Mated to the Roommate

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Authors Note:
Y'all I wrote this story when I was extremely young please excuse my cringeworthy writing. 😩

I never thought my boyfriend, Rick and I would end. We were going to get married and find our own place to raise our children we had planned to have. Now to find that he and Stacy our best friend have been sleeping together has broken me. With the three of us being roommates, it's hard seeing them together. He has no regrets and is carefree. Stacy is quiet and knows that our friendship is done. We all grew up together and Rick and I have been together since we were fourteen. My birthday is next Saturday, I will be twenty- two years old and I am nowhere near close to wanting to celebrate. The past month has been nothing but depressing. my roommates are in love apparently and I'm in physical pain. I've lost thirty pounds. My hair is flat and I've got bags under my eyes. I can't sleep and every time I see the two of them my heart actually hurts. It hurts to just breathe. If I don't get out of this living situation soon, I'm going to flip out.

That's why we are renting out Ricks old room and I'm also finding another job. So that's what today is about. The new guy is moving in and my day will consist of job hunting. By far I have three interviews set up about two towns from our home in East Haven, Mass. Pulling up into our driveway, I see a black motorcycle in the garage. I guess our new roomie is in. Walking inside I immediately spot Stacy. She was dressed really... slutty? She never dressed like this; skimpy shorts and midriff tops. Something was up, walking past her I found Rick lying on their bed. Walking inside, I shut the door.

"What's up with your girl?" I asked. He shrugged and turned the TV on. So he had an attitude.

"How come she's dressed like that?"

He sighed and turned the television up louder, "You should go ask her yourself."

Rolling my eyes, I left their room and walked into my bedroom. Stripping off my clothes, I grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself and stepped into the hallway. Passing by the new roomies door I paused for a second to listen if he was inside. Nothing, shrugging I walked to the bathroom. Just as I reached for the knob, the door opened. Lifting my head I looked into the softest brown eyes I have ever seen. Letting my eyes roam this man's face I noticed the surprised look on his face but also the look of lust in his eyes? Clearing his throat, I stepped back. Having the strongest urge not pounce on this man, I felt my body reacting in ways I haven't felt in a long time. Keeping my eyes on his, I didn't want to glance at the defined chest I'm sure he possessed, as he stepped into the hallway.

"So, you're Jasmin." he stated with a smirk.

His voice was like, like- liquid gold. I would not have been surprised if I came right there on the spot. Blushing, I nodded and looked at him. For a brief second I swore his eyes were black. Suddenly he turned around and headed to his room.

"Where in hell did he come from?" I asked myself.

Never in my life have I met someone so attractive. Shaking my head, I shut and locked the bathroom door. No wonder Stacy was dressed like that, the skanq was trying to get his attention, which Rick and his hawk eyes had noticed. Laughing to myself, I scrubbed away the days stress.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now