discuss our plans when Thanos' plans begin to unfold.

In more interesting news, mother is not the only one back from the dead- nearly a decade ago, a beloved elf princess who was merely 800 years old has returned(she died of a illness). This did not exactly put the Aesir at ease, if royal families that had recently died were being brought back to life... What is not to say that the same may occur with Laufey, king of the frost giants? All will hopefully be revealed in the meeting.
3rd Person
Thor had asked if Odin would allow him to bring his Midgardian friends along, since they too were a part of the issue (because of the avenger in training known as vision was made from an infinity stone)
"Are you certain it is just those mortal avengers my son, or is it also a troublemaking woman?"
"... Maybe, father... I was hoping you might allow it"
He still didn't receive an answer.
Thor retired to his mother's garden, trying to pull together his thoughts.
Words echoed around his head; at all the times Loki spoke to Thor
"They're your friends not mine, I merely tolerate them"
"Why do you believe them all the time, I'm your brother!"
"You may have won over the hearts of the nobles, Thor: with your hammer and heart for war, but remember; you have not yet won over the people."
"You big oaf!"
"Please remember that no matter what... You will always be my brother"
"Thor, this is madness!"
"I'm not your brother... I never was"
"Is it madness... IS IT... IS IT?!"
Without Thor even noticing, tears tears had begun to fall down his face- how could he not have noticed his own brother being brought down into madness. There was so many things Thor had gotten away with.
Thor was only banished for three days, and yet Loki had been tortured for a year.
Even though Thor was grateful, the Warriors three and lady Sif had never been punished for disobeying Loki and Odin. People called Loki a liar, yet Loki alway knew when others lied.
People thought that Loki was always evil, yet it was Loki that had protected Asgard from thor's bloodlust.
The more Thor thought about it, the more he realized that the people who thought such things were nobles... What did the people really think of Loki?
Thor snapped out of his thoughts as he neared the site of the Bifrost. He dismounted the stallion he had been riding at a certain distance and made his way to the dome.
Heimdall stood tall ready to greet the important guest.
"Heimdall my friend, how is everything coming along"
"All is well prince Thor, but surely you came for another reason?"
Thor, not yet ready to state his suspicions aloud, said, "yes, how fairs lady Jane"
"She is well, but I assumed my prince you wanted to ask me something else?"
Thor looked around before saying, "Has Laufey returned from the death?"
"I do not know prince Thor, is there a reason to be at such unease from one frost giant?"
"No, I just..." Thor looked around before saying, "if Laufey is alive then it confirms that all the recently undead royalty are alive, including... Loki."
Even though Heimdall did not show a reaction he stiffed at the sudden realization of it.
"Do not worry Prince Thor, I will keep an eye out for Loki"
Thor decide to help Heimdall, "My brother has a very unique seidr"
"Much to most people beliefs I am unable to sense someone's magic Prince"
Thor try to hold back his disappointment, so instead of saying anything he merely nodded.
Heimdall moved his sword in place as he let the bifrost open, and out of the pathway stepped two realm leaders.
Lord Freyr of Alfheim looked around the place and spotted Thor, "Thor look at you, why the ill face.
Freyr had been extremely close friends with Loki, both scholars enjoyed knowledge and were not thrilled with the acts of war (but that did not mean they did not know how to receive them).
Next to him was Queen Karnilla From Norn, with whom Thor decide he should proceed with caution. While Freyr might be a person who could easily forgive Thor for his mistrust in Loki, Queen Karnilla was a matter all together. Since Loki was what a mortal would call 'rebel teenager' a time ago, he and Karnilla would always cause much trouble between the realms.... for fun.
After an awkward greeting Thor lead the guest towards the Palace, but as he entered the Throne room he noticed another important leader... Hel from From helheim.
Thor froze as he saw Hel queen staring coldly at him- you see, Hel was a daughter of Loki.
One day Loki had stumbled upon her when she was very young (like a three year old for mortals), and Loki later sent a letter to Asgard to father explaining that he was going to search for her parents.
I remember the full decade he was gone, and when he came back he had said that she had no family and that now she was his daughter.
Eventually we all realized that Hel was an incarnation of death, which explained why half of her body was a skeleton.
Father was suspicious of Hel, at that point, and attempted to throw her into the realm of Helheim (she was what mortals would call a six year old). He made certain that the fact that she was a daughter of Loki, remained only a rumor.
Thor guilty thought back on how he had agreed with father, and tried his best to lift loki's spirits.
473 years later queen Hel of Helheim emerged out of nowhere. As it turned out Loki was able to go to Helheim and in fits of rage for the injustices felt to his daughter, he had taken over the realm of Helheim and made it into a kingdom of the undead, until he was satisfied that the realm deemed itself worthy of his daughter.
I remembered Loki saying to me to not mention to anyone that she was a daughter of Loki because then everyone would treat her with spite. From that point on, when Hel grew up she became close friends with Loki.
Now, here stood Hel in all her glory glaring coldly at Thor; reminding him of the times he had mistreated Loki.
I bit back a retort as she ignored my titles on purpose. I usually tried my best to ignore the fact that death had once been a daughter of Loki.
As a matter of fact, a couple months ago, she had revealed the fact that she was adopted daughter of Loki, daring anyone to try and back talk the only father figure she had ever known.
"Hel, queen of Helheim"
Hel turned to Odin and glared at him darkly, but Odin seemed unaffected by it.
Looking around the room, Thor saw some leaders of the realm Vanaheim, but none from Svartalfheim.
Wise of them Thor mused.
The doors opened again, and much to Thor's surprise his fellow avengers walked in with normal mortal clothes, and lingering behind them, excited, was lady Darcy and fair lady Jane.
Thor turned to his father who took the moment to ignore him, and Thor knew that though his father still might not like mortals, at least he was kind enough to invite them.

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