The Struggle

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"Touch me..." I said, as he released my hands.

Guiding his hand down my stomach, I moaned from his touch. He smirked and opened my legs wider; rubbing his thumb against my clit.

"You're so wet, Jasmin and your scent so sweet." He growled.

Leaning down, he placed my legs on each side of his shoulders, as his mouth caressed my most sensitive spot, I moaned in pleasure.

"You belong to me, Jasmin." He said right before he slipped two of his fingers into my core.

"No one else, you're mine, you understand me?"  With his silky voice, and the energy running throughout my body, I felt like I was high.

"Yes, Logan, I'm all yours," I moaned as his mouth captured my breast.

Pulling me close, he rolled onto his back, as his hand cupped my ass and then proceeded to go even lower, as he fingered me from behind while I straddle him.

My body was so alert; everywhere he touched me I felt a million little tingles run through my body.

He groaned, as I rubbed myself against his length.

I smiled; he seemed to love that a lot.

Watching his eyes darken, I knew he was fighting his wolf and even fooling around like this was dangerous, I couldn't stop.

"I want you so bad, Logan." I moaned underneath him.

Removing his boxers his length sprang free and I immediately took hold of him.

Running my tongue along his shaft, he growled.

"I can't take that just yet, love."

Lowering himself, he placed himself at my entrance.

"You're so fucking wet," He breathed as he captured my mouth with his.

Pulling him against me, we both moaned as he came in contact with my clit.

Thrusting against me I felt my body tense in pleasure, as he quieted my moan with a kiss.

"Feel how hard I am for you, very soon, Jasmin, will I love you in many new ways."

I knew I was I going to come very soon.

He slid himself against my most sensitive spot over and over again until  he slowed down pressing himself harder  and I knew it was going to bring me over the edge.

Wrapping my legs around him, I squeezed him as my hips bucked against him; he let out a growl as my moan filled the house and we released ourselves in pleasure.


Hearing a knock on the door, I turned to a sleeping Logan. After our fun earlier this morning we dragged ourselves to the bathroom and took a hot bath and went to sleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

Cuddling, we just laid in bed not wanting to face the day.

"Jas, when this drama with Vain is over... I want you to consider moving out with me? I have enough money for us to live comfortably."

Turning to the man beside me, I smiled and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Are you crazy, of course, I'm moving in with you? Hello, I'm your mate?"

Laughing with each other, we fell into silence, staring into each other's eyes.

Stacy barged in just at that moment.

"What the hell did you do to Rick, Stacy advanced on Logan with her arm raised.

She really thinks I'd let her touch him?

Sitting up, I roll over Logan and kick her in her stomach making her skid from the bed and fall on her ass.

"You fucking-"She screeched as she jumped to her feet ready for a fight.

"Try touching him and I swear Stacy, I will fucking beat the shit out of you!" I yelled as I got in her face.

"Everyone calm down!"

Mated to the Roommate (Theres a new version on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now