Maybe I'm Ready... Or Not?

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Ever since the house meeting, we had, Rick and I have been avoiding each other, he doesn't even look at me and I don't know why he's so upset, it should be me doing the ignoring. Stacy hasn't said not one word or even mumbled about me from what I have noticed. This is good because even though there is tension, there is no arguing.

Logan and I have been getting to know each other. He told me about his life growing up in Florida with humans instead of a pack family. After his parents were targeted and killed by a rival, his godparents took him in and raised him as a human. He went to school even did two years in a college, when he decided he wanted to know more of his wolf heritage. He started travelling running into and from what he said, something told him to stay. He went through town asking of spare rooms, when it just so happened I posted our space up for rent.

I'm glad for whatever events that had to take place to lead him to me because even though I've known him for a few months, and just realized my feelings for him, I just knew in my heart that he was mine. i loved him just as much as he loved me.

Putting away the last cart of books, I headed into the office, and said goodbye to my co-workers. It was a long day and I had a few hours until nine to get dressed and ready for my bartending job. I was really excited because I convinced Logan to actually come inside and hang instead of being over protective and waiting wolf in the woods in the back. Ever since Christmas night, he has been overly protective and all since the guy who had been following me showed up.

I personally was over it, I talked with people at my jobs and describe the man and no one has seen him, so I just ignored it but Logan hasn't. He's urged me and got me to go shooting with him, and even got me a gun. I don't carry it on me but I do keep it in my car.

He has started escorting me everywhere and every man that looks in my way gets put in their place. Logan says once we are fully mated every wolf will know I'm claimed and will respect it, but for the humans it will be a repellant; they will notice me but will have no desire for me.

Walking out of the library I headed to the car lot and was greeted by mate. Walking up to him I was pulled into a hug. We stayed like that it seemed like forever until he finally let me go.

"How was your day?" He asked, smiling.

"Well it was pretty good, we got some new books in and the old man with oxygen tank came in for volunteering. One of the staff had brought in some hot peppers and for some reason he thought it would be a great snack," Walking to my side of the car, I unlocked it, laughing. "Let's just say he won't be tasting peppers anytime soon."

"Wow, it was that bad huh?"

"Yeah, he bit his tongue pretty bad, choked on a huge bite of it, and I mean like really choked; he had to get CPR."

"He's okay though, of course he will be out for a while, I have to get him a card or something..."

Starting up the car, I pulled out of the lot and started towards our home.

"How was your day, bet it wasn't exciting as mine?" I teased as I held his hand driving with my left one.

Sneaking a look at the man next me, I froze for a second, gasping at the burst of lust I felt between my legs.

Logan looked at me and smirked. "It wasn't until now."

Lifting my hand, he guided it to his inner thigh letting me feel his very large erection through his strained jeans.

"I can't wait to make love to you Jasmin."

Glancing up in his eyes, I saw that they were ringed in gold.

"Logan, I know you want to wait for the mating process but I—"

"No, I don't want to rush you beautiful. Once you're turned, you will to be human anymore. I want you to savor this life because once you go wolf, you're can't go back."

Looking back at the road, I took the exit to our part of town, and headed to the hidden road leading to our home.

I didn't want to argue with him, especially if he was right. I wanted to be mated but maybe I shouldn't rush into it.

Pulling into our drive way, I saw that our roommates weren't home.

But the door was wide open.

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now