There Actually is a Big Bad Wolf!

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I would like to dedicate this chapte to xCrystal_tearsx ")

Her book " I'll Always Be There For You" is so amazing, she is such a great writere, please check her profile out!!!!

"His scent smelled familiar but tonight's actions brought back memories I wanted to stay forgotten. His name is Vain." Logan sighed, as he headed to my bedroom.

Opening the windows all the way up he started touching random things, and I was starting to get uncomfortable.

He turned with a halfhearted smile, "I'm just trying to place my scent everywhere he was inside your room touching your things." Opening my underwear drawer he growled. I secretly smiled to myself, every time he got mad I just wanted to jump him but that could wait.

"I'm buying you new clothes and I'm moving all of your things into my room."

Pulling me towards him he kissed me hard on my mouth and it felt really good. Everywhere he touched me it felt as if tiny sparks were caressing me and I never wanted it to stop but he broke our kiss, pulling away.

"I love you so much, Jasmin."

"I love you too, Logan."

Running my hands up and down his chest, he closed his eyes, sighing.

"Really, Jas, you want to do that right now?" He asked, his smile making me laugh.

I stood on my tippy toes and kissing him on the forehead.

"Oh yes, that and more!" He laughed this time but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"What's really on your mind Logan?" I asked all lust aside.

"You, Rick, and Stacy are not safe anymore and there's not much I can do about. I mean if there were three of me, I could split up and follow you guys everywhere but that's impossible. Vain is dangerous Jasmin."

Shutting the windows, he took a seat on my bed pulling me with him.

"Vain has done this before, he targets other wolves, particularly alphas. He stalks them and their families, giving them chaos. He has a small pack that backs him up; they're all fucked up in the head like him. In my travels, I saw the damage he had done to other mated wolves. He tries to break them apart and if he can't do that, he takes a total different route." He looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Like this, he starts doing random shit like, trashing homes, making appearances at your job or kids school. He likes to play games. I was with an old friend down in Texas; he got a call to go to the pack house for an emergency. When we got there, the alpha was dying. He managed to tell us what had happened to his mate and their son."

Grabbing my hand he kissed it and pulled me closer to him.

"Vain's pack jumped him, while he took the alphas mate, biting over their sacred claim, breaking the bond between mates. While Vain left with the alphas wife, one of his men grabbed their little boy and snapped his neck, killing him while the father had to watchfighting off the other. The alpha died from his many wounds, his body couldn't handle it, we went searching for Vain and his body guards but his scent was so faint. They found the wife's body few weeks later but no trace of where her captor had been."

"Thats so evil, how could he do such a horrid thing?"

"I dont know but its stopping with us..."

Looking out the window, he stared at the moon.

"He only attacks on new moons from the little that I know. Right now it's the first quarter, and that gives us little time to get you ready..."

I sat up confused as to why I should be ready for anything.

"Ready for what, Logan?" I could feel the tension in his body, as he turned his face to me.

"Ready for you be turned Jasmin."

Say Whattt??!!

Hey Y'all!!!

I hope you like this chapter, I will be updating again today, while I have the time.

Thanks so much for all the LUV!!!!!

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Read on my Loves <3<3<3<3

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