I Deserve To Be Happy

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Another sleepless night where my thoughts taken over my mind.

I think about everyday and I wish I could stop.

I can't. I breath once

Twice. Sometimes three.

The thought makes me want to go away and never come back or never speak again like I did as a child.

I'm scared.

Of what they'll say.

Will they still love me.

What if they hate me?

I don't think I'd be able to handle that. It'll kill me.

I love my family more then anything in this world.

My mom

My sister

The only two people I have. They're my family.

I wish I wasn't like this. But I can't deny it any longer. I need to embrace myself.

I need to love me and accept myself for who I am.

Know that I know who I am and not hide anymore. I deserve to be happy.

I'm going to start to be happy 🌼🌺💕🌷

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