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I never had any closure with you. I try to wrap around in my mind that things just fell apart between us.

I don't think I can just accept that because it was okay. As much as I know that you did  care about me at one point but I can't just say that I'm "better"

You tore me apart and stitched me back together and just felt that, that was the best and that I'd be "fixed"

You can't just fix something over and over again without it falling apart in front of your eyes. I fell apart in front of your eyes.
I had an eating disorder and anxiety that was through the roof. You could've just told me to my face that you were tired of me and I would've understood. It would've hurt but it's better then just list promises that never happened.

I don't think you even know how much it has effected me they way you are. You just made me feel safe in a twisted way and how good you were with your words.

How luring they are.

I hope and I pray that whomever the next girl isn't as stupid as I was to believe every word you'd say was true or had some kind of meaning.

Because nothing about you is meaningful.

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