Accepting Me

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I've tried to build the courage to tell you. But every time I try my throat closes and my heart races and in the end I just run away.

How  can you just tell someone something that is so personal and yet so confusing. Not only to them but to yourself.

This feeling over powers my body and makes me have the biggest panic attack that is so consistent that I have no clue when it'll end.

I know that I can tell you anything because you're my family  but I really don't know how'd you react this time. I want to wrap around my mind that you'd be accepting of me.

I've seen so many and heard about so many stories that have happy and horrific endings. I don't want to loose you. I can't loose you.

I just don't think I can be in the bubble any longer I want to be able to talk about anyone I want to be with or someone I wish I can love in life.

You're the only thing I have. I love you so much. If it's the last time we ever speak I hope that one day you'd understand me and my sexuality.

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