My Mate

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Crashing his mouth to mine, any concerns for my life flew out the window; all I cared about was Logan. Hearing him growl, he hiked my dress up as his body pinned me down to the bed.

"You're mine, Jasmin, you belong to me, no one else, understand?" His voice was so deep and soft I felt myself lost in it. Kissing along my neck he made his way back to my lips. Nibbling on my lower lip I moaned just as his tongue entered my mouth. His taste was strong and refreshing.

Just as I was feeling out of breath, he stopped, removing himself from my grasp. Looking confused I sat up and frowned.

"Don't worry, we just have a visitor," he smirked. Walking to his door, he unlocked it just as a knock was made on the other side.

Hearing the worried sigh from the doorway, I already knew who it was. Rick.

"Hey, I know it's really late but have you heard from or seen Jasmin, she's not in her room?"

"Actually..." Hearing Logan's deep voice, sent chills down my spine. I wanted him to make love to me so bad.

As soon as I mentioned that to myself, he stopped talking and turned and staring at me, I think he even growled.

It was my turn to smirk now. Jumping off the bed I quickly walked to the door and smiled up at Rick.

"I'm here, thanks for checking on me, Rick. As you can see, I'm in very capable hands, Good night!"

Before he could get a word in, I kicked the door shut and walked over to the bed that I discovered was very comfortable when Logan was on it.

"I've wanted you since we first met." I boldly stated as I sat myself on the bed next to Logan.

"You're scent told me that but everything else pretty much screamed that, too."

Ohhh, right, how could I forget something so important?

He looked at me with his soft brown eyes and smiled, "Yes, I am a werewolf. An alpha, as a matter of fact, and you are my mate, Jasmin."

"I believe you and all but somewhere in my brain, there's a part of me screaming that all of this is crazy."

He pulled me into his arms and lifted my chin; I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Sometimes, things will get crazy..." Brushing his lip on mine, I closed my eyes and relaxed in his arms.

I was safe with him, my heart told me I was and it was a good feeling.

"Get some rest my love." Feeling soft kisses on my cheek I smiled closing my eyes.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now