To Feel Content

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This chapter is dedicated to
(From fanfiction)
(from fanfiction)
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Also, I might take a page or two from Terri Hood (Wattpad). I do not own Percy Jackson or Marvel.
On with the story!
Third P.O.V
Percy soon, given about another four days, accept his father in his life.
It still was strange for Percy to say the word dad or father out of his mouth every time he addressed Loki.
Percy was right now dragging Loki towards the border of camp half blood.
"I don't know about this Percy" Loki questioned, "I might not have a warm welcome here"
But Percy would hear none of that, he quietly, trying his best to not attract attention, dragged Loki in his cabin.
Percy offered a bed across the room claiming that he would have half of the cabin while Loki had the other.
Of course Tyson bed was still reserve (and to Percy, his mother bed became sacred)
But Loki strife over to his deceased wife's bed and passed a glance at Percy, asking for a unspoken permission to move forward.
Percy nodded grimly and walked over to the bed as well,they sat there together and open the chest of belongings.
The first thing that captured loki's attention was a beautifully crafted knife, meant to be hidden from enemies eyes.
Loki felt his eyes water, it was the token he gave to Sally when they started to court. Sally gave him a token as well, which was a pin that her father gave her. The pin was also beautifully crafted and Loki remember Sally saying how her dad said it was over a thousand years old.
"Mom said that was the token you gave to her" Percy said.
Loki nodded mutely, lost in memories.
Percy lead Loki to the arena after letting Loki compose himself. people stared at Loki,much to loki's discomfort.
Loki stood by the side and watched Percy get whisked away by an opponent.
He soon felt someone careful observing him, he turned and raise a eyebrow to a female with blond hair and gray eyes.
She still had a blank face, for a strange reason she reminded him of sif (making him hate the women).
Loki was snapped out of though when Percy came by his side, Loki looked with approve of how Percy was not tired after a fight.
"Percy, who's this dude?"
Loki turned to see the women again.
"Umm" Percy didn't know how to really explain it so he gestured annabeth to come closer so her could whisper, "annabeth meet my dad".
Annabeth froze and stared at Loki who was now wearing a blank face.
"But-what- seaweed brain what did you do!"
Percy turned to his father and said "umm maybe I should explain, can you go back to my cabin really quick. I'll meet you there."
Loki grudgingly did as told and walked back to the cabin.
But the second he did he was slammed against a wall, Loki reacted immediately twisting out if the grip to see who would dare attack him.
The he paled seeing a very angry in-law.
Poseidon stood tall And said in a low voice, "I don't care what the other's say, I know you're up to something Loki. You better keep my grandson away from it"
Loki growled before saying "he's MY son, I am his father." Then in a condescending voice he said "and you're just his grandfather who's not allowed to visit him".
Poseidon let out a cry of rage before attacking Loki, but Loki growled already ready to meet the sea god's attack.
Thor's P.O.V
Thor was pacing back and forth between two pillar(which was in front of the healing chamber), the healer's were checking the all mother condition extensively. They (along with all of Asgard) were worried that she would disappear in thin air.
A healer went out and beckoned Thor to come inside, when entering Thor quickly came to his mother's bedside.
His mother smiled at him as she sat upright, she gave him a hug, "my son."
Thor returned the embrace, the family was together again.
That's when a sharp pain entered his heart... Loki... He was still dead.
Mother saw the expression and she gently asked me what ill me.
I slowly explained what happen after her... Passing, when I got to the part when Loki avenger her but died she started to cry and mourn out.
I awkwardly embrace.
Soon father came in the room and embraced mother (I backed up giving them space). Mother was still mourning about the death of Loki, this time for good.
After a while when we were all composed we left the healing chamber behind and walked out like a family, I half expect to turn to see Loki trailing behind.
But I forbid myself to look, after the vision I had about the infinity stone (during our battle with ultron) I was able to find out the main enemy.
It was a being named Thanos, I along with my father found out that the realm Loki fell in (when he let go) is where thanos's forces stood.
After much investigating (and speaking with seers) I found out with a heavy heart that Loki was tortured and slightly influence to taking over. I cursed myself everyday for not realizing sooner, during the invasion loki's eyes were a shade of blue like mines... Even though loki's eyes are (were) green. Not only that but loki's strategy was more of a brutal approach, knowing Loki he would've used his life capacity to the utmost advantage, he would've (through political) taken over the nations of earth. Also would of been loved (due to the fact Loki would've eliminate all issues of mankind).
But it was too late to say sorry, Loki is gone, dead, no more. Sometimes I wonder if Loki cried out for me or father or mother to rescue him from the manipulative hands of thanos.
I felt like I let my little brother down, but I question why he never talked or mention thanos during his trial... What was he afraid of that Thanos could of done.
Percy's P.O.V
After getting a ear full of annabeth and being able to finally convince her to not burn my father in the pikes I walked to my cabin.
Of course near the roof of the cabin I saw the strolls trying to set it on fire.
You see the Poseidon cabin is unable to burn, but the strolls took it as a challenge from the gods.
Now they try to find ways to-
KaBoom(sound of a exploding fire)
.....put out fire from there hair.
I shook my head playfully and enter the cabin.
Only to be greeted with the image of my grandfather beating up my dad, between the alien demigod and the full blown god..... The full blown god was winning.
"Ummm, what's going on" they froze hearing my voice.
"Grandson, I don't trust Loki. He's up to something."
"I would never do anything to hurt my son!" Exclaimed Loki.
I asked Poseidon if I could talk to him alone, he looked with triumphantly as he passed Loki.
(We stood alone out the cabin's porch)
"Lord Poseidon..." I started respectful, but the sea god frowned upon hearing those words, "you been there for my mom and been the most closest person I had as a father" in hearing those heartwarming words the immortals smiled again.
"But did you ever wish you can spend more time with mom when she was around".
Grief enters the powerful god as he remember the times he wish he were with his late daughter.
Percy whispers out trying to let his grandfather know how much he need his dad "that's same pain my dad is going through. Please just give him one chance."
I gave him the seal eyes look.
Poseidon eyes soften but his answer came out harsh, "if he steps a toe out of line..."
I nodded in agreement.
I closed my eye to feel a sea breeze, after a second I open the door to be greeted by the sight of my father sitting on a bed groaning.
I rushed to his side to inspect the damage done (that action happen because I was trained to take care of the injured).
He was pretty bruised up and I could see a dark marks forming around his neck.
My father attempted to put me at ease by joking saying "in laws..... Wait till you get them son."
I rolled my eyes at his remark and sat down next to him, annabeth was heading to Chiron and Mr. D right now, annabeth says chances are my dad have to change his name so that no one but annabeth (Mr. D and Chiron) know that Loki is my father.
After some discussion my dad chose the name Luke (I feel a lump in my throat at the mention of the name) I agreed and we thought of a last name. I thought at first that his last name should be jackson but I got that last name from my mom so Loki couldn't use that name. I suggested silvertongue, but he just stared at me with a look that said 'you couldn't think of a better one'.
"What other titles do you have dad, because your last name is not going to be liesmith".
He looked thoughtful before saying "well I am a skywalker".
It was my turn to stare at him... Luke skywalker.... NEED I SAY MORE!!!!
"Dad... Umm.. Just out of curiosity why did you pick the name Luke?"
"Oh, some mortals called me that as well when I decide to visit Midgard around the Black Death era... It still seems like a normal name. As for my last name a skywalker is someone who can go between realms.. So my undercover name shall now be Luke Skywalker".
No. No. No. No. No. Nonononononononono. NOOOO!
Mortals made a movie from my dad's title and mortal name! It even has all that adoption nonsense.
Since when were moives real. Why Star Wars! Now I will never see it the same again (after I watch the newest one 'force awakens').
My dad stubbornly kept the name, but I demanded that he was not allowed to say his last name unless he needed to. I did not want to be know as Percy skywalker.
I took my dad around camp telling him all about it with pride, bystanders gaped every time I called him my father. At one point the strolls strolled up and introduce themselves to him.
"My names Connor and this fine young man is Travis"
"And WE are the strolls"
Loki just looked at them with amusement, "and you both are friends of my son"
"Yep, and your name is?"
"Luke" Loki said, lying through his teeth easily.
The strolls froze upon hearing that name, "oh... Well.. See you around Luke."
"Yeah w-we got to.. Umm.... Prank and stuff".
I don't blame them from running, but the rest of the time was undisturbed by anyone as I continued to show camp to my father more.
At dinner my friends and pretty much everyone in camp was staring at me and my dad as we ate dinner.. The campfires was incredibly full and everyone move cautiously around me and my dad.
It was awesome, and refreshing to not have people demand me to a duel or to tell a story.
The fire was high and bursting with color and for once in my life... I felt content
Loki's P.O.V
I was well aware that I was dreaming, I was also aware that I was back in the realm that tortured me
I felt a women stare at me, I turned and saw a blue alien. To be quite honest I was expecting the other to come and threaten me. The women had no hair and engraving in her head and face, she wore a blue cloak and a smile filled with malice.
"Hello Loki" she cooed, I restrained myself to not grab my ears in an attempt to block out her voice.
It was laced with something that complied me to listen and follow her.
"I'm afraid The Other is out for a while. I am one of Thanos faithful servants... Unlike you" she took the moment to look at me as if I was a dog that disobey his master, "i'm afraid Thanks believes you do not deserved the embrace of death... But your son in the other hand...".
I immediately reacted growling and pinning the alien with my arm against a rock, "if you even look at my son I will make sure everyone knows about Thanos plans... I WILL hunt Thanos down and make sure he gets an embrace of death. Don't you dare go near my-".
I was cut off by her laughter, "oh this is rich! The rumors are true that you have a son... I hope he is a infant or a toddler all the better more to make you hear him scream before he dies in your arms".
I cursed myself inwardly for letting her find out about my son,
"don't worry Loki, I wouldn't hurt the boy".
I looked at her with suspicion.
"You will."
My eye widen before I sneered and threw her against the floor hard.
She just smiled and hovered two feet in the air facing me, "if you wish for Thanos to not punish you then prove your loyalty by sacrificing your son to death".
"No" I state firmly.
She chuckle, "how cute, you think you have a choice in the matter? We will met again Loki, but next time face to face."
She disappeared but even though I could not see her I heard her coo
"Sweet dreams!"
A.N- yeah testing is over, thanks for waiting. So what do you think, I saw guardian of the galaxy and I'm pretty sure The Other is death or really injured, idk what do you guys think?
I really hope this chapter wasn't too bad, I didn't really put that much effort.
Anyway what more to say!
Tell me if you like it or not.
Cooljoanna15 out
Question of the day- who is loki's really dad.

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