A Broken Ex and a Broken Promise

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"Why is she here?" I kept asking myself, as I walked to my closet and found an old robe, I was going to give to Stacy.

Apart of me wanted to go outside and beat the hell out of her because its sure disrespectful to show up at your exes home, whom he shares with his girlfriend, in the middle of the night. and I saw the way her wolf was looking at me.

I bet if I was turned she would be rethinking her approach. She has no business here and I will tel her and Logan if he doesnt have the sense too do it himself.

I dont tolerate strangers appearing in teh middle of the night at my doorstep, human or werewolf. I dont care.

Heading towards the door, I sawthat Lana was waiting on the porch, while Logan was on the inside of the door with a concerned look on his face.

"Thank you, love," he murmured.

"Yup, lets just hurry up and get this unwanted reunion over with."

Giving her the chance to walk in the door, I sat down and pointed for her to sit on the opposite couch from Logan and I.

"So, I see your mate doesn't like me, Logan..." she practicaly was purring, which I found quite annoying.

"And we all know that is something she and I both share." He smiled, and gave my hand a kiss.

Looking at the blonde wolf across form me, it was obvious she wasnt expectinghim to say that.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

She looked me in my eyes and smiled, "I want in...."

Starring at Logan, I was lost for a moment.

"Lana, its not going to happen. We do not belong together and I have my mate. We cannot and will never be in a pack together." he said it with so much conviction.

I could see whatever confidence this woman had slowly start to drain as her posture began to fall.

"What do you mean, how come?" she asked almost in a panic.

"Well for one, youre my exgirlfriend and we are not even friends." He pointed out.

"Two, the last i heard, you were working with Vain and I'm not stupid. I know you stil have ties with him-"

"He and I are over, dont even mention his name around me!" she shouted and turned her body towatds my direction.

"Please, just think about it, i promise, I wont give you any problems. I just need a pack to belong to. thats all."

Looking at her I felt she was lying but yet she was so desperate it seemed so sincere.

But I didnt trust her.

"Lana, we'll think about it but I'm already sure of our decision. Dont ever come to this house again. If I want to contact you, I'll find you myself. " Walkign her to the door, he opened it for her.


"You promised me, Logan. Dont forget your promise!"

Loga froze and they held eye contact for a second too long.

What is this promise he made?

Walkign out the door into the night she quickly disapeared.

"Logan wh-" he raised his hand.

"I really cant talk about her right now let alone think, Jas. Lets just go to bed, we have to wake up early for the others. I promise we can talk about this after we settle the pack in and plan out all of the important things before your turning."

Sighing, I rose from the arm of the couch and walked into our room. Lets just see if he actually fullfills on this particular promise.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now