To deal with the insane

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To deal with the insane (short chapter)
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
On with the story
Percy's P.O.V
Percy decide to just go back to camp, much to Reality's displeasure, instead of just going to retrieve Power.
"I can't just go on ahead and Yolo it this, after I get Power I have to know where to go"
"Of course" Time said, "you have to gather us all together and then we will together live in an isolated realm."
Soul took over saying, "your adopted older sister Hel is perfect fine with bringing us all to her realm, a place Thanos has no entry too".
"Oh" I stood facing them, "what about me, I can't just live there."
"Umm, no, wel- erm- you see" Mind tried to say but Space broken in saying, "Time's Totally firing you".
I froze, that was it?
"Don't feel bad" Mind said.
Reality just roll her eyes saying, "he's happy Mind, happy that this was not too hard".
"You just Jinx it!," Space sang.
I smile saying, "well, I'll miss you guys".
Turning more serious I said, "Soul, Mind, and Reality, you guys are going to my-umm older sister's realm. Space, you Time and I are going for Power."
"WAIT A SECOND," Reality screeched, "Power is my sister, I should be there."
"Reality, I think you know why I think we should split evenly".
Reality huff and swore before giving in, claiming that I better bring back Power.
After some time I was finally satisfied that everything was arranged I turn and left with a shoulder bag with me and two infinity stones in my possession.
The planet that I came across (after 2 hours because even though Space gain some memory she still got easily distracted) may have once look beautiful but now it look like it gone through four rounds against a certain Titan of time and his painful weapon.
Citizens of different races walk around, it had me briefly remember how the people of New York City act after two weeks from the invasion. Normal after something big happen. That had me slightly worried, did someone attack this place for the stone.
Once in awhile I heard some people (or aliens) mention some group call the guardians of the Galaxy.
Whatever the case is, I could come to the conclusion that the power stone is in this planet, most probably with higher form of justice.
Don't get me wrong, I love justice and all but lately too the public justice seems to call me a terrorist.
I saw a particularly large building which I can only assume it to be some type of town hall.
"She's in there, I can just sense it" reality said behind me.
.....wait....... Reality?????
I turn and saw reality looking into the building with a hunger look filling her face.
She shhh telling me to shut up and get over it.
"But how did you-?"
"I gave you the backpack dummy, my stone is in there"
I felt pretty stupid there, just when I thought my plan couldn't get any worst, a group of cops (well outer space cops) approach me, reality, and now time and space who decide to appear.
"Put your hands in the arm stranger." One cop said as they all point their guns at us.
"Why are they going to shoot at us" I whispered.
Time frown, "they must of found our energy signature, but I conceal mine, so did reality-" we turn to Space.
"What!? You can't just expect me to remember everything. I got problems people!"
"You all do" I mutter darkly.
"I Come In Peace" I shouted heroically as I got to my knees and raise my hands straight in the air.
I rephrase it again saying "I mean- WE come in peace".
"We do?" Question Reality.
I glare at her.
As we were walking towards the building in chains (thought I knew that I could easily escape) reality snap at one of the guards saying coldly, "Where do you think you are taking us". One guard briefly said, "Nova prime".
(A.n- you guys can see where the power stone is in the movie guardians of the Galaxy )
We came across a room in the building that had a screen that was used for the background of criminals pictures.
"Time", I said in a warning tone, "I don't want to be proclaim a terrorist again"
Space giggle, while Reality smirk, after five seconds Time huff and said, "fine I'll get this sort out".
A women walk into the room with red lipstick and white hair tied to a bun, she had a okay police uniform and piercing eyes as she stare down at me.
Must of been weird for her to stop what she was doing and come and deal with a teen.
"Corpsman Dey...... What is the meaning of this"
Time lifted a hand and spoke out saying, "I'll stop you right there Nova Prime, my name is Time Infinity Stone, these are my sister Space and Reality, the boy Next to me is my champion. I come here to receive my sister Power back."
Miss Prime look pretty surprise before saying, "well, it seems we have much to discuss about."
Silence reign the room.
"Well corpsman Dey? Are you going to uncuff them?".
The said guard fluster a bit before removing the cuffs.
"Not as if they could of held us anyway" Reality said gruffly.
We were lead to a room to where Time would discuss her plan to assure Nova Prime that she is doing the right thing.
The hunter
I took the strange instrument from its case. It was made to almost match the glove that held the infinity stones for thanos.
It's shape was of a flat container with a convenient slot for the stone, from the roof undetected I watch the commotion that took place below.
Even though I was at disadvantage with distance to hear any conversation, I have sight that can read what a person says from this distance.
So it seems this little crew is my target, I made the assumption that all the females where the representation of the stones and the boy (almost laughed out loud at my luck) must be the guardian.
Observing the females I notice that individually there was a certain glow at one part of their body. The one with the blue hair had a glowing circle under her shirt, so I made the conclusion that her 'heart' is where the stone is. Same with the other two.
Getting up and briefly brushing off some dust I scale down and shadow the group.
They headed inside one of the building, but not feeling miff about it I went through the vents (Stalking out this planet for some time help me memorize the way).
Getting into a comfortable position quietly above the room fill with the Nova counsel I watch, waiting for the right moment to grab the stones. I observe the closest one, the women with yellow hair would be the easiest to grab due to the close distance. I put a flash bomb some vents back so it would be a small distraction.
Shifting a bit I look at the direction they were all looking at.
Percy's P.O.V
A while ago I allow the infinity stone to protect their own stones for a while (Because Nova Prime refuse to trust me holding them).
A purplish rock was brought forth the Nova Prime, after Time discuss her terms with Miss Prime we were waiting for the whole ideal of receiving Power Stone.
Of course we would of got it done fast if Reality didn't keep on threatening them or showing a highly aggressive state.
Nova Prime carefully open the Rock and my senses were immediately hit with a sensation of burning power, the air seem to crackle with energy.
Reality step forward and held the stone, a woman with purple hair appear.
To be honest looking at her made me uncomfortable, she had purple lipstick on but the way she carried herself made me uneasy.
"Reality" Power said, slightly pleased.
"Power" Reality said with a sincere smile.
That's when I heard the clank of metals I turn towards the table just in time to see a bright sharp flash sear my eyes.
"HEY" I let out as a shout as my eyes were assaulted with the bright light, a ring sat behind my ears as I press my eyes hoping to regain my senses.
In the bright vision I saw I could make up the form of the infinity stones.
They all back up suddenly away from the yellow glow which I can assume is Time.
Sensing danger I rush to Time only to get clock in the face.
That's when I heard a scream, Times scream.
"TIME!" Space shouted, up to this point I could see good enough and the guards surrounding me took action. Some fired at this man who.. HAD THE TIME STONE! ( I knew I should've just left the stone in my watch), others lead the other three stones away.
Reality and power were holding back Space who keep on crying out to Time.
The man quickly exit the room, but I leaped into action chasing after him.
The black clad man gracefully sprint outside with the stone in some weird container, I concentrated sensing a water pipe near him, I let it explode towards him.
He was surprise for a moment before jumping back and scanning the place, he zoom in on me and let out a growl of annoyance before pulling out his gun and firing.
I let out my sword and deflect two before rolling to the side to take cover.
The man back up looking at me and I trail him carefully.
Soon back-up would come and.....
I saw a green package toss to me with a red blinking light.
Gasping I back up and ran to take more cover as it blew up, I got up trying to see through the the smoke, I look around just in time to see a spaceship flew away.
I froze as I look towards the direction it went towards.
"TIIIMMMMEEE!" I heard from my left as space race towards that direction but power firmly tackled Space.
The reinforcement came and I saw some starships race towards that direction.
"You have to take Time back Percy! They're going to take her to Thanos!" Space exclaim.
I took a deep breath before saying, "Reality, you take Power to where Soul and Mind is. space I need your stone, we need to travel to that guys ship fast and Now."
Ignoring our surrounds we got to work, Reality grab Power and led her off to a place to start a minor convergence. The space stone was place in my watch and i said, "focus on where your sister is Space, quick before you start to lose memory".
That's when my eyes were once again assuage with a bright light (this time more blue than white).
Good news-I was inside of the ship.
Bad news- the ship was pretty small and the guy saw me.
I was able to get out my sword just in time to block the guys dagger as he leap forward, he took out his gun planning on blasting my guts with the other hands but I kick him in the face and back off.
That's when I heard an explosion, I briefly look out of the window seeing that the starships gain on the ship and had decide to blast it out of the sky.
That's when the ship did a nose dip towards the ground, for a scare moment I lost my footing as it went down and slam into the glass part of the back door.
The ground was getting closer and the man also end up tumbling toward me.... His weight at that force broke the glass and we both flew out.
As we were falling to our deaths I notice the contain for Time attack to his belt.
I made a grab for it but he grab me away from it.
We start to punch each other but to be honest I think he was winning.
I kick him but also ended up kicking his belt. The time stone flew down and hit the ground seconds before we did.
It bounce up against the ground and the guy grab it.
Before we both hit the ground, but a mid second before that happen I was once again assault with a bright light (that was this time yellow).
I felt a blast and I slam into a tree. Wait.... A tree.
I'm got up and notice that I was in a familiar place.
The clearing towards the base of half blood hill, I notice that a certain pine tree was not there.
I got up and brush myself, I had to find time but here I was back on earth far away from it.
"Space we got to go".
I had no answer, Space was separated from Time too long and lost her memory of everything.
"Hey you, are you okay." A familiar voice said.
I turn around and froze.
Their a couple feet away from me where two girls.
One carried herself with certain elegance, she had brown neat curl hair and skin that remind me of Piper.
But the other one had familiar brown hair put in a high ponytail and familiar green eyes.
There before me stood Sally Jackson as a teen with concern eyes.
(A.n- guys please tell me you read gathering frost before you read shattered ice)
"You seem to fall pretty hard out of nowhere kid."
"Mom?" I blurted out.
She frown, "you must of really got hit in the head hard kid".
Dammit, I'm lost in time.
A.n- another chapter done. So what do you think about the time travel, this is before she started to become friends with Loki, during this time she only saw him once really briefly. Of course you would know that if you read gathering frost *glaring at those who did not*.
So now the hunter is out there in time close by.
Hope you like it.
Tell me if you like it or not.
Cooljoanna16 out

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